One Step to The End

Chapter 1041: Ultimate reward

"Uncle Shi! You can't go..."

Mei Renzhao grabbed Mei Lingxiang and said anxiously: "You are the pillar of Hanyu Palace. If something goes wrong, Hanyu Palace will be over. Let's vote to decide who to go. I'll be a villain once. Yes, I voted for Huang Nanyu to be the first to go up!"

"Why vote for me?"

The little young woman scammed her hair at once and yelled: "Mei Renzhao! You are too disgusting. The three of you are from Hanyu Palace. You will definitely vote for me. You are bullying, and lottery is the fairest thing. Method, otherwise I won’t be over if I die!"

"Let's grab lots, no one needs to be a villain..."

Zhao Guanren turned his head and looked for seven small bone fragments, wrote down seven numbers in turn, finally picked up a monster skull, threw the small bone fragments in and covered the coat, but Mei Lingxiang was the first to come over. Do not hesitate to reach in and touch.

"Number five!"

Mei Lingxiang's complexion turned away the small bone fragments, and the others immediately became nervous. Mei Renzhao hurriedly reached out and touched it. Who knew that he came up with a "number two", and his handsome face suddenly changed color, but Still slightly relieved.

"Number six! Yeah..."

Wan Keai cheered when he took out the bone fragment, but immediately closed his mouth in embarrassment, and Qin Shuiyue immediately took out a number three, and the young woman took out the "number four". Zhao Fanxue's expression turned ugly.

"It's not seven or one, but I've been reciting words, and I will definitely touch number one..."

Zhao Fanxue smiled sadly and put her hand in. When she took out her bone fragments, Mei Ayaka sighed in frustration, she really touched number one out.

"Zhao Fanxue!"

Zhao Guanren threw away his skull and said: "You are always eager for quick success and quick gains. You put your interests first in everything. Bad luck will naturally accompany you. But if you can be a little more open-minded, you won't fall into the field where you are today!"

"Lv Xiaowu! You haven't experienced my pain, so why always teach me..."

Zhao Fanxue yelled with crimson eyes: "I am eager for quick success and quick gains for revenge. The Zhao family forced my mother to death. I must prove to them that my little **** is no worse than anyone, and I have to step on them all. Under the feet, kowtow to my mother to admit her mistake!"

Zhao Guanren was stunned and said: "Assassin? Did your mother have an affair with a black man?"

"No! Fanxue's grandfather had taken refuge in the monster clan..."

Mei Lingxiang explained in a low voice: "Even though her grandfather finally surrendered, her mother was born on the territory of the demon race and concealed the incident, and finally let her lover find it out, slandering her as the descendant of the fairy, leading to She was humiliated and committed suicide!"

"I tell you..."

Zhao Fanxue said furiously: "I am not a bastard, let alone a descendant of a fairy. My bloodline is better than anyone in their Zhao family. As long as I get out alive, I will step down on their Zhao family and give it to their dog's head. My mother apologizes!"

Zhao Fanxue turned around and rushed towards the stone pillar, completely desperate, but Mei Lingxiang suddenly rushed to hold her, turned her head and said anxiously: "Little Five! This is the seventh lap. We didn't pass. The test of laziness!"

"Damn! I almost forgot about laziness..."

Zhao Guanren slapped his forehead violently, and quickly asked, "Netherworld! Is this seventh lap of laziness, and what is the final test?"

"What's the point of laziness? Don't think too much..."

The ghosts frowned and said: "Monsters will also grab territory. Those who are weak can only stay in the outer layer. This creates different dangers for the seven levels of enchantment. These years, tens of thousands of people have thought that there are treasures in the temple. , You can enter by passing the test, but the temple is just a tomb!"

"Wait a moment!"

Zhao Guanren asked, "Did you build the Hades? Are there any foreign humans here? Who are the old zombies in the coffin?"

"I haven't seen any foreigners, there was a palace of darkness before we came, it's just an ordinary emperor's tomb..."

The two monsters said: "We don't recognize the old zombies either, but the five-finger pillars are earlier than the Nether Hall. We found the five-finger pillars on the murals in the underground palace. There should be no enchantment at that time. The old zombies took this place as a blessed land and built A mausoleum!"

"No! The test meets the definition of the seven deadly sins, otherwise there would be no danger of such a coincidence..."

Zhao Guanren said in a deep voice: "Since the five-finger pillar is earlier than the old zombie, it is not something used to suppress it, and the seven deadly sins come from the West, and there will be no such design in the local area. Then according to the Catholic faith, the hope lies in... Heaven!"

Zhao Guanren suddenly raised his head to look at the top of the stone pillar, and asked: "Nether! What is on the top of the tallest stone pillar, have you seen it?"


The two monsters raised their heads and said: "No! There is no way to fly in the air. The tallest stone pillar is higher than the mountain, and you can't see it from the top of the mountain, but Zhao Ziqiang didn't climb it back then, so the mystery shouldn't be on it!"

"Don't use him as a reference, he is not a normal person..."

Zhao Guanren stepped forward and said, “Since it’s laziness in the end, let’s clean up the bones. Maybe we can find clues on the ground. If not, Zhao Fanxue will climb to the top of the pillar and take a look. Get busy, you can't just sit and wait!"

"Yes! That's a good idea. Just waiting to die is laziness..."

Mei Renzhao clapped his hands excitedly, but there are too many bones on the ground, even if you count the two monsters, you don’t know you will be busy until the year of the monkey. Fortunately, the queen spiders didn’t eat and wait to die, and soon saw a large number of fleshy spiders crawling. Coming in, one by one picked up the bones and kept transporting them outside the mountain.

"You guys do it first, I'll go on the plane to find food..."

