One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1289: 12 seconds of image data

The homeland is hard to leave.

This topic has been a hot topic discussed by human society in the past two years, and it has been repeatedly mentioned.

The reason is naturally the interstellar migration plan.

The Planetary Defense Council official has done a lot of science popularization of interstellar migration.

Various videos, programs, and interviews with space soldiers.

The purpose is to enable the successful completion of the interstellar immigration program.

"So far, we have received a total of 300,000 points for interstellar immigration applications, so this immigration plan will be successful."

During the interview with Planetary Defense, Liang Hongbo, the official spokesperson of the Interstellar Migration Program, responded to the host’s questions in a more official tone.

However, only those who participated in the work of the Interstellar Immigration Project know how false this answer is.

Fang Zhenguo watched the program and Liang Hongbo's answer showed a hint of helplessness on his face.

He was in charge of the work at the Space Army headquarters and occasionally had work contacts with Liang Hongbo, so he knew that Liang Hongbo's answer was very official.

Strictly speaking, there is no problem with Liang Hongbo's answer.

The Interstellar Migration Program Office has indeed received more than 300,000 points of interstellar immigration applications.

Moreover, the population of the first interstellar migration is not too much, only 30,000.

The immigrant population of α960 Sagittarius will gradually increase to 300,000 in the next three years.

From a numerical point of view, the number of applicants is completely sufficient.

However, the problem is not that simple.

No, everyone is suitable for interstellar immigration.

The most important thing is that many of these people who apply for immigration do not want to immigrate, but because of some psychological reasons, they want to leave the earth, and even some of them are just rebellious.

There is nothing wrong. Among the immigration application materials Fang Zhenguo saw, most of the applicants for immigration were young people.

However, it is not that you need to be an adult to apply for immigration. I am afraid that more teenagers will submit applications for irrational reasons.

However, these populations were sent to the second home planet of α960 Sagittarius as the first batch of interstellar immigrants, and it would be difficult for them to play a role.

The first batch of interstellar immigrants need to make some selections, preferably the population that will help the construction of the second home planet.

Ideally, young adults who are between 25 and 45 years old and have certain professional skills are the most suitable immigrant population.

However, in society, these people usually have very good families, and no one wants to immigrate to a planet tens of thousands of light years away, and there has also become an interstellar battlefield.


"Should immigrate to the star system affected by the war?"

On the TV, the host continued to ask Liang Hongbo questions.

This question is very acute. When Fang Zhenguo heard it, he even wondered for an instant whether this host was arranged by an anti-immigrant organization.

However, I soon realized that this talk show was recorded, not live.

If there is a problem, it will not be broadcast.

After thinking about it for a while, Liang Hongbo replied: "We are already living on a planet covered by war. If we want to escape the war, I suggest emigrating to the Large Magellanic Cloud, where there should be no interstellar war within 10,000 to 20,000 years, so we can spend it there safely. For the rest of my life."

This answer is very unofficial, but the show works well.

The host continued to ask: "Why do you say that?"

"Ten years ago, the spacecraft of the Cleaners civilization and the bombardment of the earth were forgotten so quickly? Who told you that the earth is safe? Don’t think that someone stepped forward with the dangers of civilization, and the universe is real. It's peaceful."

Liang Hongbo continued: "The safety of the earth now seems to be built entirely on the fact that there is a group of people walking forward with a burden.

"And how long can these people carry civilization on their shoulders? Who has seriously thought about it?

"Also, I want to correct a little.

"Alpha 960 Sagittarius is not a battlefield. It is 1,500 light-years away from the main battlefield of Alpha Sagittarius star domain.

"In addition, if α960 Sagittarius is destroyed by the Purge civilization one day, then I can guarantee that the earth will only exist for three more months.

"Because it takes three months to fly from Alpha 960 Sagittarius to Earth."

After this answer, many people in front of the TV took a breath.

In fact, before this program, the official speech channel of the Planetary Defense Council did not take the initiative to mention the battle of α960 Sagittarius.

However, in recent months, anti-immigration organizations have stirred up public sentiment and caused problems with online public opinion.

Even some federations that advocate freedom have already seen large-scale demonstrations.

Therefore, the Planetary Defense Council and the Interstellar Migration Program Office had to come forward to reverse public opinion.

Under the rumors spread by anti-immigrant organizations, public opinion now believes that the second home planet of α960 Sagittarius is a planet in war.

As a result, the interstellar immigration program is becoming more and more difficult.

This is also the reason why the criminal alternative was submitted to the Supreme Council.

If it is only for the population, the forced transportation of criminals is indeed an option.

It's just that the Interstellar Immigration Project is not an interstellar battle royale, the immigrant population is to build the second home of mankind.

The emigration of a group of criminals in the past, in the eyes of General Rhodes, is definitely the stupidest proposal of this century.

This time the interstellar immigration popular science program, the information is a bit fierce.

This is equivalent to officially publicizing the crisis facing humanity at this stage.

Once Alpha 960 Sagittarius is destroyed, the earth can only last for three months.

This news is a very heavy blow to many people who live in peace on earth.

Fang Zhenguo saw that Liang Hongbo had said this publicly, and he couldn't help but marvel at the courage of the current parliamentary leaders.

As expected, after the broadcast of this program, public opinion burst instantly.

Many people who have been immersed in the idea that the earth is safe have begun to panic.

However, the official has long considered this point.

Therefore, in the second half of the program, I began to introduce the human expeditionary fleet and count every glorious record of the expeditionary fleet.

In particular, the official release of the strongest warrior of mankind, Qinglong, destroys the Triad of Arden with one punch.

The picture in just 12 seconds is extremely shocking.

This is also the first official release of the Human Expedition Fleet, a real battle scene.

This 12-second picture instantly ignited the Internet, crushing the public opinion of the anti-immigration organization into the mud.

Admiral Rodriguez looked at the reported data and shook his head helplessly: "It is more useful to create a heroic image, and the way to give people confidence is sometimes that simple and direct."

Only a period of 12 seconds of official video data, tens of thousands of light years apart, crushed the anti-immigration organization's tricks.

Things are really embarrassing.

This night, countless people repeatedly played 12-second video data intercepted on the Internet.

There are many hot topics on the Internet, some praised, and some questioned the authenticity of the image data, but after the official release of the image data, there was no explanation.

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