One Punch Star Annihilation

Chapter 373: The first action of the military research class (five shifts)

When I returned to the military base in the western suburbs.

Fang Yuan and Zhao Anya received the order that the sea monster incident was handed over to the military scientific research team as the first actual combat mission of the military scientific research team.

Actual combat is always the only criterion for testing combat effectiveness.

The military scientific research class jointly organized by the three schools aims to build a dragon.

Therefore, military research classes have never existed for class.

After it was determined that the sea monster incident was handed over to the military research team, the first video conference of the military research team was immediately held.

Admiral Rhodes took the time to participate in this video conference.

"Unexpectedly, the first meeting of the military scientific research class will be held in this format. Everyone, this is the first official meeting of the 36 students of the military scientific research class. Let's get to know each other."

The big screen is immediately divided into 36 small screens, displaying 36 personal images.

Fang Yuan knew a little bit of them.

Including several people participating in the World League, Du Jun, Gao Hongjian, Chen Xingjie, and the last player, Guo Xiaofeng.

Han Youwei is the main player in the World League Championship, and it is naturally among them.

The only thing that surprised Fang Yuan was that Eve, Niu Dazhi and Ye Zheyu were among them.

After seeing Fang Yuan, the three of them waved vigorously at the camera, looking very excited.

The beef **** even leaned toward the camera with his pie face and waved hello.

Fang Yuan directly shielded his microphone and video.

After everyone became familiar, Admiral Rod continued: "I am in Kyoto and don't have time to personally participate in this sea monster incident. However, since you won the Super Warrior World Championship, you should have the unique ability...

"You should be clear that you are candidates for the future Dragon Team, and actual combat is the only criterion for testing combat effectiveness. This sea monster incident will be handed over to you. Zhao Anya, organize it."

Zhao Anya stood up and began to speak: "Fang Yuan and I have studied the incident and found the only survivor to understand the situation. According to the information provided by Liam, a senior member of the Spear of God, the initiator of the sea monster incident, It is the spear of God, and it can even be preliminarily speculated to be related to Spier Company...

"Now I will pass the information to everyone, brainstorming, and find a solution to the sea monster incident."

When the military scientific research class was launched, the materials were already distributed to every member.

Everyone has been studying for a while.

However, it is still May and it is not time to enroll, and some members are in the military academy in Kyoto.

Some students are in the Awakened Army, and some students are even high school students.

Therefore, the students of the military scientific research class of the Dragon-building Project can only discuss through video conferences all over the country.

Gao Hongjian took the materials and read them while expressing his views: "I think we should look for the characteristics of some events from the materials. I have read a detective novel. It said that as long as it is a man-made event, it will inevitably leave behind human behavior. trace."

"This is a sea monster incident. Even if it is suspected of being controlled by someone, it is impossible for someone to trace it?" One person questioned.

"No, even if no one is directly involved, as long as someone controls it, there will inevitably be traces. For example, time, if someone controls it, time will definitely be affected by people." Gao Hongjian said as an example.

"I have studied all the events, and the timing of their occurrence is irregular." Chen Xingjie followed closely.

Fang Yuan had studied time before, but he was in the car and was going to see the survivors of the sea monster incident, so he didn't have time to think deeply.

When I mentioned it again, I picked up the information and re-examined the timeline.

"Wait a minute, it’s not that the time is irregular, but that we haven’t collected all the incident data. All incidents occurred on the East China Sea, Luzon, and Sulawe Sea lines. There should be ships from other countries involved. First contact the maritime safety bureaus of other countries to collect the data and summarize them.” Fang Yuan said.

Someone is responsible for getting the information.

After about twenty minutes, the information was compiled.

Due to the urgent time, the information is not detailed, but there is a time for each incident.

Fang Yuan summarized the time when all the events occurred for analysis.

Other members of the military research class are also analyzing: "It seems that there are still irregularities."

"No, it is not irregular. Although the time is not fixed, all events occur from Tuesday to Friday. In other words, all events occur on working days." Fang Yuan pointed out the rules.

Everyone checked again and found that the time of all incidents was indeed working days, and they were all from Monday to Friday.

This law is actually not obvious, and many people would not be able to see it unless someone reminded it.

"What does this mean? Is it possible that it's just a coincidence? And, what is the point of an incident on a working day?" A person asked.

"An incident that occurs on a working day is a trace of human behavior. Assuming that the sea monster incident was caused by a company's work, it can also explain why all incidents occurred on a working day." Fang Yuan explained.

"But, how did the sea monster get involved with the company?"

Fang Yuan thought while saying: "It's very simple. According to the information provided by Liam, the sea monster incident is likely to be related to Spear. Spear is conducting a biological research with Davis Technology...

"Let’s suppose that this sea monster is a research project of Speer Company. Employees of Speer Company release the sea monster for testing during workdays. On Friday, before leaving get off work, catch it back and shut it down.

"Then, when we go to work on Monday, the company needs to make preliminary preparations for the test, so the sea monster is released on Tuesday. If these assumptions are true, then everything makes sense."

After listening, everyone nodded in agreement.

"It is indeed possible, but there is no evidence, and speculation is useless."

Things are really tricky. Even if the truth is inferred from the information, there is nothing that Spier Company can do.

Not to mention that there is no evidence, even if there is evidence, Spear can deny it.

If Davis Technology takes shelter in the back, even if there is conclusive evidence, there is no way for Spear.

Zhao Anya said in a deep voice: "The most important thing to solve now is this sea monster, which will surely cause trouble to our ocean-going fishing boat."

"This is a bit difficult. Unless you can find the sea monster's nest, it will be difficult to solve. It can't be found all over the Pacific Ocean, right? It's simply looking for a needle in a haystack." Guo Xiaofeng said with his hands.

Fang Yuan continued to study time and suggested: "I have studied time again. The time of the sea monster incident is basically the working day of the first week of each month. Only the first week has relatively few working days. It will only be postponed for the second week.

"Today is Monday. If you count it this way, there will probably be new sea monster incidents in the next three days. Therefore, my suggestion is to get a fishing boat and we will use it as a bait to lure the sea monster out. ."

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