One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1407: Terrible medium-sized aircraft

In the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232 Palerce Fleet Command Center, the fleet leaders present did not understand why the commander's mood changed drastically.

However, as a space army soldier on an expedition.

The high-level Palese Space Forces responded very quickly. Even if they didn't know what happened, they turned into a storm of energy as soon as they heard the order, rushed out of the command center, and boarded the ship to prepare for battle.

Spencer Baker stared nervously at the aircraft in the picture, and began to feel a bit of a bad idea.

In fact, as early as three months ago, Palestine’s mother planet had a quantum communication document sent to him, informing him that there was a fleet of stellar civilizations that would join the battlefield of the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232.

Moreover, there are special annotations in this quantum communication document, making him value this stellar civilization fleet.

It's just that, no matter how much attention is paid to a stellar civilization fleet, where can it be valued?

In his opinion, after this stellar civilization fleet enters the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232, and merges with the fleet of the Mechanical Empire Space Fortress, try again, and then see how to dispose of this eventful stellar civilization.

In the battlefield of Yufu dwarf galaxy v232, the battle is so slow.

In other words, although the Carbon-based Alliance and the Palestine civilization have fought for 50,000 years, in fact, 90% of the frontal battlefields are slow-paced.

Really fight to life and death situation, very rarely.

When one party has an absolute advantage, the other party should retreat.

There are very few battles in which the entire army is wiped out.

After Spencer Baker led the fleet to the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232, there were two fierce frontal space battles.

The carbon-based alliance retreated to the periphery of the Kuiper Belt after a disadvantage.

Spencer Baker never chases deeply. There is a planetary fortress's defense system. It is very stupid to chase enemy ships away from the planetary fortress, unless you can sink the opponent with 100% confidence.

Therefore, in the past two decades, the most frequent conflicts in space have been to fight each other a few times, which means they will go home separately.

His mission in the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232 is to be responsible for defense, there is no need to chase out desperately.

On the contrary, if the battle damage is too large, even if the enemy ship is sunk, it may not be credited.

Because the pressure on the frontal battlefield of the Palestine civilization is not small, the military committee of the Palestine home planet is very strict in controlling the battle damage of all fleets.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, a stellar civilization fleet supports the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232.

The normal script should be that the stellar civilization fleet enters the space fortress of the mechanical empire, and then the two sides set up their positions and test each other a few times to see the strength gap between the two sides.

In this regard, Spencer Baker has absolute confidence. In the past two decades, he has built the planetary defense system of the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232 into an iron barrel.

Not to mention a stellar civilization fleet, even if the Carbon-based Alliance sends a standard fleet over, he can still defend it.

Therefore, even if the quantum communication documents transmitted by the parent star mentioned the importance of this stellar civilization fleet, it did not interest him.

Of course, the mother star said to pay attention to it, it must be paid attention to.

Therefore, Spencer Baker originally planned to wait until this stellar civilization fleet enters the space fortress of the mechanical empire, and when the two sides try out, he should pay more attention to it.

However, when he saw the "Void Gate" data, the pictures of the exploded planets.

He felt something was wrong for a moment.

He stared at the aircraft on the Scouting Eye screen with a serious expression, and ordered: "Lock it, sink it, hurry!"

In fact, he did not need his orders, the land-based defense turret has already begun to work.

At the moment when the Phantom appeared at a distance of 50 light seconds, all the fire control radars had locked the target, and within a few milliseconds, the light cannon was launched.

boom! boom! boom……

While Spencer Baker was nervous, he was a little grateful.

Fortunately, the "Void Gate" used by this aircraft can only span a distance of 50 light seconds. Although this distance breaks into the space restricted zone, the distance of 50 light seconds is just the most suitable for destroying the invaders for the planetary fortress. distance.

Therefore, his heart is very fortunate, as long as the aircraft is destroyed, the situation can be stabilized.

While he was relieved, he continued to look through the information behind.

Behind the document, his gaze swept to a keyword "Shuanglian Void Gate".

The energy of Spencer Baker's body suddenly burst out, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the Scouting Eye screen.

On the screen, the spacecraft gushed out the dark purple Void Gate energy again.

He suddenly felt a nuclear bomb explode in his mind and exclaimed.

"Do not!"

However, his shouting could not stop what was to happen next.

The medium-sized aircraft once again penetrated the dimensional membrane and disappeared.

Spencer Baker felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head for an instant.

He didn't even need to think about where this terrifying medium-sized aircraft would appear in the next moment.

Because one "Void Gate" spans a distance of 50 light seconds, and two "Void Gates" are two 50 light seconds distance, such a simple math problem can be calculated even for single-celled organisms.

Spencer Baker reacted immediately, yelling: "All the members of the planetary surface garrison are moving and entering a state of combat, hurry!"




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