One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1194: Familiar back

"You said that the back figure is covered with silicon-based naphtha?" Fang Yuan raised his brows and asked in a slightly surprised tone.

"Yes, I didn't see the original appearance of that back figure clearly, because his body surface is covered with silicon-based naphtha, so I'm sure, but it really feels like the team leader." Zhao Yifeng replied somewhat helplessly.

"Are you sure that it is a human being, not a human shape imitated by a silicon-based naphtha?" Fang Yuan asked ponderingly.

Prior to this, I had never seen a silicon-based naphtha mimic the appearance of other creatures.

However, paleontology such as silica-based naphtha can take on any shape.

Moreover, the silicon-based naphtha will catch other creatures, seal them with stone cocoons, and absorb the energy and characteristics of the creatures.

Therefore, the silicon-based naphtha may also have the possibility of imitating the appearance of other creatures, so without seeing clearly, there is no guarantee that it is a human, not a silicon-based naphtha.

At this time, Zhao Yifeng didn't dare to lie and replied, "I really can't be sure. I only saw the back, but couldn't see what was inside, and the back disappeared in the depths of the brain of the silicon foundation stone. ."

Fang Yuan pondered for a moment, and asked, "Does the figure you see resist the silicon-based naphtha? Is he attacked by the silicon-based naphtha?"

Zhao Yifeng shook his head as he recalled, and replied, "No, looking at his shape, he is very agile and he is not hindered by any obstacles."

This conversation was also synchronized to the staff and military research team meetings on the Counterattack.

The staff team is also discussing analysis at the same time.

However, the presence of other living creatures inside the silicon-based naphtha has never happened before.

Fang Yuan thought for a while and continued to ask, "According to your statement, the figure you see can move freely inside the silicon-based naphtha, right?"

"Yes, he moves very freely, without any obstruction from the silicon-based naphtha." Zhao Yifeng nodded vigorously, with a very positive tone.

After a quick discussion, the staff gave a suggestion: "According to Zhao Yifeng's description, it is unlikely that the figure is human.

"Judging from all the data on silica-based naphtha, this kind of ancient creature has a certain ability, but it is not very intelligent, and it is more using biological instinct to act.

"Moreover, so far, no organism can come into contact with the silicon-based naphtha and not be eroded.

"So, that figure is more likely to be a biological shape imitated by a silicon-based naphtha. The staff believes that the inner space of the silicon-based naphtha should be withdrawn immediately."

Fang Yuan looked around and ordered: "I'm here, I don't care about spending more time. The rescue team sent the wounded out, Han Youwei, Niu Dazhi, and Ye Zheyu come with me."

After saying this, Fang Yuan turned his head and looked at Zhao Yifeng, and asked: "How is your injury? Can you still hold on?"

When Zhao Yifeng heard this, he wanted to continue searching inside the silicon-based naphtha.

His expression immediately became excited, and quickly stood up and saluted: "I'm fine, I have no problem!"

"Well, you and Ye Zheyu cooperate, look forward to find out the figure you mentioned, and see what it is." Fang Yuan waved his hand and led the team to go deep into the silicon-based naphtha.

Zhao Yifeng quickly exchanged key information about the explorer with Ye Zheyu, and then began to explore the depths of the silicon-based naphtha.

Ye Zheyu's level was much higher than Zhao Yifeng, and he was also stronger in detection ability, so the detection speed was faster than Zhao Yifeng.

The team quickly penetrated into the silicon-based naphtha, and Han Youwei was responsible for defending against the silicon-based naphtha.

After omitting the defensive step of calcium element, the progress is very fast.

After several feature upgrades, Ye Zheyu's scope of investigation has been very wide, and almost every corner of the internal space of the silicon-based naphtha can be seen clearly.

"Have you found the target?" Fang Yuan probably knew that Ye Zheyu should have been able to investigate, so he asked.

"I have basically seen every corner, and have not found anything resembling a human shape." Ye Zheyu replied.

Zhao Yifeng was a little anxious, frowning and said: "It's impossible, I really saw a figure before, I promise, I definitely saw it, and it will move."

Fang Yuan ignored his gaffe, looked at Ye Zheyu, and asked, "Are there any other special things?"

"Yes, in the depths of the silicon-based stone brain, about 30 kilometers ahead, there is a relatively large space. There is a stone cocoon in the space. The stone cocoon is very large and dense in structure. It is too far apart. I cannot see the time The internal situation. If there is any problem here, it should be the stone cocoon. I have checked the other places." Ye Zheyu replied.

"Okay, go directly to the stone cocoon, save time."

Fang Yuan made a decision, the team speeded up and flew in the direction that Ye Zheyu pointed.

A distance of thirty kilometers, for Fang Yuan and his colleagues, would be only a step away if they were in space.

Inside the silicon-based naphtha, it takes a little more day.

However, it was less than a minute.

Fang Yuan first arrived in the huge space Ye Zheyu said, and saw the ten-meter-diameter stone cocoon.

This stone cocoon is not the same as other stone cocoons. The outer skin is very delicate, with neat lines, just like a work of art.

Moreover, the inside of the stone cocoon was still emitting a gleam.

Fang Yuan was standing in front of the stone cocoon at a distance of 20 meters, carefully observing.

Under the exploration ability, no data panel can be seen, and no divine energy exists.

After a while, Han Youwei and Ye Zheyu followed in.

"Try to see if you can see what's inside." Fang Yuan motioned.

Ye Zheyu and Zhao Yifeng used the exploration ability to look over.

After a while, the two spoke almost at the same time, but they said different things.

Ye Zheyu: "There is a shadow."

Zhao Yifeng: "It's the figure I saw, the team leader, and it's really our team leader. I can't admit it wrong with this figure."

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes when he heard this, staring at the stone cocoon, trying to communicate: "Xie Fengxing, are you inside?"




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I'm not young anymore, I'll run to fourth in a few years.

So I took a loan and bought a house to get married in 18th-tier cities.

The pressure is a little bit heavy, so I have to pay for the subscription.

It’s no longer to generate electricity for love, I am guilty!


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