One Step to The End

Chapter 1570: Xisuidan

10:30 midnight...

Zhao Guanren came to the door of 903 with a large bag, opened the door with his fingerprints, and saw that Yoyo's mother had just finished washing, changed into a long black lace dress, and painted a generous makeup. Shi Xiaomei and Gu Youyou were on the sofa. speak up.

"Come on! Haven't eaten yet, I'll treat you to supper..."

Shi Xiaomei greeted her with a smile, Zhao Guanren closed the door with her feet, dropped her bag and said with a smile: "Yuyou! Don't make trouble with me now, I brought your mother back safely, but your mother will beat me to death. , insist that we two fall in love early!"

"Mom! What nonsense are you talking about, we're not in a relationship..."

Gu Youyou's little face blushed suddenly, but she stood up and asked: "The classmates thought you were chasing me, but you secretly bought a mobile phone for Da Tingting, you don't know who she is, if you like her Okay with her, I'll give you back the broken phone!"

"Come on! I'll show you something, and you'll understand what's going on..."

Zhao Guanren sat down on the sofa, took out Da Tingting's digital camera from his bag, called up a photo of their mother and daughter, and handed it over. Mouth exclaimed.

"Mom! This is the school toilet, who did it..."

Sister Shi Xiaomei flipped through the photos in shock, and Gu Youyou cried out in shame and anger: "Who is so nasty, to actually follow me in the toilet to take pictures secretly, even my mother won't let go, bastard! Han Beichen, tell me who it is, I want it Call the police and send her to jail!"

"Haozi! Li Minghao, I've knocked out his teeth..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and said: "Look through the photos at the back, there are more than 30 girls and parents who have been victimized, and many people have been extorted of money, and some parents even accompany them to open a house, Chen Jianan's mother Put Haozi to sleep!"


Gu Youyou's expression changed: "Aren't they good friends, how can he be so disgusting?"

"If I hadn't acted in time, you and your mother would be next..."

Zhao Guanren threw a bunch of memory cards on the coffee table and said, "There are still people behind Haozi, Da Tingting helped me get them a pot, and in return I bought her a mobile phone, but the little girl salutes money again, and the public screams My husband, I can't slap her in the face!"

"Oh~ Xiaobei..."

Youyou's mother waved her hands again and again: "I'm sorry! I misunderstood you, I really didn't know that was the case, I thought you were gimmicky!"

"Han Beichen! You rascal..."

Gu Youyou suddenly raised her waist and shouted: "The camera is almost out of power, you must have watched it back and forth many times, shameless! How can you let me see people in the future, stop pretending to be innocent, you Just trying to get me by any means!"


The three of them stared at the little girl in astonishment. There is no one else who has done so much, but everyone can hear the outside voice...

You look at this girl, you have to be responsible to me.

"Okay! I have a showdown, I don't pretend, I really want to get you..."

Zhao Guanren got up and pinched her little face, smiled and said, "It's good to be a fair lady and a gentleman, but now is the critical period of the college entrance examination, everything is focused on studies, don't let emotions delay learning, brother also wants to give you a famous brand in person University, otherwise my aunt won't let me go!"

"Then you are not allowed to stick to me every day, I have to concentrate on my studies..."

Gu Youyou raised her arms arrogantly, but Zhao Guanren laughed again: "Brother will support you in your studies unconditionally, as long as you can get into the university of your dreams, brother will write you a few more songs, be a boss or a star. Election, brother is waiting for your glorious return at home!" "Beibei! Thank you, I will repay you..."

Gu Youyou's expression suddenly softened, she jumped up and hugged him, but her mother took a half step back in surprise, covered her mouth and asked in a low voice, "Sister! What's the situation? I was moved by what he said. already?"

"Didn't I say it, I feel like he doesn't think that way about Yoyo, you don't believe it..."

Shi Xiaomei shook her head with a wry smile, and Zhao Guanren followed with a smile: "Brother is dying of starvation, I'd like to order a meal with you, the beautiful lady, and then let your mother clean up the house opposite, I've also rented the house opposite, password It's your birthday!"

"Okay! I invite you to eat..."

The big loli happily flung her ponytail and went out. Only then did Zhao Guanren open the door to the second bedroom. Who knew that there was not only a high-powered telescope in front of the window, but also a set of monitoring screens placed on the table, not only monitoring the Panshan Building, but also monitoring the Panshan Building. This seat is also under surveillance.

"Xiao Bei! I've been staring at it, but I haven't noticed anything unusual..."

Shi Xiaomei walked in and said, "Xu Zhengkai only went out to buy things once, Su Xiao's mother and daughter are both at home, the newly arrived flight attendant has received several waves of friends, the female supervisor has been working in the mall, but a new real estate agent has come and gone door to door. door!"

"Little pretty! Is my poem still there, let me check it..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and sat down on the computer chair. Shi Xiaomei's cheeks flushed, and she slapped him in a sullen manner. She turned around embarrassedly, and lifted her clothes to reveal the verse behind her. Staring at her sister with confidence.

"It's even better for a good poet, tell your sister, who raised you..."

