One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1222: Watch the battle together

Tallinn Star, the second planet in the Milky Way α83 Sagittarius.

Observed from space, this planet is a reddish planet.

There are still a few hours before the fleet enters the restricted area of ​​the Tallinn Star defense. Lang Xiaonian seized the time to give a final introduction to the geographical environment to help the fleet better deal with the next battle:

"From our current perspective, Tallinn Star is half reddish and half dark.

"The reddish side is facing the star, and the surface temperature is as high as 470 degrees, while the side facing away from the star is minus 130 degrees.

"In other words, this planet is so hot during the day that it catches fire, and at night it is so cold and frozen.

"However, there will be no ice on Tallinn.

"Because the atmosphere on this planet is very thin and there is less water.

"At most, some ice crystals are condensed in the air that are too subtle to be seen by the naked eye.

"In short, this planet is uninhabitable according to our standards.

"However, this is nothing to Palese's life.

"From this perspective, Palleté's life's adaptability is indeed quite strong, and it can adapt to very harsh environments.

"That may not be accurate.

"In fact, for Palese living organisms, the factor that determines whether they are habitable is actually whether the radiation of stars is suitable for them.

"There are certain requirements for the waveband and intensity of stellar radiation absorption by the Palese living body, which is within a certain range.

"The environment on the planet's surface is actually not within their consideration.

"Therefore, some of the planets inhabited by the Palestine civilization seem to be okay, and carbon-based life can survive, but some are very bad.

"For example, if the Tallinn star is not protected by a battle suit, humans can't move on it at all."

When Lang Xiaonian introduced the situation of the Talin star at α83 Sagittarius.

The human fleet is gradually approaching the capital star of the Earl of Tallinn.

The previous ambushes of the seven hyperspace nodes failed to cause the slightest obstruction to the human fleet.

The space army soldiers in the fleet are all in a state of combat, ready to face this battle.

Just when he was about to enter the 100-light-second defensive zone of Tallinn Star.

The Shenzhou flagship has received continuous communication intrusions.

"Earl Tallinndal's communication request, do you want to hear it?" After reading the content of the communication, Zhao Anya reported to Fang Yuan.

"Come in." Fang Yuan moved his right wrist to let her connect the communication.

Communication is connected.

The energy body astrology of Count Tallinndal appeared on the big screen.

"Quit Sagittarius α83 immediately, or you will regret it!" The Count of Tallinndal said in a bad tone when he spoke.

"Is this a threat?" Fang Yuan stretched out his hands in surprise, showing a flat smile.

"You had better recognize your identity, a sad low-level civilization. Do you know what the end of the majesty that has angered Palese?!" The Count of Tallinndal continued to threaten, and he maintained the arrogance of the Palese aristocracy in his attitude. .

"A great man once said that the truth comes out of the barrel of a gun. This sentence really applies to the stars..."

Fang Yuan twitched his mouth, his expression was full of mockery: "Ten years ago, when Palese's cleaning ship appeared in the solar system, you wouldn't even say hello, so you just fired the gamma starburst.

"Ten years have passed, but now they take the initiative to initiate and communicate.

"Although the attitude is arrogant and the tone is strong, you are indeed actively communicating.

"This shows a truth, first be scared of the opponent, and then they will speak.

"like this!"

Fang Yuan raised his hand and pointed at Tallinn Star.

The human fleet broke into the 100-light-second restricted zone of the Tallinn Star, and the main guns of the Shenzhou Star Destroyer fired first.

The thick gamma beam shot towards the Tallinn Star, and the excited energy wave shredded the surface layers of the Tallinn Star.

Count Tallinndal saw the Star of Tallinn being attacked and roared angrily: "You **** carbon-based bugs, I will tear you apart!"

Fang Yuan listened to the hysterical roar of Count Tallinndal in his ears, and watched the stars of Tallinn blaze into the sky.

All of this suddenly became very beautiful.

"Talin Star's counterattack is coming, the countdown to the attack is 3, 2, 1..." Ye Zheyu began to remind him of the attack.

The Shenzhou was piloted and rushed to the forefront.

Han Youwei opened the "vector prism" to reflect the light cannons of the Tallinn Star to counterattack, and at the same time reported: "It can last for one hour and seventeen minutes, but it cannot defend against the unexpected warship Shenzhou."

Thousands of thick gamma beams shot by Tallinn star bombarded the Shenzhou, and they were all scattered out, forming neon lights in the sky, illuminating the night sky of the universe, which is extremely splendid.

Since Han Youwei was promoted to a constant star, the total amount of star power has doubled, and the duration of the "vector prism" has exceeded one hour.

boom! boom! boom……

The Shenzhou Star Destroyer spewed a beam of light, and violent energy bombarded the Tallinn Star, turning this already deep and hot planet into hell.

Fang Yuan sat in his seat, propped his head very leisurely, and was even interested in chatting with Count Tallinndal.

"It's not that I said, your strength is indeed a little bit different from that of the Duke of Arden. If Tallinn Star's defensive fleet has this strength, then I can accompany you to watch this battle together."

The Count of Tallinndal was already extremely angry. He clearly saw that the capital star of his territory had been destroyed a little bit, but he could not do anything about it.

After the battle on the front battlefield of the shield seat is over.

He led the fleet back to the Sagittarius spiral arm immediately, but it took time.

According to the normal voyage, it will take at least two months for his fleet to return to the capital star of α83 Sagittarius.

Even if he overloaded the fleet with the curvature engine, it would take one and a half months to enter the Alpha Sagittarius star field.

Now, he has just crossed the hyperspace channel of Scutum-Sagittarius, and is one month away from Alpha Sagittarius.

This month's voyage was a barrier to isolate his anger, so that his anger had nowhere to vent.

In fact.

A month's time, for an interstellar battle, is actually not a very long time.

After all, under the leadership of the Duke of Arden, the Palestine three noble fleets attacked the carbon-based alliance's Shield α217 planetary fortress, and it took more than a year to fight the three carbon-based alliance fleets.

Therefore, from the perspective of a normal space campaign, one month's time is actually a chance to return aid.


This primary civilization fleet, called human civilization, cannot be considered with normal thinking.

If you consider it according to normal thinking, Duke Arden's triple star capital has a strong defense force, and it is impossible to be captured.

However, all the triple stars were smashed, and Aatox, known as one of the strongest creatures in the galaxy, was also killed.

Therefore, the Earl of Tallinndar did not dare to use normal thinking to consider the human fleet.

Moreover, based on experience, based on the speed at which the Alnis Star and the Alton Triad were breached, the Tallinn Star can last three days at most.

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