One Step to The End

Chapter 768: Signal

The two sections of the container were completely lifted up the mountain by hand, and they were all placed on the open space with the other two sections, which became a simple home for exiles, and a kind carpenter made the upper and lower bunks in it, so that one container can sleep five times. Sixty people, but only women and children can live in.

"All are in line, whoever dares to squeeze will give me the fuck..."

The deputy village chief Chen was arrogantly scolding the deporters. They took out all the damp dog food and fried them. Adding some wild vegetables would not look like dog food, but the thousands of deportees didn’t care about it at all, and they lined up neatly. There are five teams, holding the gift of the rice cooker and queuing to get a meal.

"Damn! Is this dog food, it smells so good..."

Zhao Guanren walked to the deportation camp in surprise. The deporters all nodded and bowed their greetings. They were very satisfied with the relief dog food provided by Dongdao. Almost all the containers of electrical appliances that had just arrived were given to them, and the old clothes from the camp were also given to them. few.

"Oh~Leader [biquge]! Here are all beggar dens, they are so stink..."

Deputy Village Chief Chen fanned his hands tiredly under the rain shed. The mountainside was full of colorful shacks, and the expelled people had their brains open in order to sleep.

Paper boxes, branches, plastic films, etc. can be used to build shacks, foam and wooden frames can be used to make a floor, flat-screen TVs have also become tables, and the inner pot of the rice cooker is directly burned. Living conditions have increased by more than one level, and there is no need to hide in the woods. Li Gou is alive.

"Chen Jiamin! Now that I have done it, I will make a full set..."

Zhao Guanren grabbed a handful of dog food and tasted it, and found that the taste was really good, so he said, “Build aqua toilets and septic tanks for them, concentrate the feces to fertilize them, and send a doctor over to give instructions. In short, hygiene must be done. Good job!"


Deputy Village Mayor Chen came over quietly, and said in a low voice, "We can't take it. Once we manage it, we will become our people. If their food is cut off in the future, thousands of people will be very troublesome. Besides, Our food is not rich either!"

"Do you think it will be fine if you don't care? These people were deliberately rushed to the East Island. Many people brought pistols and explosives..."

Zhao Guanren said: "Once these people are hungry and crazy, they will be desperate. You have to hang their lives and let them see the hope of entering the camp. You must not cut off their thoughts. As for the food, let me take care of you. No need to care about these!"

"Understood! I'll give them grades, and those who are excellent will go abroad first..."

Chen Jiamin smiled slyly, but Zhao Guanren tugged at her drooping collar and said: "Don't be too ugly to eat. Everyone is staring at you. I will help you suppress the corruption of your younger brothers and sisters, but I won’t be able to help you the next time!"

"Thanks, thank you brother! I must teach her when I go back, let her spit everything out..."

Chen Jiamin nodded with a panic face, Zhao Guanren patted her waist and walked to the camp. A fence was set up outside the camp, which became an external camp for the resettlement of the prepared villagers. In addition to the two container huts, there are three newly built huts. Cabins.


Kate suddenly ran out of the wooden house. Linda and Tina followed eagerly. Zhao Guanren smiled and walked into the simple wooden house. The wooden house was just like a concentration camp. There was only one table and six bunks crowded with ten. Six foreign girls.

"Pete! You know, I've always loved you, but I'm so scared..."

Kate hugged him with tears, and French Niu Tina is an old comrade-in-arms. The sweet kiss fell on his face like rain, but Zhao Guanren stepped back and put on the translation headset and said in English: " Girls! It's time for you to take a shower, it's really stinky!"

"We didn't have any clothes to change, our clothes were all taken away..."

Kate looked at him pitifully, Zhao Guanren immediately took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Prince Xun! Bring two boxes of nice clothes to the wooden house outside the camp, and bring some coconut and cat food, as well as some cosmetics and jewelry. you know what I mean!"

"Good director, I will be there soon..." Wang Zixun swiftly agreed, and Zhao Guanren took out a few energy bars to Kate, and said through the translator: "Girls! I can't let you enter the camp directly, otherwise, yes. It’s not fair to the people who stay, you have to live here for a while, not too long!"

"Pete! Thank you for taking us in..."

Kate wiped her tears and said, "We know that we are despicable, and we left you at the most dangerous moment. I ask you to forgive us again, but the people in West Island are all crazy. Everyday people are killed and their bodies will be sent. Go to the table, oh! There is a **** island there!"

"Baby! Don't cry, I'm not angry with you..."

Zhao Guanren took her hand and said: "Tomorrow you will lead everyone to start planting. You need to show your sincerity to show it to everyone. Tonight, you must summarize the information of the base and write down everything you know. If there is an unexpected gain, you You can become an official villager!"

"OK! We know a lot of small details, hope it will be useful..."

The foreign girls nodded one after another, just as Wang Zixun came over on a tricycle. There were a lot of clothes and coconuts on the car. The girls immediately cheered and ran out to carry them. The kisses kept falling on Zhao Guanren’s face, just like As excited as seeing the savior.

"Leader! That house is full of South Korean boutiques, I specially collected it for you..."

Wang Zixun pointed to the back, and Zhao Guanren patted him on the shoulder and walked out. After walking around the wooden house and the container twice, he showed his attitude and walked back, just in time to see Tang Ni running from the mountain. I only wore stretch pants and a sports vest.


Zhao Guanren joked: "Ghost girl! People are starving to death. You still have the strength to run. It seems that you have to cut your ration by half!"

"Why? I don't eat more than others..."

Tang Nixiang ran to him sweatingly, and proudly said: "I am a fighter from the island village. Keeping exercise is the most basic requirement, and I only eat two meals a day, but you have three meals, no! You just want to eat. Eat, you had supper last night!"

