One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1284: Stargate project advance

Back in the star system of Sagittarius spiral arms, the space soldiers of the human fleet gave a high-five.

In this military operation, I got the four-dimensional space crystals from the Palestine home planet, which was the biggest gain.

With this crystal, not only can the previously planned Stargate project be carried out, but also the morale of the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire can be hit, and the time for the Paleste Galactic Far Star Empire to build the intergalactic star door can be delayed.

The flagship of the photosynthetic civilization galaxy fleet.

Fang Yuan and Piggs, as well as the senior leaders of the Galactic Administrators Council of the rest of the photosynthetic civilization held a holographic meeting.

After a brilliant record time and time again, mankind has proven its strength with facts.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is gaining more and more prestige and respect in the Council of Photosynthetic Civilization Galactic Administrators.

The photosynthetic people originally worship the strong, and Fang Yuan is the kind of strong they most want to worship. At least in the galaxy, Fang Yuan has ranked first in the eyes of the photosynthesis.

The constant star super fighters of the Three-Eyed Clan have fallen behind, and even after the comparison, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"Dear General Fang Yuan, I don't know how to express my admiration. You can always do something that I think is impossible."

As soon as they met, Piggs began to sigh with emotion, and he didn't hesitate to praise him.

After saying hello, the holographic meeting began to enter the topic.

"What I want to talk about this time is the Stargate Project mentioned before. When I proposed this plan, everyone in the room thought it could not be carried out because of the lack of four-dimensional crystals. Now, there is no shortage." Fang Yuan directly Pull the topic into the core of the most critical meeting.

"Of course, this is the obvious thing, and it surprised me very much." Piggs nodded eagerly.

"So, can the Stargate Project be implemented now?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Of course, with the four-dimensional space crystal, other questions are simple." Piggs agreed with almost no thought.

The fact is true. Originally, the most critical and expensive resource for the construction of the star gate was the four-dimensional space crystal. Now the biggest problem has been solved. For the photosynthetic civilization, other things are trivial.

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "However, I provided the four-dimensional crystal, so the Stargate Project needs some changes."

"What's the change?" Piggs asked suspiciously.

"According to the current cooperation model, it should be considered that humans provide four-dimensional space crystals, while the photosynthetic civilization provides stargate technology and cooperates to build stargates, right?" Fang Yuan said.

"Of course, this plan is ok, no problem." Piggs nodded.

"In that case, humans need to participate in the construction of the star gate, and after the star gate is built, humans will have 50% ownership. Isn't that too much?" Fang Yuan said.

After thinking carefully, Piggs replied: "It is indeed necessary to allocate the ownership of the Stargate, but the specific allocation ratio may need to be negotiated. It is not for me to decide."

"50% ownership, if the photosynthetic civilization is unwilling, I can consider talking with the mechanical empire. I think the mechanical empire will give a very accurate share data." Fang Yuan said with a cold face.

"General Fang Yuan, don't do this, let me talk to other Galaxy administrators and give you an answer right away, okay?" Piggs quickly stabilized Fang Yuan.

"One hour, if it doesn't work, then forget it." Fang Yuan gave a limited time.

Piggs felt that one hour was a bit short, but he didn't waste any effort on this, and he immediately discussed the ownership division of the Stargate Project with the Galactic Administrators Council of the Photosynthetic Civilization.

In less than an hour, Piggs had negotiated with the Managers' Council and replied: "Yes, according to your request, we will each take 50% ownership of the Stargate. This includes all Stargate rights and interests.

"In addition, in the maintenance and security of the Star Gate, responsibilities should also be divided.

"Since human civilization has half the ownership of the star gate, it should also bear part of the responsibility for this."

"How to divide responsibilities? You said." Fang Yuan felt that this request was reasonable.

"I think that the daily maintenance, repairs, upgrades and other technical responsibilities of the Stargate are the responsibility of the photosynthetic civilization. The protection, patrol, and combat duties are mainly your responsibility. Of course, we will provide support for battleships, weapons, and energy." Piggs explained.

"Yes, this is reasonable." Fang Yuan agreed.

Originally, this division of responsibilities is indeed the best way.

Moreover, every time you cooperate with a photosynthetic civilization, the conditions put forward by the photosynthetic civilization are usually very reasonable, and there are almost no excessive requirements.

This may be the habit of the photosynthetic civilization being bullied by the three-eye civilization, so in terms of cooperation, being able to achieve equality and fairness is already their greatest pursuit.

"As for the Stargate Project, since we have 50% ownership, this project needs to be modified to be beneficial to mankind." Fang Yuan then put forward a request for the modification of the plan.

The Stargate Project proposed last time was mainly for the purpose of maintaining the defense zone of the photosynthetic civilization.

However, now that humans are responsible for providing four-dimensional space crystals, the construction of the star gate should be modified in a direction that is more beneficial to humans.

"This allows the teams of both parties to discuss in detail." Piggs agreed to discuss the details, but in terms of details, the team that came down was responsible for the communication.

Fang Yuan did not have time to personally take charge of the details of the negotiation, so he was naturally handed over to a dedicated team to be responsible.

After the negotiation between the two parties was over, the Stargate Project was officially launched.

In the revised Stargate Project, there will be a stargate connecting with the second home planet of mankind in α960 Sagittarius.




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