One Step to The End

Chapter 1567: inside ghost

"What's the matter, are the police shooting..."

Youyou's mother pressed the elevator blankly and anxiously, but Zhao Guanren grabbed her hand and rushed straight to the deep stairway, and an explosion suddenly sounded downstairs. It was obvious that the special police threw a grenade and it exploded. The whole building was shaking.


The employees in the building also screamed and jumped around. Youyou's mother followed Zhao Guanren with her bare feet. Fortunately, the two did not take the elevator. The power was suddenly cut off as soon as they reached the second floor. The gunfire outside was more intense than firecrackers, but at the same time. There were also screams.

"I go!"

Zhao Guanren suddenly stopped at the turn of the stairs. There were three big-eared monsters in the lobby on the first floor. They were madly attacking the SWAT police hiding behind the front desk. There were also monsters and the corpses of the SWAT police lying on the ground. Yoyo's mother screamed.

"Don't scream! Quickly open the window..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly hugged Yoyo's mother and pushed her **** to the window above, but when Yoyo's mother was struggling to climb the window, he suddenly pulled out his bone dagger and jumped straight at the one who had just jumped up the stairs. Big ear monster.


Zhao Guanren stabbed the back of its head with a knife, kicked the corpse down the stairway, picked up a pistol on the ground and ran away, quickly stuffing the gun into his lower back.

"Don't jump, I'll go down and follow you..."

Youyou's mother didn't realize that he killed the monster at all, and was riding on the high window sill in trouble, but Zhao Guanren jumped on the window sill and turned out, knowing that there was a glass canopy outside the back door, he jumped down and immediately opened his eyes. arm.

"Call Dad!"

Zhao Guanren was still in the mood to tease people, and Yoyo's mother deeply felt a bad taste, but at this time she was willing to call her husband, she called her father without hesitation, jumped down from above, and was hugged by Zhao Guanren. in the arms.

"Where are the things, let's run quickly when we take them..."

Zhao Guanren panted eagerly on purpose and pulled her to the edge of the ceiling. Mother Youyou, who had nothing to do with her, regarded her as a life-saving straw and said subconsciously, "In my sister's toilet, you... You cheated on me, who the **** are you? what?"

"I'm your father, little bitch..."

Zhao Guanren pushed her down violently, she screamed and fell on the top of a van, slipped down and ran forward in panic, but Zhao Guanren jumped on the van and laughed: "My car is outside, Where can you go without a car?"

"I'm not going! You're one of them..."

Youyou's mother rushed forward with a crying voice, obviously scared by Zhao Guanren, but a big-eared monster suddenly smashed the window, jumped out of the third floor and landed in front, frightened her to fall on the ground, Screamed in horror.


The big-eared monster roared fiercely, and even claws on the ground like a beast, directly pounced on Gu Youyou's mother, but just after hearing a "whoosh", a bone dagger shot across the air and stabbed it. into its left cheek.

"Fuck! I'm so lucky..."

Zhao Guanren, who was running wildly, scolded angrily. Fortunately, this knife stopped the big-eared monster, and the big-eared monster immediately turned his head and rushed towards him, not even pouring the bone dagger on his face, but Zhao Guanren also pulled out the swinging stick. , rushed over **** for tat.


Mother Youyou fell to the ground screaming, but Zhao Guanren suddenly jumped up in the air, jumped over the big claws that swept over the big ear monster, and slammed the stick on the bone dagger on its face, and the bone dagger fell into the handle. It pierced its brain obliquely.


The big-eared monster shoveled its head on the ground, and it stopped moving when it was drawn out, while Yoyo's mother let go of her head and opened her mouth in disbelief.

"Hehe~ Dad's call is worth it, call again..."

Zhao Guanren walked forward with a smirk, stepped on the head of the big-eared monster, and pulled out the **** bone dagger, and Yoyo's mother, like Zhongxie, stammered: "Dad, Dad!"

