One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 546: Coastal Defense Gun Array


The number of marine star beasts appearing in the East China Sea is increasing. According to preliminary estimates, the number has reached 300 million.

This is a terrible number.

The population of Donghai is less than 30 million, and the proportion of awakened people is slightly higher than the world average, with more than 4 million awakened people.

The number of troops stationed is one million, and the number of awakeners in the military is half a million.

However, the ocean star beast that needs to be faced is 300 million.

The gap of this order of magnitude is so huge that it has to be worrying.

The only thing that gives the people of the East China Sea confidence is the large-scale coastal defense artillery along the coastline of the East China Sea.

Although there are awakened people among human beings and their combat effectiveness is also very powerful, human beings are technological civilization after all, and the real advantage is the use of tools.

Weapons are also a kind of tool. Therefore, if humans want to fight against star beast civilization, they still have to rely on thermal weapons.

Of course, you also need to cooperate with the awakened in order to play the greatest role of the thermal weapon.

After discovering the unnatural gathering of ocean star beasts, the East China Sea theater began to sign the awakened, and formed a reserve army to use the more than four million capable awakened in the East China Sea.


In addition to the East China Sea, there have been sea star beasts gathering in the coastal cities of three other countries, on the east coast of White Eagle and the west coast of Britain.

Therefore, the two joint planetary defense councils will take the Atlantic Ocean as a key defense position.

The East China Sea requested support from the Planetary Defense Council, but did not receive much substantive help.

In the Planetary Defense Council, four of the six council members belong to the White Eagle camp.

Therefore, the Planetary Defense Council finally decided to focus on the Atlantic Ocean, which is to protect the core interests of the White Eagle Nation and Britain.

In this situation, the East China Sea Theater Headquarters had already anticipated it, and did not expect to get help from the Planetary Defense Council.

Fortunately, the strength of the infrastructure madness is not covered. The fortifications of the coastal defense artillery in the East China Sea Theater are quite spectacular, like a moat, blocking threats from the ocean.

In addition, the Awakened troops in other theaters are also ready to support at any time.


At this time when the situation is extremely tense, the Institute of Biological Research has made new progress.

The biological research team led by Lu Xiuwen has developed a test paper through the study of abnormal genes, which can quickly test whether the human body carries abnormal genes.

The principle of this test paper is to test the expression of abnormal DNA fragments, which will cause the abnormal human sweat glands to secrete a trace substance, which is a kind of hormone.

The original function of this hormone is to allow Star Beasts to distinguish similar species through smell.

The scientific research team of Lu Xiuwen found this trace hormone and developed a test paper.

The East China Sea Theater decisively ordered the mass production of test strips, and began testing all the Awakened fighters within the theater.

For the consideration of all mankind.

Donghai did not hide the results of this research and gave away the technology of testing test papers to other countries.

The White Eagle, Britain and other countries have also begun to produce test strips, and want to test military soldiers.

However, this test was still protested by many White Eagle soldiers, believing that it was an invasion of their privacy. The White Eagle officials wanted to conduct a mandatory test, and there was great resistance.

Although the resistance is great, countries around the world are conducting this test.

However, no country has announced the test results.

Although no country has announced the test results, the awakened people who have been tested for abnormal genes will still be separated.

Therefore, based on the number of people separated, one can roughly estimate the number of individuals carrying the abnormal gene.

Among them, the comparative study of the situation in the White Eagle Country shows that the number of people carrying abnormal genes is a bit alarming.

Followed by France and Britain.

The situation in the East China Sea is relatively better. After all, it is not the largest country and is not a group with extremely high fertility rates, so it will not be selected by the Star Beast civilization as a target for gene injection.


At noon this day.

Fang Yuan undergoes a routine physical examination once every two weeks.

"After this physical examination, the fight is about to start. The attributes are very good. During this period of time, I have improved a lot, and I am qualified to defend the East China Sea." Yang Yuping also carried out a test of strong interaction materials.

The high-precision star force testing instrument measured accurate attribute data.

Star Power Rating: War Grade Lv.8

Attributes: Strength 957, Agility 855, Physical 806, Spirit 817

Super features: unknown features A20392

Star trough features: super mimicry, lightning speed, advanced strength enhancement, advanced agility enhancement, dark matter crystallization

"Unfortunately, the star power level is still a little short of the last point to be able to break through, and this crisis will come later." Fang Yuan is no longer satisfied with the war level Lv.8.

Yang Yuping smiled and said: "You can't think like this, you have to be clear, your all attributes are more than 800 points, this is the attribute that can only be available in War Grade Lv.10, and it can be comparable to War Grade Lv.8. You should be satisfied with the attribute data of Lv.10."

"By the way, how is the research progress of strong interaction materials?" Fang Yuan asked about scientific research.

"The research progress is very good, but this is after all the pinnacle technology of stellar civilization. It is still difficult to come up with a mature technical solution in a short time." Yang Yuping replied.

This is also normal. For a civilization that has not been fully achieved by planetary civilizations, it is not much easier to study the pinnacle technology of stellar civilization than to mine stellar resources.

It is also because of the ability to create materials with strong interaction forces, that it is possible to leapfrog research, otherwise it is impossible for planetary civilization to study the pinnacle technology of stellar civilization.

As the number of marine star beasts increased, the atmosphere in the East China Sea became increasingly tense.

This time, it was even more panic than the Rift Invasion.

Because, on the surface of the open sea, densely packed ocean star beasts have gathered. From the bird's-eye view of the drone, the image is simply frightening.

The East China Sea has entered a state of first-level combat readiness, ready to deal with the upcoming Star Beast attack.

The time came to late September. One night, a huge artillery roar broke the tranquility of the night and declared this war between civilizations officially broke out.

Hundreds of millions of ocean star beasts smashed through the waves, heading towards the East China Sea, and rushing towards the land from the river's mouth.

The coastal defense artillery on Mingchong Island fired first, and immediately after the coastal defense line, the huge array of coastal defense artillery began to emit flames.

Shore defense guns of various calibers of 85mm, 122mm, 130mm, and 152mm fired at the same time, forming a steel barrage, blasting into the star beasts, setting off a **** storm.

The roar of giant artillery and the roar of star beasts ripped through the night sky and awakened the entire city into the flames of war.

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