One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 506: Overlord can not be challenged (fourth more seeking subscription)

"You don't really think you have the ability to fight me?" Frank Peters felt the war intent emanating from Fang Yuan, very surprised.

Fang Yuan's mouth curled up and said, "You know, why didn't you fight to the end before?"

"Because you are too weak, you don't even have the ability to hurt my fur." ​​Frank Peters said arrogantly.

"If I'm not mistaken, your gravitational implosion is the product of the fusion of two abilities, right? The White Eagle Nation has indeed laid the blood on you." Fang Yuan continued to speak, allowing his body to adapt to the changes in the star power level.

When he was only able to fight, Fang Yuan tried to copy his abilities.

It turned out that what was copied was not a gravitational implosion, but a kind of gravitational wave ability, which was very powerful when used alone.

"It's useless even if you know it. It still cannot change the ending of your death. Moreover, you have delayed too long, which makes me very unhappy, so I will kill you in the most painful way. Knowing that the brain is What is the feeling of gravitational waves shaking into a paste? I'll let you know it for yourself later." Frank Peters had a fierce look in his eyes.

Gravitational waves are a very high-level force.

Gravitational waves can easily penetrate matter that electromagnetic waves cannot penetrate.

According to human cognition, there is nothing that can block gravitational waves, and it is extremely difficult to even observe gravitational waves.

The reason why Frank Peters was selected by the White Eagles and cultivated his capital is because of his gravitational wave ability.

This is an ability of the same level as the high-dimensional ability.

Fang Yuan looked at the suit on his body and grinned: "Sorry. I'm afraid you are the one who died this time. Before, I didn't fight you to the end. It was just too difficult for the force to break through the gravitational defense. Now your gravitational defense is too difficult. Can't stop me."

"Even if you can break through the gravitational defense, what's the use? I still have a battle suit protection, you are not even qualified to hurt me." Frank Peters' eyes were full of contempt.

"It seems that the prince of Nidala didn't tell you the shame of him. Just your hybrid of the eagle-level and Nidala suit, in front of me, looks like a paper."

Fang Yuan copied the "High-dimensional Shuttle" as he said, and put on the start-up style that shuttled infinitely. "This trick is the second time you use it. You are lucky."

After speaking, the lightning vortex ring exploded, his body dashed forward and disappeared instantly.

Frank Peters felt the change of gravitational waves and sensed that Fang Yuan's position was instantly behind him, and immediately turned around to block, the gravitational waves were released, and he defended in advance.

Fang Yuan appeared behind him instantly, a dragon fist blasted out, piercing the gravitational wave, and hitting his arm.


The gravitational wave defensive layer shattered, the punches burst, the air wave surged, and the sound roared.

After one punch, Fang Yuan disappeared again.

In the next instant, he appeared from another place and flicked his tail.

Frank Peters turned around again to block.


Next, Fang Yuan madly shuttled between the earth and Gaowei, punching madly, bang bang bang so that Frank Peters had no chance to fight back, he could only grit his teeth to defend.

While attacking, Fang Yuan's shuttle speed continued to increase, and his boxing power became more and more domineering.

It penetrated the gravitational wave defenses time and time again, and blasted on Frank Peters's suit.

Ten punches per second, the attack was so suffocating.

Frank Peters was suffering from heavy punches, his face increasingly ugly, because Fang Yuan's fists banged on his body, which had exceeded his ability to withstand, and waves of flesh were blasted on him.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

After half a minute, after more than 300 punches, the suit began to crack.

Frank Peters's face was so gloomy, he wanted to counterattack, but Fang Yuan kept shuttling between Gaowei, leaving him no chance to counterattack.

His eyes turned cold, his right hand clenched a fist sharply, calculating the time of Fang Yuan's next attack, and then rushing towards where he was standing, violently smashed into a gravitational implosion.


The gravitational wave shook away, bombarding the black dragon armor's strong interaction protective layer, and the closely packed atoms showed signs of vibration.

It's now!

Fang Yuan had already noticed that when Frank Peters' defense was the weakest, it was a few tenths of a second that the star power was missing after the gravitational implosion was released.

Therefore, Fang Yuan didn't dodge or evade, directly burst the dark matter energy, punched the dark matter dragon punch, and exploded the gravitational wave with one punch.


With a punch and gravitational implosion, Fang Yuan quickly flew a dragon to swing his tail, swept it on his neck, and flew the sweep out.

Immediately afterwards, he shuttled in an instant, appeared in front of his flying trajectory, and punched another dragon punch.


Fly Frank Peters again.

Shuttle infinitely succeeded, Fang Yuan shuttled ten times a second, punching frantically, and banging Frank Peters flying around.

Frank Peters wants to use gravitational waves to stabilize his figure, but every time he gathers his strength, he will be scattered by Fang Yuan's heavy fist.

Bang bang bang...

Three seconds, thirty-six shuttles, fists to the flesh.

Frank Peters' battle suit burst into pieces, and the violent punches and hot heat poured into his body.

He gritted his teeth to release the gravitational wave power, and withstood the blazing heat, but couldn't withstand Fang Yuan's fierce dragon fist.

Bang bang bang...


Sixty seconds, seven hundred and twenty punches, violent fists, like a roar of an angry dragon, smashing all powerful enemies.

Frank Peters shattered his battle clothes, his body was hard hit by a dragon fist, and he could no longer bear it. He was beaten with torn muscles, broken blood vessels, shattered bones, and screamed in pain.

Fang Yuan stepped him into the ground with one last kick, ending the battle.

Frank Peters fell on the scorching rock, and the heat of more than a thousand degrees scorched his flesh and scorched smell.

He wanted to struggle, but the bones in his body had been broken.

He seemed to see Death's sickle, which had been placed on his neck.

His eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

He didn't understand why he would lose. Even if the star power level of the Chinese man in front of him was increased, he would not be at most war-level Lv.8.

And his gravitational wave ability can penetrate materials with strong interaction forces.

He was sent by the White Eagle Nation specifically to deal with Fang Yuan.

That's right, his real goal for participating in the Namba Rift Space Exploration mission this time is actually Fang Yuan.

Otherwise, he would never participate in an exploratory mission.

He is the next generation of God of War cultivated by the White Eagle Nation, who has spent his national strength training. In the future, he will exist side by side with Thor Argus.

With his status, how could he participate in an exploration mission.

His real mission goal is to get rid of Fang Yuan's hidden danger.

Fang Yuan's rise was too fast, and it was almost to the point where White Eagle Nation felt uneasy.

Moreover, in recent times, the Red Dragon of the Chinese God of War has taken a fight against the Ba Snake, which proves that the Chinese God of War still has enough vitality.

Coupled with the rising speed of the source above, China is likely to have two gods of war.

This will challenge the dominance of the White Eagle.

This is something that the White Eagle absolutely does not allow.

Therefore, the White Eagle Nation sent Frank Peters, the owner of the gravitational implosion who restrained the strong interaction, to suppress the hidden danger in the embryonic stage.

However, the result is completely opposite to what Baiying Country thought.

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