"If you can get food back, you can eat five meals a day..."

Zhao Guanren slapped her **** and ran into the air-raid shelter with a "swish". Tang Ni jumped behind and shouted, "Asshole! There is surveillance here. I will accuse you of sexual harassment and let everyone know. Your filthy behavior!"

"Oh! Then you have to report to the police station first, Director Zhao will preside over justice for you..."

Xiaobo'er walked by coldly and proudly, Tangnie who said that she lost her temper, and Zhao Guanren had already arrived outside Shen Qingwen's room, and when she opened the door, only the little rabbit was playing with medicines. Her big **** was like a grinder. Face him.

"Doctor Tutu, what are you doing..."

Zhao Guanren hugged her abruptly from behind, and the scared little rabbit screamed, his cheek flushed with a brush, and he shrank his head weakly and said, "Director! You, don't do this, let Sister Qingwen see. Will hit you, let me go, okay?"

"Call me Oppa! Little Bunny..."

Zhao Guanren smirked and helped her put on the translation headset, and said: "Look, Shen Qingwen is your boyfriend, and I am her fiance again, so we are also lovers, right?"

"I don't know, sister will be unhappy anyway..."

The little rabbit shrank his head pitifully, but Xiao Bo'er suddenly rushed in and pushed Zhao Guanren away angrily, and shouted: "Get out! Don't bully our little rabbit, you shameless rascal, here You are not welcome!"

"What are you talking about, I don't understand..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her with a smile, Xiao Bo'er immediately took off the little rabbit's earphones and threw it towards his face, but Zhao Guanren caught it, and suddenly stepped forward to pinch her neck, "Boom." He pressed her against the wall with a sound.


Xiao Bo'er was pinched off the ground and rolled his eyes in pain, and Zhao Guanren forcibly put on earphones on her again, disdainfully said: "Did Shen Qingwen teach you the rules? Don't provoke others if you are not capable. All have such a good temper like me!"


Zhao Guanren suddenly put her down and pushed up the sleeve of her left arm. Seeing that her left wrist was full of marks of knives, he laughed again: "I guessed right, did you commit suicide for a man? You are such a poor bitch!"


Xiao Bo'er yelled hysterically, and went to scratch Zhao Guanren like crazy. The little rabbit rushed over and hugged her. It happened that Shen Qingwen also appeared at the door, holding his arms and mocking: "Master Zhao! You are jealous. How did you start bullying women?"

"What are you not playing well? You are not mentally ill..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and walked out. Shen Qingwen did not comfort the howling and crying Xiao Bo'er. He walked out the back door of the air raid shelter with him, wondering: "Is there anything you have to do with Lin Boli? She is definitely not targeting you because of me. I can’t control my emotions if I see you!"

"Maybe I look like her father..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the forest dismissively and said: "How is Ding Xiaodan? I just met the chef Zhou Fa-fa. He was kicked out of the West Island and wanted to take refuge in us. He said that someone here is in contact with the outside world, and every time I will use the radio tonight!"

"I don't understand radio, Dante Xiaodan has always been under my control..."

Shen Qingwen stepped forward and said: "Ding Xiaodan is not Lala, she is only interested in men, but Tang Ni has a tendency to be bisexual. These nights she has eaten and slept with a few Lala, and has time to commit crimes. Only Ding Xiaodan, she will take a long time in the bath!"

"One thing is strange..."

Zhao Guanren frowned and said: "The devilish girls are all missing, including Park Photography and Hua Mi Nan, but none of the people on the kill list have died. I wonder if they will die in suspended animation, and then go to avenge the high-level base, and I I'm sure the witch is not dead!"

"This is not a bad thing for us, I'll search the women's bathroom, you go and hold Ding Xiaodan..."

Shen Qingwen went over the mountain and left. Ding Xiaodan belonged to the control personnel who could not leave the camp. Zhao Guanren found her by the fort. She was fighting with some handsome guys. Zhao Guanren didn't disturb her, and walked outside the air raid shelter silently. .

"follow me!"

Shen Qingwen quickly walked out of the wooden house bathroom and came to the edge of the sea cliff and whispered: "The equipment is indeed hidden on the roof of the bathroom. It is only the size of a lunch box. I will install a hidden camera later, and you will organize a meeting. Bonfire, give her time to contact the base!"

"You are very opinionated now, you know to give me orders..."

Zhao Guanren squeezed her chin playfully, Shen Qingwen slapped his hand and proudly said: "My palace has always been very assertive. If I didn't understand your routine at the beginning, how could my good fortune be destroyed by your hand? At least another five years!"

"If you dare to say this to a big man, none of your nine races will be enough to kill..."

Zhao Guanren patted her on the cheek, but Shen Qingwen disdainfully said: "Isn't it your empress concubine, her throne is taken off her pants, what right does she have to play in front of me? Without your presence, I would even connect them. The Chen family is destroyed!"

"You really let yourself go. It seems that you like the earth very much..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and let go of her, and while walking back, he said: "Don't compare with them. It's a pleasure to live out your own splendor. You are the unique Shen Qingwen. Don't live as a long-term emperor, Ye Ruqiu is destined. It's a tragedy!"

"Then who is it that you love..."

Shen Qingwen impulsively stepped forward two steps, Zhao Guanren walked back and smiled: "Then the whole life will turn to the mountains and rivers to the pagoda, not for the next life, but to meet you on the way...for you, my love! "


Shen Qingwen said with tears in her eyes: "Obviously he is uneducated, and he always writes poems to people and deceives people everywhere. I hate you to death!"

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