One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1267: Four-dimensional space crystal

"I remember when I was discussing the Stargate Project with Piggs before, he said that 4D space crystals are a very scarce resource in higher civilizations. All 4D space crystals in photosynthetic civilization are uniformly deployed by the parent star of photosynthetic civilization."

Fang Yuan remembered the conversation with Piggs before, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Four-dimensional space crystal is indeed a very scarce resource, even for advanced civilizations, four-dimensional space crystal is also a scarce resource.

Therefore, not only the photosynthetic civilization, but the three higher civilizations in the carbon-based alliance are all four-dimensional crystals deployed by the parent stars.

"That said, in the Palese civilization, the four-dimensional space crystals should also be uniformly deployed by the Palese home planet, right?" Fang Yuan is still not completely sure, after all, there is no intelligence to clearly record the four dimensions of the Palese civilization. Space Crystal is managed by Paleste's home planet.

However, it is not difficult to know this.

The Carbon-based Alliance and Palestine civilization have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and they know each other's civilization very well.

Therefore, Zhao Anya asked people to contact the photosynthetic civilization, and soon got a reply.

"Fang Yuan, you guessed it right. In the Palestine civilization, the four-dimensional space crystals were uniformly deployed by their home stars."

"If this is the case, then Kaztec wants to build a cross-galactic star gate in the spiral arm of Scuti, and the four-dimensional space crystals he needs must be transported from the Paleste home planet, right?" Fang Yuan's eyes began to show a sharp look.

"should be……"

"Palace Mother Star is in the Andromeda Galaxy, several million light-years away from the Milky Way. At such a long distance, if one thing is transported, many accidents may happen." Fang Yuan's eyes revealed a brilliant light.

"That's true. It's just that the Palestine Galactic Far Star Empire cannot understand at all. And we don't know when the 4D space crystal will start to be shipped, when it will arrive, and which route will be taken. We all know these. Don't know." Zhao Anya felt that things were not that simple.

At this time, Lang Xiaonian dragged the holographic star map and said, “It’s not that I don’t know anything at all. If the Palestine civilization really wants to transport something from their home planet to the Milky Way, which route will it actually take? Basically it can be inferred.

"Because there are not many routes that can be taken from the Andromeda Galaxy to the Milky Way, and there are only two or three feasible routes. Among these two or three routes, the voyage time is quite different. The longest time-consuming one is more than the shortest one. Take four more months.

"So, judging from normal thinking, there is basically only one route that Palestine civilization can take.

"The inter-galactic hyperspace channel that must pass is basically fixed and can be changed, and only the other branch routes connecting this inter-galactic hyperspace channel.

"So, it is certain that if the Palestine civilization really wants to transport something, it must pass through the Shield λ230.

"That is to say, theoretically squatting on the Shield λ230, you can definitely squat to that transport ship.

"Of course, the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire must be prepared, and it may be the artillery of the Palese Fleet that squatted."

Fang Yuan’s eyes were getting more and more refined. After reconsidering everything from the beginning, he decisively ordered: "The whole army is dispatched, and the target is near λ230 Scuti. Lang Xiaonian, find out the distant star of the Palese Milky Way. The empire sent a fleet to meet the transport ship must pass. On this road to meet, for Palesy, there should be no need to take special precautions and choose a weird route."

Lang Xiaonian raised his hand and drew a line on the star map, saying, "That is it. From the perspective of the Palestine Galaxy Far Star Empire, if you send a fleet to respond to the transport ship, go to the Shield λ230 to respond. This section of the road, I really don’t know how to play tricks, it should be the shortest route."

"The Ghost is dispatched, lurking at a necessary node on this route to confirm the movement of the receiving fleet and the number of warships."

Fang Yuan issued an order to the entire fleet: "All fleets have it, set off immediately, target shield seat λ230, I only need four-dimensional space crystal!"


The human fleet turned its direction, entered a curvature flight, left the Sagittarius spiral arm, and ran towards the star field around λ230 Scutum.

After entering the λ Scuti star field, the Ghost was released, ready to lurch, waiting for the fleet of the Palestine Galactic Far Star Empire.

At the same time, the intelligence department on the Shenzhou has been communicating with the Carbon-based Alliance, hoping to get more useful information.

However, it is clear that the Palestine civilization is also very cautious about transporting four-dimensional crystals, and apart from a little bit of intelligence from the mechanical empire, there is no other more accurate information.

The location of the Palese Star Gate is unknown, and it is also unknown when the 4D Space Crystal will be shipped.

It is not even certain whether the Palestine civilization will send four-dimensional crystals to the Milky Way galaxy.

Regarding the four-dimensional space crystal, it is entirely a guess made by the core members of the military scientific research team and the Human Fleet Staff Group through discussion.

"If the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire originally had four-dimensional space crystals, wouldn't we be in vain?" Someone in the military scientific research class raised this question.

This question is possible.

"Without accurate information, we can only rely on guessing. If there are four-dimensional space crystals in the Palestine Galactic Far Star Empire, and there is no need to transport them from Palestine's home planet, then we will go with ourselves A joke." Lang Xiaonian said.

Now, the Carbon-based Alliance has fallen into a passive position in the battle. If the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire completes the construction of the inter-galactic star gate of the Scuti spiral arm.

So, the second half of this galactic war is basically garbage time.

The Palese Galactic Far Star Empire will step by step to flatten all the galactic forces of the Carbon-based Alliance. During this period, no matter how the Carbon-based Alliance struggles, there will be no fluctuations in the battle.

"No, there won't be a four-dimensional crystal in the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire. If there is, then we should find this crystal in the warehouse of the Shenzhou." Fang Yuan was very positive about this.

the reason is simple.

First of all, in accordance with the importance of higher civilizations to four-dimensional crystals, a civilized distant star jurisdiction will not have a reserve of four-dimensional crystals.

Moreover, if the Palese Galactic Distant Star Empire has a four-dimensional space crystal, it can only be preserved in the triple star capital of the Duke of Arden, the most prosperous and defensive ever.

After the human fleet captured the capital of the triple star of the Duke of Arden, it did not plunder the four-dimensional space crystal. It is basically certain that the Palestine Galaxy Far Star Empire does not have the four-dimensional space crystal, and can only be transported from the Palese home planet.

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