One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1188: Razul

When the Duke of Arden heard that Aatox mentioned the ancestor of the mechanical empire "Razul", he immediately thought of many things about the mechanical empire.

In the Narazul era, if the Palese civilization could kill the ancestor of this mechanical empire, there would be no subsequent mechanical empire.

Without the mechanical empire, there would be no carbon-based alliance, and there would be no cosmic civilization war that would last for 50,000 years.

To some extent.

The 50,000-year war between the Palestine civilization and the carbon-based alliance was caused by a single biological entity.

The root of everything lies in the ancestor of the mechanical empire "Razul".

It is also for this reason that when the Palese civilization mentions the name "Razul", it still feels awe.

Fifty thousand years ago.

The requirements of the Palestine Civilization to the Triangular Civilization, the predecessor of the Mechanical Empire.

In the end, the Triangular Civilization rejected this request, and the two sides saw a hundred years of war.

At that time, the Palestine civilization, which had developed towards a super galaxy civilization, absolutely crushed the Triangle civilization in terms of civilization strength.

After the Civil War broke out, the Triangular Civilization continued to retreat.

At the rate of more than a dozen star systems every year, all the way down, there is no sign of turning the tide of the battle.

The Palese civilization attacked the home planet of the Triangulum civilization in one fell swoop and destroyed the home planet of the Triangulum civilization.

The Triangular civilization was fragmented and scattered into many cosmic warlords, fleeing into the depths of the universe.

Although the Triangle civilization was defeated, the universe was too vast.

Although the Palestine civilization destroyed the home star of the Triangulum civilization, it was impossible to occupy all the stars of the Triangulum galaxy in a short time.

The number of stars in the Triangulum galaxy is in the tens of billions.

Therefore, although the Palestine civilization has won the civilization war, it is impossible to eliminate all the descendants of the triangle civilization in a short time.

After the Triangular Civilization was broken, it split into a dozen forces.

There are warlords, there are subsidiary civilizations established by the surrenders, and they are dependent on the Palese civilization.

The Palestine civilization controls the Triangle's subsidiary civilization, and uses the power of the Triangle's subsidiary civilization to eliminate other rebels.

This period of history has been called the darkest era after the fragmentation of the Triangle civilization.

And this era, in the civilization history of the mechanical empire, has been regarded as the darkest moment before dawn.

The statement is different, but things are no different.

In this darkest age, the Triangular pedestal civilization slowly eliminated the rebels.

And the descendants of these Triangular civilizations also began their own evolution.

At the darkest moment of this era, in a rebellious star field of the Triangulum Affiliated Civilization, an individual who changed the pattern of the galaxy was born, and the Triangulus was called "Razul".

It is recorded in the temple literature of the Palese civilization.

The ancestor of the mechanical empire, "Razul", grew up in a mechanical garbage dump.

At that time, the Triangle Seat attached to the civilization, resources were severely squeezed, and the technology of civilization was in a retrograde stage.

However, the Triangulum civilization was once a quasi-galactic civilization after all.

Moreover, after the home planet was destroyed, the Triangulum civilization surrendered and the resistance sent out, leaving most of the prosperous planet.

Therefore, there is a lot of legacy left by the Triangular civilization.

And these heritages, with the retrogression of civilization and technology, gradually turned into waste products and were dumped on the garbage star.

The junk star is not a planet that specializes in storing garbage, but a planet that is becoming more and more barren due to technological regression.

Razul, the ancestor of the mechanical empire, was born on such a garbage star and grew up in a mechanical garbage dump.

In the process of growing up, Razul has always been accompanied by mechanical garbage, living on an abandoned barren planet.

This planet, called junk star, has no hope, no future, and no resource allocation.

However, this junk star is a bit special. It used to be the battlefield of the Palestine civilization and the triangle civilization.

Therefore, there are some special garbage in the garbage dump on the planet.




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