Zhao Guanren straightened up sweaty. They had been working for more than 40 minutes in a row. The Nether Monsters had also become migrant workers, carrying the bones with all their hardship, but there was no clue on the mud. He had no choice but to run to the plane. .

"Isn't it! I don't even keep a packet of biscuits..."

Zhao Guanren was depressed when he came to the wreck. The cabin was ransacked long ago, and all kinds of luggage and cargo were taken apart. However, just like the definition of laziness, there were many corpses curled up in the cabin, which were obviously ransacked. Starved to death.


A dazzling blue light illuminates the entire valley. Zhao Guanren looked back in surprise. Mei Renzhao actually climbed onto the middle pillar and climbed up quite hard. The blue light came from the middle of the stone pillar, and a strange thing appeared on it. Water ripple symbol.

"What's the matter? Who let him go up..."

Zhao Guanren ran back to the pillar in confusion, Mei Lingxiang and others were also inexplicable, even Zhao Fanxue who was supposed to go up was dumbfounded.

"Little Five Brother guessed it right. We found a stone tablet in the pit with a passage from the Bible engraved in English..."

Wan Keai ran over from the mountain and said angrily: "The effect is that the holy thing is at the highest place. If you work hard enough, you can become a holy knight. After Mei Ren listened to my translation, he tricked me into digging down. I climbed onto the pillar by myself!"

"Mei Ayaka! You really have a good grandson. I just apologized and turned around and forgot..."

Zhao Guanren looked up at Mei Renzhao ill-tempered, and Mei Ayaka stomped her feet in shame.

"This is not good..."

The ghosts of the Netherworld smiled and said: "No matter what's on it, as long as you can get out, and the countdown is about to come, he only has two minutes!"


Zhao Guanren suddenly wondered: "It's weird! I feel it as soon as the blue light is on. I seem to have seen this stuff somewhere, but how come it looks more like a Wifi antenna?"


The pillar suddenly issued a crisp warning sound, followed by another woman with an electronic sound, whispering a foreign language, but the emotionless voice was like a robot.

"English? I heard it right..."

Zhao Guanren hurriedly picked his ears, and who knew Wan Keai was also surprised: "English! It speaks English. It said Mei Renzhao has no certification. He is required to stay away immediately, otherwise he will be treated in one minute. A devastating attack!"

"Renzhao! Hurry up, there is only one minute left..."

Mei Lingxiang couldn't help but yelled. After all, he is the blood relative of her grandchildren, but Zhao Guanren said angrily: "Nether! You don't understand such a large string of English? They clearly told you not to touch the pillars. People will go up and die!"


The two monsters gave themselves a mouth at the same time, and said sadly: "How can we understand English? We always thought it was a spell when the magic circle was activated. We had arrested a few foreigners when we knew it, and we were trapped for more than 900 years. It's so **** stupid!"

"Go up!"

Zhao Fanxue suddenly exclaimed. Mei Renzhao, the big brother, was not adulterated. He just watched him "swish" and jumped to the top of the stone pillar. Not knowing what he found, he laughed excitedly, and followed. Watch a cloud of golden light rise to the sky.

"I'm going! There is a baby..."

Zhao Guanren raised his head suspiciously, the ghosts of the Netherworld were almost regretful of their intestines, but when the countdown of the stone pillar began, Mei Renzhao finally jumped from the top, and he actually put on a set of golden plate armor. , Still holding a skeleton in his hand.


Mei Renzhao fell heavily on the ground, suddenly bursting out a strong wave of air, and actually blasted a small circular hole in the ground, only to see him kneeling down with his head down, his whole body exuding bright golden light. The blood vessels all over his body bulged like an earthworm.

"Gosh! He broke through to the Moon Realm..."

Qin Shuiyue covered her mouth and exclaimed. At this moment, even Zhao Guanren could see that Mei Renzhao's strength was steadily soaring. The strength clearly came from the bones he hugged in his arms, and the golden plate armor on his body, as well as his waist. The cross swords here are obviously imported from the West.

"Awesome! The Moon Realm has three levels..."

The willow eyebrows of the Nether Monsters raised, squinted and said: "This skeleton is incredible. He was definitely a big bull with a cultivation base before he was alive, but this kid is too greedy. He simply can't stand such a powerful force, and then forcefully absorb it. It's about to burst and die!"

"Renzhao! Stop it, you can't **** anymore..."

Mei Ayaka hurriedly yelled. The power in the bones was being madly instilled into Mei Renzhao. Mei Renzhao's body was inflated like a balloon. The capillaries burst one after another, and the blood kept leaking out, which soon made him look like a balloon. A terrifying blood man.

"Do not touch me!"

Mei Renzhao suddenly roared and flew out Mei Lingxiang who wanted to stop him. Suddenly, golden boots, golden helmets and golden braces flew up from the high stone pillars, and they were suddenly combined on his body. , Actually forced his about to burst body back.


Under a loud noise, a few people caused a wave of air to smash to the ground, and even the Nether monsters took two steps back in surprise.

Mei Renzhao floated directly in the air, and a full set of European-style carved gold armor was worn on him, only to see his eyes closed, long hair fluttering, white cloak hunting and hunting behind him, and his whole body was shining golden and mighty. It's as if the gods descended to the earth.

"Hi~The second floor of the Japanese realm..."

The Nether monsters actually took a breath. This is definitely the strongest cultivation base that is the best among all mankind. The ancestors of the Zhao family have only first glanced at the sun, and he suddenly opened his eyes, his stern eyes are as bright as stars. But he raised his hand and attacked.

"you wanna die!"

The Nether monsters shouted angrily and were about to start their hands. How could she know that Mei Renzhao didn't attack them at all, but he lifted Zhao Guanren up in the air, letting him float in the air with his tongue out, kicking his legs in pain, and Mei Ren Zhao's eyes are full of murderous...

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