One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1308: Duke's trick

The human fleet continues to orbit the Kuiper belt of α217 Scuti and completely blockade the α217 Scuti star system.

Destroy everything that flew out of #217 Scutum.

Whether it is a reconnaissance ship or a spy asteroid, destroy them all.

It looks like a powerful fleet that surrounds the α217 Scuti star system.

If you don't know the situation, it looks like the Duke of Arden's fleet, besieged in Alpha 217 of the shield, afraid to come out like a tortoise with a shrunken head.

Shield #217 In the spaceport where the Duke of Arden's fleet is anchored.

He returned to the bridge during his return to convene military staff in the aristocratic territory to discuss military strategies: "Analyze and see, if you send a fleet, how confident is it that the human fleet will be wiped out?"

"This... Duke, is General Kaztic asking you to attack?" When his chief of staff heard this, he felt a little strange and asked directly.

"Why do you ask? Can't I attack?" The anger in Duke Arden's heart still remained.

"No, it's just that we are attacking now, and there is not much advantage." The staff replied helplessly.

"Why? Is my fleet not enough to wipe out a human fleet?" The Duke of Arden was very unhappy.

"It's not like that. If it's a frontal space battle, then our fleet will definitely be stronger, and it can indeed guarantee annihilation of the human fleet. It's just that..." The staff stopped talking halfway through, with a little helpless tone in his tone.

"It's just what? Why didn't you say it?" Duke Arden asked with a cold look.

"It's just that the human fleet is not stupid. How could it be possible to stay where we are to attack. Therefore, as long as the commander of the human fleet has no intellectual problems, our chances of annihilating their fleet are basically zero, but they may be beaten by them. Many warships were sunk." The staff replied helplessly.

The Duke of Arton narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "This is the result of the collegiate discussion of your staff?"

"Yes, Duke. With the current situation, we send a fleet to attack, and the human fleet can directly retreat. We can only choose not to chase. If it really catches up, the further the chase, the greater the danger that may arise..."

The staff member paused, and then continued: "Furthermore, according to the entire process of the destruction of the Earl of Tallinndal's fleet, the human fleet has obtained advanced modules for mechanical and automated combat from the Mechanical Empire.

"The four battleships and seven cruisers they repaired can be completely controlled by the mechanical automated combat module for space warfare.

"In other words, the four battleships and seven cruisers in the human fleet are cannon fodder that can be completely abandoned.

"Once we catch up, it will be the eleven warships that are not afraid of death. It is not difficult to destroy our ten warships.

"Therefore, even if we attack in this battle, it is impossible to leave the true core main force of the human fleet, but the battleship will be lost in vain."

Although the Duke of Arden was angry, he could still hear the staff's comments.

This is also the reason why he was able to become the strongest one among the nobles of the Palestine Galactic Far Star Empire.

He pondered for a long time, and then asked, "So, do you think there is a strategy to wipe out the human fleet?"

"This is indeed there, but we can't just rely on us." The staff officer gave a positive answer.

"How? What method can be used to annihilate that **** fleet?" The Duke of Arden was already distorted with hatred. Hearing that there was a way to destroy the human fleet, he immediately asked without even thinking about it.

"This can't rely on us alone. It needs the cooperation of General Kaz'tik's fleet. In fact, the moment the human fleet enters our defense zone, there will be a chance to wipe them out. But General Kaz'tik's fleet is needed. The main force is to encircle and suppress the human fleet." The staff officer replied.

As soon as the Duke of Arden heard about this plan, he was a little dissatisfied.

However, he still asked: "What plan? Tell me about it."

"It is necessary for the Duke’s fleet and General Kaztec’s fleet to compress the space of the defensive zone together, push the human fleet into a dead end, and then encircle and suppress them together. This plan is the safest and the most secure, and it can ensure that the human fleet can be destroyed. Completely wiped out." The staff officer replied.

The Duke of Arden pondered for a moment, and said: "I also know that this can wipe out the human fleet, but Kaztec may not think so. In his opinion, it is obvious that Sagittarius α115 is more important."

"It depends on the Duke's decision to influence General Kaz'tik. The simplest and most direct way to get General Kaz'tik to encircle and suppress the human fleet is to make the human fleet more important than Sagittarius α115." The staff officer gave. One of the simplest and most direct solutions.

The Duke of Arden pondered, and despite the plan given by the staff, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

He did not expect that the nobles of the dignified and advanced civilization of the Far Star Empire, with a powerful fleet in their hands, were forced to their doorstep by a weak planetary civilization fleet, and they did not dare to go out and trample these carbon-based bugs to death.

This is simply a shame to him.

If this matter is spread out, the dignified Palestine nobles, being forced by the planetary civilization to dare not leave their homes, and spread to the home planet, then the entire Arden family will become a laughing stock.

However, things are so ridiculous.

That **** junior civilized fleet is so arrogantly patrolling in the shield seat α217 Kuiper belt, and it looks like it really surrounds the shield seat α217.

Duke Arton thought about it, he was seriously considering the plan given by the staff.

As long as the importance of the human fleet surpasses Sagittarius α115, it will be able to influence Kaz'tik's decision.

"Civilization of natural disasters...Civilization of natural disasters..." Duke Arden repeated these words, and then asked his assistant to retrieve the archaeological documents about "Civilization of Natural Disasters" in the secret archives.

After reading all the archaeological documents on "Civilization of Natural Disasters," he showed a sinister look.




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