One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1233: Earl in seconds

The Shenzhou ejected a bright photon transition zone and rushed towards the Count of Tallinndal's fleet at its limit speed.

"The distance is 60 light seconds, 50 light seconds..."

Ye Zheyu reported the distance between the two parties in real time.

100 light seconds is the limit range of planetary weapons, and the actual engagement distance of warships is within 10 light seconds.

The speed of the Shenzhou was too fast, and almost instantly broke into the 10-light-second range of the battleship, and it was faster than the speed of light, and the ray weapon was too late to launch.

A few seconds ago, the Earl of Tallinndal thought that Shenzhou would bite them behind, and then waited for the fleet to converge before launching an attack.

Therefore, he felt that it would take a few days for the battle to happen, so he calmly called the staff of the fleet to discuss the countermeasures.

However, things were different from what he thought.

In an instant, Shenzhou entered the 10-light-second space battle range of his fleet.

"What do they want to do? Do they want to go to war now?" Count Tallinndal exclaimed, appearing in a short period of bewilderment.

"Fight against! Earl, quickly order the fight! The other party has entered the restricted area of ​​our fleet, what else is suspicious? Face off!" The Fleet Staff hurriedly shouted.

However, the speed of the Shenzhou was too fast, and he had no time to order.

The Shenzhou had already passed through the restricted area of ​​the fleet and broke into the one-light-second battleship dogfight area of ​​their fleet.

The battleship dog fighting zone is also called the battleship close fighting zone.

At this distance, the battleship is equivalent to close hand-to-hand combat.

Moreover, most of the constant-star combat power has the ability to fight across 1 light second.

Therefore, this warship close combat zone can already form a super soldier jump to help, and there may be a situation where the super combat force breaks through the enemy ship's boarding and jumps to help at any time.


In the fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal, there was a roar of void.

A 4,000-meter-long cosmic beast rushed out and crashed into the Shenzhou.

The Earl of Tallinndal was too late to give the order, but the giant Kor'jan in the fleet didn't need to wait for the Earl's order and threw out directly.

"We only have one ship. We must fight quickly and make it into an artillery battle. The Shenzhou cannot withstand the attacks of the two standard fleets." Zhao Anya quickly reminded.

The fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal consists of two standard fleets, with a total of 24 warships.

In terms of warship firepower, the Shenzhou was absolutely crushed, and it crushed more than ten times.

Therefore, once the battle drags on and turns into mutual shelling, then the Shenzhou will definitely lose.

Fang Yuan knew this from the beginning, so he didn't give the Count of Tallinndal any chance to react, and directly let the Shenzhou rush into the close combat zone of the Count of Tallinndal's fleet with extreme speed.

"Catch the thief first, capture the king." Fang Yuan made a decision, aiming directly at the Count of Tallinndal.

However, the real trouble is not the Earl of Tallinndal, but the behemoth of Kor'jan.

"This behemoth is very tricky, the constant star is Lv.7, no one in the fleet can handle it." Zhao Anya said quickly.

To be precise, if someone in the fleet can handle this Korgan behemoth, Fang Yuan will definitely be able to handle it.

However, this battle requires a quick fight.

Fang Yuan needed the first time to take down the Earl of Tallinndal, so he couldn't get entangled with the giant Korgan.

Except for Fang Yuan, only Han Youwei in the fleet has reached the constant star, and the level is only constant star Lv. 1. When hunting for prey in the previous three days, the star power has been exhausted and there is no extra star power to deal with Kogaen behemoth.

Except for the two, there is indeed no one in the human fleet that can match the Kogaen behemoth.

Fang Yuan thought quickly, suddenly a flash of inspiration, and said: "I can attract a part of its attention, you guys try to hold it. Ten seconds, I only need ten seconds!"

"Okay. Niu Dazhi, collision position, hurry!" Zhao Anya quickly arranged the combat positions of important members of the Dragon Team.

"Can you not play this big? A four-kilometer-long behemoth will die, okay?" Niu Dazhi ran to the collision position and complained.

"From now on, ten seconds."

Fang Yuan rushed out of the Shenzhou after speaking, and at the same time copied the "divine bait", condensing a group of luminous divine bait in his palm.

The moment the divine bait appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the giant Korgan.

Fang Yuan noticed the beast's gaze and glanced over, confirming that the divine bait was effective.

However, the Kogaen beast was only attracted by the divine bait, and its figure was still the Shenzhou, which was pounced on, opened its huge mouth, ready to bite off half of the Shenzhou hull.

Fang Yuan passed by the side of the Kogaen behemoth, and when he passed by, he squeezed the divine bait fiercely, waved his hand, and threw it into the sky.

In an instant, the entire universe starry sky, floating with dots of divine bait.


The Kogaen behemoth could no longer withstand the temptation of this divine light spot, roared, opened its blood basin and swallowed the divine bait frantically.

Fang Yuan quickly transformed his abilities, copied the "curvature storm", burst out a space thunder, and thundered at the Tallinndal fleet: "Confirm the location of the Count of Tallinndal!"

Under normal circumstances, the commander of a fleet will be in the flagship.

However, in order to be sure of everything, Fang Yuan asked Ye Zheyu to confirm it again.

"In the flagship, the battleship in the middle is engraved with the Talindal clan emblem!" Ye Zheyu confirmed the position through the high-dimensional vision.

Fang Yuan fixed his eyes on the Tallinndal, and his right fist ignited dark energy.


A dragon roar shook the deep space of the universe.

The dragon shaped fist took shape, spanning 100,000 kilometers, and blasted towards the Tallinndal.


With a loud noise, the energy shield shattered.

Count Tallinndal had no time to react, and suddenly a carbon-based creature appeared before him like a death god.

The entire Tallinndal shook violently, and a large hole was broken in the hull on the side of the bridge.

The Palese fighters on the ship didn't even react. After a few seconds, they discovered that a carbon-based creature suddenly appeared in the bridge.

Then, the whole ship sounded the alarm.

Count Tallinndal was taken aback for a moment, and then a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

He is also a super fighter with a constant star Lv.7, and he is proud of being a super strong.

He shouted, condensed the light spear, and attacked Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan raised his hand to interrupt his light, and then moved forward, sprinting forward, punching through his condensed energy body, grabbing the condensed divine energy in his body.

Count Tarindal looked down at his energy body, which had been pierced by an arm.

And that arm was holding his divine energy group.

"You...what are you doing?!" He exclaimed suddenly.

Fang Yuan grabbed the blob of divine energy and violently pulled it out, opened his mouth and stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it in one bite.

"What?!" Count Tallinndal let out a mournful cry.

Fang Yuan slapped his head with a slap and used the ship's communications equipment to broadcast to the entire fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal: "Your Earl is dead, prey, are you ready to flee?"

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