Zhao Guanren recklessly touched her waist, Shi Xiaomei stomped her feet in shame, even her neck was red, she turned around and said angrily: "I was raised by you, you are my brother, I'm satisfied now, necrotic. You can't be arrogant!"

"It's so good! Shi Jinlan, give your sister a sample, the sound is nice..."

Zhao Guanren jokingly lit a cigarette, and now it was your mother's turn to blushed, but she still lowered her head and shouted weakly, "Dad!"


Shi Xiaomei's eyes widened suddenly, as if she had seen a ghost, she slapped Zhao Guanren on the shoulder with shame and anger, and scolded: "You shameless bastard, you actually asked my sister to call you Dad, then I am who you are, no? Are you going to die if you abuse someone?"

"Then you are also called Dad, the seniority can't be messed up, okay! Let's get down to business..."

Zhao Guanren slapped her on the buttocks, Shi Xiaomei punched him shyly, winked at her sister, and ran to close the door.

"Hmph~ Xiaomei! Our sisters must have owed him in a previous life and let him kill him..."

Youyou's mother also dragged two chairs to sit down, Shi Xiaomei also sat down and said with a smile: "No! He wrote poetry on my back today, and he will **** on my head tomorrow, by the way! You seduce Cao Dong, he is a monster?"

"It's not for seducing Cao Dong, but his nephew Cao Bin, who is my husband's classmate..."

Youyou's mother said helplessly: "Before my second marriage, Cao Bin fell in love with me and always wanted me to be his lover. The buyer contacted my husband and asked me to go to his house to steal antiques, and gave me a safe. The password, the deposit alone is one million!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "Isn't it the Washing Marrow Pill, why is it an antique again?"

"I took it out by accident, and put it in a box with the antiques..."

Youyou's mother said: "I secretly went to the study to open the safe while Cao Bin was taking a bath, but I didn't sleep with Cao Bin. I deliberately went to him during my period, and he let me go if he was unlucky. A few days later, he became seriously ill and died in the hospital!"


Zhao Guanren said impatiently, "I know that you are a chaste and beautiful girl, no need to explain, let's talk about what kind of antiques!"

"I didn't have that, I didn't lie..."

Youyou's mother pouted and said, "The buyer mailed me a small silver box, which contained a smelly little stone, which was used to adjust the box in the safe, but there was also a golden box in the safe, which contained After taking several pills, I just took one!"

"Smelly stone? Is this..."

Zhao Guanren took out a jar from his pocket and poured out a white pith stone.

"My God!"

Mother Youyou covered her mouth in horror, nodded and said, "This is what I stole, how did it get into your hands?"


Shi Xiaomei was taken aback and said angrily, "Sister! Both of us have been pitted. This stone is called a corpse poison pit stone. I got it from Tian Limin's bag. The monster is chasing me for this. Did Tian Limin call you? Did you steal it?"

"Corpse? We haven't seen the buyer, but it's not Tian Limin..."

Youyou's mother said anxiously: "The buyer asked me to put the box in a mailbox, but my husband kept an eye on it and hid a camera nearby. The one who picked up the goods was a middle-aged man who was driving a broken pickup truck. We found out that it is the car of Qijian Company!"

"Seven Construction Company?"

Zhao Guanren's heart suddenly moved, Qijian was Han Beichen's father's unit, so he asked, "When did you steal something, why didn't you sell the Xisui Dan?"

"Last October, when I wasn't sure it was worth it..."

Youyou's mother thought for a while and said, "I delivered the marrow stone as required, but the buyer couldn't be contacted after that. I sent several messages and he didn't reply. It wasn't until a few days ago that someone went fishing and said 10 million to buy it. The red pill, and we got caught!"

"Look, is he the one who picked up the goods..."

Zhao Guanren took out his color-screen mobile phone and brought up a photo of Lao Han to show her. After only two glances, Youyou's mother was surprised: "That's right! It's this guy, he was still wearing a work uniform at the time, what are you doing? Do you have a picture of this man?"

"Xiao Bei! Isn't this your dad, how could he get involved..."

Shi Xiaomei also looked at him suspiciously. This sentence made her sister startled again, and instinctively shrank back.


Zhao Guanren leaned back and patted his thigh, smiled: "It turns out that what they are looking for is in your hands, and this is right now, my cheap old man died too wrongly, take the Xisui Dan, and give it to you. I!"


Shi Xiaomei immediately glanced at her sister, took out a small brown medicine bottle from her leather bag, and silently handed it to him.

"Xishui Dan! This name is to create a cult..."

Zhao Guanren opened the small medicine bottle suspiciously. There was only a cherry-sized pill in the medicine bottle, exuding a strange fishy smell, but he followed up and asked, "Is this the only one?"

"Well! Only this one..."

Youyou's mother nodded without changing her face, but Shi Xiaomei lowered her head and said, "Yes, there are two, and one is on my sister. She is afraid that the monster will find us again, and handing it over may save her life!"


Youyou's mother stared at her in shock and anger, but Zhao Guanren turned around and patted her waist, sneering: "Xiaomei! You are still loyal, you didn't lie to me with your sister, but her original words are not like this, she Say... let the monsters come after me!"


Youyou's mother fell to the ground at once, and Shi Xiaomei's face suddenly turned white...

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