One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1313: A game

In the star system β109 Scutum.

The Kaztec fleet put up a defensive formation, preparing for a frontal battle with the mechanical empire, the photosynthetic civilization, and the human fleet.

"Defensive formation, the opponent is putting up a defensive formation, not a retreat formation!" Ye Zheyu saw clearly the formation of the Kaz'tic ship and immediately reported it.

"Defensive formation, this is intended to fight."

Fang Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, his brain turned quickly, and said, "Establish communication with Weilian."

After a while, the Shenzhou and the Varian flagship of the Mechanical Empire established communication.

Fang Yuan opened his mouth and went directly to the topic: "The enemy fell into an ambush trap and did not choose to retreat, but chose a defensive battle. This situation revealed very important information."

"Obviously, Kaz'tik wants to fight this battle, and the Duke of Arden's fleet should be coming soon. Kaz'tik wants a battle to determine where the galaxy belongs." Naturally, Varian could also see clearly. situation.

Under normal circumstances, after a fleet realizes that it has fallen into an ambush trap, the most correct way is to retreat immediately, paying the price of some warships being sunk, and keeping most of the main force.

Because once you choose to retreat, it will be a chasing battle. It is difficult for the chased party to organize a counterattack. It is unilaterally beaten, but this can allow most of the main forces to retreat successfully. This is the way to abandon the car to protect the handsome.

However, now Kaztec did not let his fleet retreat, and chose to put up a defensive formation to fight head-on.

Once a fleet of sixty warships is put in a defensive formation, it will be as tightly defensive as a battlestar.

In a unit of time, the loss of a retreat with abandoned helmet and armor is much greater than that of a defensive battle by holding on to the position.

That is to say, if given a time, as long as the mission can be completed by persisting for enough time, the frontal defensive battle will have the least damage.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, after the time for resistance is up, the battle can be reversed.

The conditions for the reversal of the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire are very clear, and that is the arrival of the Duke of Arden's fleet.

Now both sides of the war can see through each other's strategy at a glance.

"The key now is when will Duke Arden arrive?" Fang Yuan asked the most critical question.

According to the calculation of speed, the Duke of Arden's fleet should arrive in four or five days.

However, this is an estimate, and the speed cannot be estimated to be 100% accurate.

Therefore, how many days it will take to arrive is the key to the current battle.

"It is impossible to know the accurate information. We have not obtained the information on the current accurate position of the Duke of Arden fleet." Varian said that he could not give an answer.

Fang Yuan looked at the defensive formation of the fleet in front, and he had a faint feeling in his heart that the Duke of Arden should be coming soon:

"General Varian, based on the mechanical empire's estimation, how many days do we need to completely destroy this Kaztec fleet?"

The calculation results of the mechanical empire are completed by supercomputers, so the results are very fast: "In three days, with the combat power of our three fleets, to annihilate this Kaztec fleet, they can be defeated in three days. ."

In the space battle, if one party is defeated, then the winner will be divided, and the rest of the pursuit process is garbage time.

"Three days..."

Hearing this answer, Fang Yuan felt that things were not quite right: "According to our estimation, it will take four to five days for the Duke of Arden's fleet to arrive.

"If this is the case, there is a danger that the Kaz'tic fleet in front cannot be wiped out, so choose to line up for defense.

"There must be a problem here. I think the arrival time of the Duke of Arden should be different from our estimate."

Varian fell silent.

He also discovered this problem.

Because the exact arrival time of the Duke of Arden is not known, the outcome of this battle is difficult to predict.

Now this is a game.

Kaz'tik played a card to put his fleet into a defensive formation.

This side reveals a message, that is, looking at this battle from the perspective of Kaztec, Palese has a chance to win, and the chance is great.

From the perspective of the human and mechanical empires, from the reaction of the Kaz'tik fleet, it can be guessed that the arrival time of the Duke of Arden's fleet may be earlier.

Once the Duke of Arden's fleet arrives in advance, the three fleets of the Mechanical Empire, the Photosynthetic Civilization, and the humanity will need to face the siege of the Kaztec fleet and the Duke of Arden's fleet.

With the current strength, once the Duke of Arden's fleet arrives, then the mechanical empire and the human side will have no chance of winning.

Because the two fleets of Kaztic and Duke of Arden are already equivalent to the full combat power of the Palestine Galactic Far Star Empire, which is higher than that of the Carbon-based Alliance.

Now in the Carbon-based Alliance, not all fleets will be dispatched, and the Three-Eyed Civilization is still guarding Sagittarius α115, leaving only the three fleets of the Mechanical Empire, the Photosynthetic Civilization, and the Humans.

There is too much difference in the strength of the two sides, so once the Duke of Arden's fleet arrives, the human and mechanical empire have no chance of winning.

"If the Duke of Arden's fleet really arrives early, then the most correct choice for us now is to retreat." Villian gave a very calm proposal.

Fang Yuan agreed with Varian's statement. After all, once the Duke of Arden's fleet arrives, then this battle will undoubtedly be defeated, so choosing to retreat is the most correct.

But the problem came again. If the Duke of Arden's fleet did not arrive early, Kaz'tik had his fleet put in a defensive formation to scare away the human and mechanical empire fleet.

Then Kaztec won in this game.

It was like a game of cards. Kaz'tic was holding the Duke of Arden Fleet card in his hand, but Fang Yuan and Varian didn't know whether the card was big or small.

If the Duke of Arden's fleet can arrive early, then this card is a big card, and it will win if it is played.

If the Duke of Arden's fleet cannot arrive early, then this card is a small card, and the Kaz'tic fleet puts out a defensive formation in Stud, pretending that the card in its hand is very large, in an attempt to scare away the opponent.

Now it depends on whether human beings and mechanical empires dare to follow. If they don’t follow and choose to retreat, they will lose half.

If following Stud, Kaztec turns over the card in his hand, and the result is a big one, then the final result will be annihilation.

"General Velian, how do you want to fight this round?" Fang Yuan looked at the mechanical empire commander on the communication screen.

"How about you?" Varian asked rhetorically.

"In a war, the dominant side should control the situation and push it to the end, without giving the weaker any chance. But the weaker wants to make a comeback, and must take risks to win more with less, and shrinking back can only lead to chronic death." Fang Yuan said. Thoughts in mind.

The worst thing about the mechanical empire is to fight miracle battles, because they will obey the data.

However, the carbon-based alliance is now at the weaker side, and all percentage figures are very low.

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