"Get down, how long do you want to hide..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly shouted for no reason, and then slammed back with a hand, and a bone spur was thrown away with a stick. Who knew that the man in the pants was thrown down from the upstairs and smashed. Pierced the belly on the iron fence.


The man in the pants let out a terrifying cry, followed by spitting out blood in his mouth, kicking his legs and dying after a few moments, but then he saw another middle-aged man, jumping out from the second floor with a pair of thorns in his hands, his face full of faces. He stared gloomily at Zhao Guanren.

"Cao Dong!"

Yoyo's mother screamed in horror, rolled and crawled to hide next to a car, glanced at her tragically killed husband, covered her mouth and shivered wildly.

"Cao Dong?"

Zhao Guanren, with a stick in one hand and a knife in the other, took two steps forward and said in surprise, "You are such a big boss that you are also mutated. Why don't you take your wife with you, she is so fat, she must mutate super fiercely!"


Cao Dong snorted coldly, squinted his eyes and said, "I never expected that the mysterious man is actually a stinky child. How did you find me here?"

"You tied my maid, and I came to rescue her, by coincidence..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to Youyou's mother innocently, while Cao Dong said in surprise: "Shi Jinlan is your maid, did you send her to steal my things, and He Lin was also killed by you?"

"Don't say the name, say the code..."

Zhao Guanren slowly stepped forward and said, "Otherwise, how would I know who is who? For example, King Kong, migratory birds, Shituo, etc., but Xu Zhengkai, you know, I don't know what his purpose is. The flower garden is a den. He revealed it to me!"

"You even know King Kong, **** it! That dead traitor Xu Zhengkai..."

After Cao Dong scolded angrily, he suddenly raised his hand and shot a thick bone spur. This bone spur was the same as the female doctor's. It should be the so-called fourth-level body, and the female doctor's husband was at most third-level, obviously. The female doctor and Cao Dong are even more formidable.

"You dare to shoot me, if your wife is not a fat woman, I will shoot back..."

Zhao Guanren easily knocked out the bone spurs, and quickly rushed towards Cao Dong with his foot, but the gunshots from upstairs became more and more intense. The special police had obviously started to clean the building. Cao Dong immediately took a step back, obviously there was a need. means to run.

"Transformation, it's too late to change..."

Zhao Guanren smashed his stick in a careless manner, and Cao Dong hurriedly stabbed him and took two moves. As a result, he almost broke his offspring. The discolored Cao Dong suddenly felt that this product was too strong, and his tricks were particularly lewd, so he jumped up on the wall A kick to run.

"I'll let you run!"

Zhao Guanren smashed his stick with a jerk, and Cao Dong, who was in the air, held his head and took the stick, which was easily blocked by the half-covered bone armor, but he didn't expect to kill him. Failed to jump out of the yard and fell to the ground.


Zhao Guanren suddenly pulled out his pistol like lightning, and hit Lao Dong's lower body with one shot. The place without the protection of the bone armor burst open, and the red and white liquids flew out at the same time. He let out a shrill scream, and the next second. turned into a roar.

"Transform! Brat..."

Zhao Guanren stomped his foot and rushed over again. The castrated Cao Dong became angry and his body swelled like crazy, but Zhao Guanren was holding a pistol. The pistol is fast and accurate.


Zhao Guanren shot it in the eyeball, and Cao Dong, who had not yet completed his transformation, tilted his head and fell down. A cloud of dirty blood burst out from his left eye socket, but he did not hang up even so, and he stood upright with a slap of both hands. Bone armor covered almost his entire body.


Zhao Guanren arrived in front of it at once, still on the left side of its vision-impaired side, and stabbed a knife into its left eye again, and picked it up with his hand, and pushed his left hand on its chest violently, and the two of them were almost there. At the same time fell to the ground.


Cao Dong raised his head and fell heavily to the ground, with green blood spurting from his left eye socket. Zhao Guanren, who was unable to stand still, sat on the ground, but quickly ran to the corpse and took out a mobile phone from his tattered trousers. And a Mercedes-Benz car key.

