One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 562: Horrible punch


Two meteor star beasts rushed to the bottom of the sea, and when they saw that the brain beast had been blown up, they were furious and rushed towards Fang Yuan with a roar.

Fang Yuan's star power level was still soaring, and the energy was not absorbed, so he immediately activated the lightning vortex ring and flew in the opposite direction.

Two meteor star beasts chased after each other, crashed through the iceberg, smashed the rocks, and roared and killed them fiercely.

Pulse lightning, high-energy laser, blasting wildly behind.

The movement speed in the sea was not fast enough, and the path was blocked by the meteorite star Bahamut.

Fang Yuan turned around and sprinted, bumping into the Rift Thunder Beast.

The Rift Thunder Beast opened its mouth and bit, swallowing Fang Yuan and the sea water in one bite.

Fang Yuan brewed it in the same way, just like beef balls, grabbing the fissure thunder beast's teeth, and copying its pulse lightning by the way.

Then, both feet kicked on the giant teeth of the fissure thunder beast, the lightning vortex burst out, and the whole person shot out like a bolt of lightning.

Rushing out of the sea, and then galloping against the sea, pulling out an arrow-shaped wave on the sea, as if the sea was split by a sword, it was spectacular.


Two behemoths of meteorite star chased after him.

Admiral Rhodes followed the steel battleship behind him, ready to respond at any time.

Han Youwei was also running on the sea, following behind.


The fissure thunder beast roared furiously, calling for a group of sky predators to surround him to stop Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan releases dark matter energy, forming a stream of energy, coiling around the body, continuously gathering together.

The dark matter energy is getting more and more, and finally one hundred and eight energies converge into a dragon-shaped vigor, which will ride the wind and waves.


With a bang, the dragon pierced through the sky with predators.

Fang Yuan rushed out of the encirclement, turned towards the sky, like a meteor that pierced the sun, breaking through the clouds, and roaring up to the sky.

The star power level broke through the limit in the roar, bursting out the majestic energy of war grade Lv.10.

Fang Yuan stood proudly in the sky, looked down at the two ends below, and slowly clenched his fists.

"We don't need the support of the white eagle group of waste residues, you contain Bahamut, I will kill Thunder Beast!"

"Can it work?"

The students in the military scientific research class were chased by two meteorite behemoths to the sky and had no way to enter the ground, so they were very worried.

"One punch is enough!"

Fang Yuan originally calculated various attack powers very accurately. He knew exactly what power he could play, so he was quite confident about it.

"Listen to him, Han Youwei responded to Fang Yuan, and the others followed me to contain Bahamut Crystal Armor!" Admiral Rod made a decision immediately.


The crowd responded in unison.

Han Youwei rushed out first, using the "vector prism" to reflect the impulse attack of the fissure Thunder Beast, and then led the Thunder Beast to the nearest island.

In the first punch, the Rift Thunder Beast was on the surface of the sea, so one punch knocked it into the sea, and the sea water buffered the power of the dragon fist.

If you want to use the full power of the dragon fist, then it is the best way to lead it to shore.

Han Youwei had thought of this before, so she ran wildly on the sea, leading the fissure thunder beast to the nearest island.

The island was covered with ice and snow, and it looked white from a distance.

Fang Yuan saw the direction Han Youwei was moving, and immediately understood her thoughts, and said in the communication channel: "I need three minutes."

"Okay, I will last three minutes." Han Youwei answered in the affirmative.

This time, the target is the behemoth of the meteor star.

Even if Fang Yuan's star power level had broken through to war level Lv.10, he wanted to kill a behemoth with a meteor star in one punch, and he couldn't do it casually.

Must hit the strongest blow.

Fang Yuan ascended to the ionosphere and then poured 10,500 anger points into his power attributes.

The power attribute began to soar, soaring to 1105 points in an instant, and under the "Advanced Strength Enhancement", it reached a terrifying level of 1547 points.

After his power surged, Fang Yuan began to dive down and accelerate, and used the "Pulse Thunder" that had just been copied from the Rift Thunder Beast.

Both "Lightning Speed" and "Pulse Thunder" erupted at the same time. The two lightning abilities simultaneously excite electron beams to form two lightning vortex rings and provide propulsion at the same time.


Thunder shook, Fang Yuan dived down with double the acceleration of the lightning vortex ring.

Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3...

An hour ago, Fang Yuan dived out of Mach 6.

This time the acceleration was faster, breaking through Mach 6 in the blink of an eye, and the speed was far from reaching the limit, and it continued to accelerate.

Mach 7, Mach 8...

When diving to an altitude of 10,000 meters, the speed directly broke through Mach 10.

Falling at 10 times the speed of sound, the oscillating energy wave resembles a meteor falling to the ground, and the picture is spectacular.

The speed of Mach 10, 3,400 meters per second, and an altitude of 10,000 meters, is just three seconds.

at the same time.

Han Youwei had already put the sound of the fissure thunder beast on the ice and snow island.

Fang Yuan focused his eyes on the Rift Thunder Beast, and shouted from an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the dark matter dragon fist blasted out.

One hundred and eight dark matter energies burst out, converging into a dark matter mad dragon, traversing 10,000 meters above the sky, bombarding downwards, as if it was a god's punishment coming to the world, which will destroy all enemies in the world.

Ten thousand meters of dragon-shaped fist, straddling the world, bombarding it, blasting the fissure thunder beast into the earth, smashing the entire island.



Snow and ice flew, bursting into chaos.

The fissure thunder beast was smashed into the ground, the crystal armor shattered, the flesh and blood exploded, mixed with the rubble, and scattered in all directions.

The power of the boxing force bursts open, rolls up the shock wave, spreads around, rolls up huge waves, raging for dozens of miles.

One punch exploded the meteor star behemoth, and everyone who saw this scene suddenly grew their mouths in shock.

On the walrus class airship fifty kilometers apart.

White Eagle Admiral Lucius saw this scene, his eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief.

He didn't believe that Fang Yuan was capable of defeating Frank Peters [58 novel], thinking that Donghai must be a despicable sneak attack method used in the Namba rift cave.

However, at this moment, he saw with his own eyes Fang Yuan hitting the dragon-shaped fist that stretched across the world, and his whole body was shocked.

That punch was like a giant dragon sending out a heavenly punishment from the clouds, and it shattered an island and blasted the meteor star behemoth into pieces.

"This...this is definitely not the strength that a war class should have!" He opened his mouth wide, his eyes filled with doubts and puzzles.

As the general of the White Eagles, he has served as the coach of the White Eagles in the Super Soldier World League for many times, and he is also a meteor star powerhouse. He knows that this kind of powerful attack cannot be played by the war class.

He narrowed his eyes and ordered: "Immediately send the image back to the headquarters and use the supercomputer to calculate the power of this person."


The White Eagle soldiers took the order, went to execute the order, and transmitted the image of the punch just now back to the White Eagle headquarters for power calculation.

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