One Punch Star Annihilation

Chapter 133: Mutant monitor lizard VS fissure Hydralisk (guarantee 1)

Fang Yuan re-observed the attributes of the Komodo Dragon and the Rift Hydralisk and analyzed the strength of both sides.

From the attribute point of view, the fighting power of the mutant monitor lizard and the Hydralisk is not much different.

In fact, the Wobyster Club held such a professional game, and must have carefully analyzed it and determined that this battle will not be one-sided, before arranging a cage fight.

Therefore, neither of these two monsters constitutes a crushing advantage in terms of attributes.

Even the monitor lizard is a bit higher than the Hydralisk because of its "strong" relationship.

However, Fang Yuan believes that the key to victory lies in the "corrosive venom" of the Hydralisk.

The Komodo dragon itself is not afraid of the venom of the viper, but whether it can withstand the venom of the fissure hydrant is the key to the victory of this cage fight.

Fang Yuan quickly calculated the outcome of the two in his mind, and the final answer was that Hydralisk should win, with a winning rate of 70%.

According to the winning percentage calculated by myself, in fact, you can bet boldly.

It's just that Fang Yuan is not a good gambler, and he is more cautious, often making decisions before moving.

Seventy percent is actually okay, but if I lose, I sell the handy machine.

Fang Yuan made a joke in his heart.

In a community more than ten kilometers apart, a gray cat rolled off the sofa, all over his body with agitated spirit.

Fang Yuan wrote down the amount of 600,000, bet the Hydralisk to win, and then signed his name.

After writing, hand it back to Yang Qihua.

Yang Qihua glanced at it and said with a smile: "600,000, yes."

"600,000? Are you afraid of bankruptcy if you lose?" William Li sneered.

He saw Fang Yuan bet 600,000 Hydralisk to win, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Because he has internal information and knows the specific attributes of the two caged monsters. The monitor lizard is a lot taller than the Hydralisk and has won 24 consecutive games, basically winning.

"Don't bet with me later." Fang Yuan said with a relaxed expression.

"Betting with you? You think too much."

William Li said, took the bet slip from Yang Qihua, quickly wrote the bet amount, bet 6 million, buy the monitor lizard to win.

After writing, the bet sheet returned to Yang Qihua.

Yang Qihua glanced at it and said, "6 million, Shao Li has a big deal."

"Isn't it always bet like this? I didn't look at the rules carefully before. I thought that the bet started with a million, but suddenly I saw 600,000, and then I realized that I could bet 100,000." William Li sneered.

Tang Lingrong was a little unhappy when she heard this. After all, Fang Yuan was the one she brought in, and such a run was hurting her face.

However, she did not appear to be angry, but smiled with charming temperament: "You Wei and Fang Yuan are giving me a chance to make a joint shot. I will add another 1 million yuan to make up 1.6 million. Yang Qihua , Do you think it's okay?"

Yang Qihua hurriedly laughed and said: "One million is not enough, I will add another 5 million, and 6.6 million will be used for the Hydralisk.

As he said, he added a 6 in front of 600,000 to make it 6.6 million, and signed his name behind Fang Yuan.

Give the bet slip to the waiter.

Waited for about five or six minutes.

The bet is over, and the final Hydralisk odds are fixed at 1:3.5.

The host used the microphone to announce the start of the ultimate cage fight from the stand.

In the background, an electronic lock is used to open the iron cages of the two monsters.


The mutant monitor lizard rushed out of the iron cage first, and roared at the iron cage of the Hydralisk.

The Rift Hydralisk's body arched up, and the huge and hideous head exuded a possible killing aura.


A jet of venom fiercely from the Hydralisk's mouth, shot towards the eyes of the mutant monitor lizard.

The eye membrane of the mutant monitor lizard closed immediately.

Corrosive poison sprayed on its head and began to corrode its scales.

The scales and skin of the mutant monitor lizard are very thick, and the corrosive venom can cause limited damage to it in a short time.

However, just when the mutant monitor lizard closed its eyes.

The Hydralisk shot out fiercely, and its claws fiercely pierced into the back of the mutant monitor lizard, then bit on the neck and began to **** blood.


The mutant monitor lizard roared angrily and rolled hard, trying to throw the Hydralisk off its back.

However, the claws and bone spurs of the Hydralisk plunged deeply into the back of the mutant monitor lizard, and the teeth bit into its neck, and it was impossible to shake it off.

Fang Yuan's eyes suddenly opened when he saw this scene.

This... is clearly the action of the mutant creature wounding case in Jiangbin Park, but this time the target is the mutant monitor lizard.

The same is the claw sticking into the back, also biting the neck and sucking blood.

At the beginning, the mutant monitor lizard was still struggling.

But one minute later, the mutant monitor lizard's struggle became weaker and weaker. After three minutes, only the claws could kick a few times. Five minutes later, the mutant monitor lizard's body began to dry out, and the blood was completely sucked up.


After the Fissure Hydralisk sucked up the mutant monitor lizard, he raised his head and screamed towards the audience in the stands, and slammed into the alloy iron cage with a fierce "bang", actually trying to rush out.

The host saw that the mutant monitor lizard was completely dead, and stood up and announced: "The King of Komodo is defeated, and he was defeated in its 25th battle of the gods. The winner is our new king, the Hell Spike! "

In the stadium, all the people who had bet the Hydralisk to win were all excited and shouted.

The person holding the monitor lizard is somewhat lost.

"Now, please staff, take the'thorn of hell' down." The host said.

"Keep fighting! Why not keep fighting?" someone yelled unwillingly.

"Everyone, I'm very sorry, the owner of'Hell's Sting' emphasized that only one fight per month."

At first, staff members wearing full-body protective gear walked up to the ring and shot the Hydralisk with a hook and lock gun through the alloy iron cage, trying to subdue it.


The Hydralisk fiercely hit the alloy iron cage, spraying venom at the staff.

More than a dozen people, all armed, could not subdue this Hydralisk.

Just then.

There was a high-frequency whistle.

The Hydralisk seemed to have been suppressed by some mysterious force, stowed its ferocious appearance, fell on the ground, and was dragged into the iron cage.

The iron cage was closed again and sent away from the entrance on the east side of the venue.

Fang Yuan felt very strange when he heard the high-frequency whistle sound, and quickly looked around the venue, trying to find the source of the high-frequency whistle sound.

Then, in the corner of the east entrance, a figure was seen.

When I wanted to check this person with his ability, this person had disappeared at the east entrance together with the iron cage of the Hydralisk.

Fang Yuan hurriedly chased it out, wanting to see who raised this Hydralisk in captivity.

However, this venue is very large and the corridors are long.

Fang Yuan ran around, and when he found the backstage, he found that the iron cage of the Hydralisk was gone.

"Where is the Hydralisk?"

Fang Yuan grabbed a club staff and asked.

The staff pointed to the back door of the venue and said: "It has been shipped away."

Fang Yuan frowned and asked, "Whose Hydralisk belongs to?"

"How do you know? That person wears a mask every time he comes." The staff replied.

Seeing that he couldn't get any useful information, Fang Yuan hurriedly chased it outside. After two kilometers, he couldn't find it.

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