One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 494: Magma River (four more)

The beef **** leaned against the mecha and said, "Why don't you let me in, I'll use Sombra Shield to insulate you."

"Ni Zoukai! I have a small sunflower, I don't need you. Even if it needs to be insulated, why don't I choose the captain?" Eve decisively refused the beef ball trick to be lazy.

As she spoke, she looked at Han Youwei again, and said, "Xiao Youwei, come in and squeeze with us. Double cockpits, squeeze and squeeze three people."

"Not good. In case of emergency, overloading is very dangerous." Han Youwei felt that this was inappropriate.

"I have been exploring for so long, and I haven't seen a living star beast. There shouldn't be any danger." Eve continued to persuade.

"The thermal insulation effect of'Star Force Condensation' is quite good, but I don't feel much pressure." Han Youwei smiled and waved her hand.

Fang Yuan turned around and said, "I suggest you go into the mecha to rest, and then use the star power to insulate the mecha to prevent this big guy from dropping anchor here."

"Yes, yes, after the MEKA upgrade, it is already 300 million. If it breaks here, I must cry to death." Eve immediately agreed.

"Okay." Han Youwei did not refuse any more, climbed into the cockpit of the mecha, and then used star power to insulate the mecha.

Eve opened a bottle of energy drink, handed it over and said, "Thank you."

"I worked hard, too..." the little sunflower parrot began to mutter.

"Then divide you half." Han Youwei made a cup with star force, poured out half of the energy drink, and handed it to the little sunflower parrot.

"Little sister is cute." The little sunflower parrot licked its mouth when it had something to eat.

The three girls in the mecha laughed.

The team continued to advance.

After traveling another five kilometers, a magnificent picture appeared in front of everyone.

It was like a group of underground palaces of star beasts.

The spiral-shaped star beast nests are connected together to form a large area, just like a conch.

From a distance, it looks like a group of palaces in the shape of a conch.

However, this stellar beast's nest was baptized by magma, only the nest was left, and no star beasts were seen.

Moreover, in the abyss below the nest group, there is still a faint red light showing through.

When I looked at the probe, I could see a redness under the abyss.

"Lava! It's lava!" someone in the team suddenly exclaimed.

"Didn't you say that you have to go more than 100 kilometers underground to see the magma?" The beef ball scratched his head, remembering who said this before.

"Theoretically, this is the case. The magma layer of the Star Beast World can only be found 100 kilometers or even 200 kilometers underground. However, there are special circumstances. For example, the active volcano on the earth can see magma on the surface. So, in It's actually not impossible to see magma here." Han Youwei explained.

"Where are we now?" Fang Yuan asked aloud.

Eve immediately used the MEKA's positioning system to calculate it and replied: "It is about 50 kilometers underground, 70 kilometers away from the exit on the side of the earth, and 40 kilometers away from the other four-nation teams."

"Star Power Index." Fang Yuan asked again.

"The Star Power Index is 1.7, which is 0.2 higher than when I first entered, but it is not particularly exaggerated." Eve replied.

"Open the hatch, I'm going out to do a probe."

Zhao Anya asked Eve to open the cockpit door, then jumped out of the mecha, and walked to the Star Beast Lair Palace in front.

The others also hurriedly followed to help heat insulation, and at the same time began to collect rock samples from the Star Beast Lair Palace.

"Although the reason for the abnormal star power index has not been found, the relics of an ancient star beast can be found, and the harvest is not small." Zhao Anya said while collecting samples.

"I don't know what happened to the teams of other countries." One person suddenly mentioned the teams of the countries that came together.

"They are taking an upward path, there should be no danger, but they don't know what the harvest will be."

The people chatted while exploring the remains of the star beast.

"It seems to be the end here. There is no way ahead. The temperature is almost over 600 degrees. I will go back the same way after I have collected the samples. Keep staying for fear of danger." Zhao Anya said.

"It's good to go back to the original road. If you have enough time, you can also go to other fork roads." Fang Yuan agreed.

Just then.

The little sunflower parrot suddenly yelled: "Three, three, three..."

"There are only three biscuits left? You want all of them?" Eve chewed the biscuits, broke one and passed it over.

The little sunflower parrot did not eat cookies and continued to shout: "Three, three, three..."

"It's over, Captain, your parrot has become a repeater." Eve was a little confused, frowning to see if there is something around that has something to do with San.

The little sunflower parrot stretched out its wings to point to the control panel of the mecha, and continued to repeat: "Three, three, three..."

Eve looked in the direction of his wings, and suddenly thought of something. He quickly called out the Star Power Index record, and then shouted: "Something happened! Two minutes ago, the Star Power Index reached 3.1 and it lasted for 10 seconds. "

"What? Are you sure?" Zhao Anya hurried back and put her head on the glass of the mecha to look in, but she couldn't see anything.

Eve screened the data on the tablet and held it up for her to see: "Two minutes ago, it should be three minutes ago. The Star Power Index fluctuated to 3.1, but it only appeared once. I don't know if the data is abnormal. "

"You are watching for a while. If the star power index rises again, remember to say it." Zhao Anya warned.

"Okay, I'll set the parameters, and the alarm will be triggered when it exceeds 2.0." Eve began to swipe the control screen to set the Star Force Index alarm parameters.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the MEKA mecha began to beep and report with an electronically synthesized sound: "Star Power Index 2.0, Star Power Index 2.5, Star Power Index 3.1..."

Everyone hurried back, staring at the data on the tablet.

After about 10 seconds, the star power index began to fall, and it dropped to the level of 1.7.

"It's the same both times. The Star Power Index fluctuates to 3.1, and the duration is also 10 seconds. It should not be an abnormal data. There must be some reason for this situation." Eve analyzed.

"Change the location to probe again to see if there is any difference. Everyone pays attention to the surroundings and looks for things that affect the star power index." Before Zhao Anya came in, she received a detailed scientific research mission and began to arrange everyone's work.

The twelve people were divided into five groups, and they scattered around to find the cause of the change in the star power index.

Fang Yuan carefully inspected the star beast ruins and confirmed that there were no living star beasts in the ruins.

Then, he walked to the magma abyss and took a look.

The magma below is not completely static, it is flowing slowly, like a magma river, flowing from west to east, without seeing the end at a glance, it is very spectacular.

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