"Hehe~ good luck..."

Zhao Guanren pressed the car key casually, and a big ben not far away flashed its lights, and Yoyo's mother stuck her head out from behind the car. He immediately wiped the fingerprints off the gun with his clothes, and then picked up two more after throwing it away. Thick bone spurs, and then ran to the side of the car.

"Shi Jinlan! Get in the car and find something of value..."

Zhao Guanren opened the trunk with the key, but there was a pack of US dollars in addition to tobacco and alcohol, and there was nothing hidden when the spare tire cover was opened, but Yoyo's mother came out with a handbag, and said nervously: "Isn't the police here, don't go. Looking for the police?"

"You want to go to jail, my car is in the back..."

Zhao Guanren stepped forward and cut off the thin iron fence with two knives, and drilled out with a bag and bone spurs. As a result, Yoyo's mother cried out in pain, her chest was stuck between the fences, Zhao Guanren stuck out his tongue in surprise, and hurried up dragged her out.

"It's weird! Why didn't Yoyo inherit the advantages of your stalwart..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and pulled her into the sports car. Who knew that he heard two "bangs" explosions. There was a violent explosion in the basement of the building, which not only blew the walls and windows, but also blazes out of them. The SWAT team hurriedly Jump downstairs.

"Good boss, why do you mutate to death..."

Zhao Guanren started the car puzzled and ran away. He quickly drove out from the back door of the flower garden. At the same time, he took out Dong Cao's candy bar phone. Not signed.

"There's a ghost in the police, no wonder they did it as soon as they arrived..."

Zhao Guanren muttered thoughtfully. It stands to reason that the first two calls were to notify his subordinates and arrange for the monsters to transfer immediately, and the last one was to contact the line, so he sent a text message to the unsigned number - there is a ghost, Xu Zhengkai !


The other party quickly replied with a text message - how did he know your place, who told you?

'There are at least three mysterious people. I was cut by a middle-aged man with a tattoo. They mentioned He Lin and Xu Zhengkai...'

After Zhao Guanren sent the message, he parked the car on a small road, the phone rang again, and the stranger replied - blow up the basement and evacuate immediately, Tengu will pick you up at the old place, don't contact anyone, there are traitors inside!


Zhao Guanren took out an anonymous backup mobile phone, dialed a number, covered the microphone with a tissue, and said solemnly: "Chen Bureau! It's me, I called the police in the flower garden, but you Liu has tipped off Cao Dong, Cao Dong is the little boss of the monster, sure! Let's talk back!"

"Big, big brother!"

Seeing Zhao Guanren laughing and hanging up the phone, Yoyo's mother shrank in the co-pilot in shock, and asked in a trembling voice, "Who the **** are you? Where am I going?"

"Han Jinlan! Your family's seniority is quite messed up, brother and father for a while, but those legs are really white..."

Zhao Guanren smirked and patted her big white legs, and Yoyo's mother's face suddenly turned white and red, but this shot made her feel at ease. A woman of her age is not afraid of pictures, not to mention that she is still a little fresh meat. I'm afraid that the other party will only die if they don't want to show their color.

"I beg you..."

Mother Youyou dared to hold his hand, put it on her lap tremblingly, and said in a crying voice, "You can do anything to me, I can satisfy you with anything, just please don't hurt my sister and my daughter. , Yoyo is still young!"

"Don't seduce me, I'm also young, but I just love to hear you call me daddy..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly pulled his hand back, and after Mother Youyou was stunned for a moment, her face was as aggrieved as if she had eaten a fly, but Zhao Guanren smiled evilly again: "Whoever said that I am your son-in-law, I can't be you. Are you a good brother-in-law, auntie!"

"What did you say?"

Mother Youyou suddenly looked at him in astonishment, her eyes suddenly widened to the maximum, as if she had seen a ghost...

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