One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1175: X-ray

On the 4th capital star of the β107 Perseid star system.

The silicon-based naphtha raged, and the extended root system caught the creature, then sealed it, wound into a stone cocoon, and continued to absorb energy and characteristics.

The Arden Triple Star Defense Fleet has obtained the silicon-based naphtha removal plan provided by Earl Arnis.

On the 4th and 5th Capital Stars, large-scale use of X-rays to remove silicon-based naphthas began.

Arden 4 Capital Star.

Arden's garrison cleared the surface of the silicon-based naphtha, chasing all the way to the ground, looking for the source of the silicon-based naphtha.

According to intelligence analysis, the Arden garrison has deduced the approximate location of the source of the silicon-based naphtha, near the geothermal smelter.

Therefore, the Arden garrison went all the way to the thermal smelting plant, removing the silicon-based naphtha, and at the same time rescuing the Palese living body.

Inside the geothermal smelting plant, stone cocoons were formed and dropped into the smelting plant.

In every stone cocoon, there is a creature bound.

Some are carbon-based slaves, some are alien warriors, and some are Pallas energy life...

These creatures trapped in the stone cocoon, without exception, are not low-level.

After capturing these creatures, the silicon-based naphtha is bound in a stone cocoon and slowly melts it into a special liquid energy and characteristics.

According to data records, the cocoon of the silica-based naphtha can preserve this special form of liquid energy for a very long time, even more than 60 million years.

The Arden garrison entered the geothermal smelter and used X-rays to cut open the first stone cocoon.

In the first stone cocoon, a carbon-based slave was bound, and it was a very strong carbon-based slave.

This carbon-based slave was entangled by the root system of the silicon-based naphtha, part of the body had been liquefied into liquid energy, and a small half of the head had disappeared, revealing the terrible carbon-based brain.

The stone cocoon was opened, and the carbon-based slave struggled.

The commander of the Arden garrison saw that it was a carbon-based slave, and saw that the carbon-based slave's head was half lost, and he showed no sympathy or pity. He raised his energy arm, pierced his head with a light spear, and ended his death. life.

The team went on to deal with the second stone cocoon.

The second stone cocoon broke open, and inside was a Palese energy life.

The energy life of Pallas is special. After being trapped, it will not liquefy, but will be condensed into energy clusters and trapped in the stone cocoon.

Arden's garrison used X-rays to cut the roots of the stone cocoon, releasing the Palese energy life.


The Ardon garrison cleared the past, opening all stone cocoons encountered, and freeing the trapped Palese energy life.

If the trapped is a carbon-based slave and it is confirmed that it is not saved, kill it directly.


at the same time.

Human fleet, on the Counterattack.

"The silicon-based naphthas on the surface of Capital Star No. 4 and No. 5 were quickly destroyed, and the removal speed was much faster than expected at the beginning." Ye Zheyu observed that the silicon-based naphthas on the surface of the two Capital Stars decreased rapidly, and immediately reported the situation. .

In fact, this situation was expected from the beginning.

"Unsurprisingly, Palese does have a mature plan to deal with silicon-based naphtha. It is estimated that the chaos caused by silicon-based naphtha will not last long. It will be cleaned up at most half a month." Approximate estimated time.

Half a month of chaos, the time is actually not short.

However, it is not so easy to reverse the situation in this half a month.

"What technology does Palese use?" Fang Yuan asked.

"It's too far to tell, but judging from the attack on the silicon-based naphtha by the triple star garrison fleet from low altitude, it should be a ray weapon." Ye Zheyu is not sure what means Palese used to remove the silicon-based stone. brain.

The way humans deal with silica-based naphtha is to prepare calcium elemental substance and seal the silica-based naphtha with calcium elemental substance so that it cannot continue to spread.

The advantage of this technical solution is that the required level of technology is not high, but the effect is limited.

Fang Yuan opened Yang Yuping's encrypted communication and said: "Professor, the Palestine civilization used a ray-type weapon to clean up the silicon-based naphtha, and the effect is very significant."

"Send the data, especially the video data." Yang Yuping directly asked.

In the second homeland project for mankind, Yang Yuping has found six spare earth-like planets.

Among them, a spare planet is undergoing a silicon-based naphtha experiment.

As early as half a year ago, Fang Yuan gave the silica-based naphtha samples to Yang Yuping.

Yang Yuping controlled the spacecraft and transported the silicon-based naphtha samples to the experimental planet, where the experiment is going on.

Due to the danger of silicon-based naphtha, it must not be brought back to earth for research.

Because once the silicon-based naphtha leaks, with the current human technology, there is basically no way to use it, and the earth will be finished by then.

Therefore, this kind of experiment that may destroy civilization naturally cannot be carried out on the earth.

Then the backup planet in the second home plan for mankind is the best experimental planet.

After Fang Yuan asked him to send the image data of the Palletian civilization's removal of silicon-based naphtha, six hours later, he finally received a reply from Yang Yuping.

"X-ray, level 2.5 civilization technology, photosynthetic civilization has, the lowest price x-ray weapon 3 million alliance currency, a full set of technology requires 300 million."

After reading the reply from the old professor, Fang Yuan directly communicated with Piggs, without a word of nonsense, and went straight to the topic: "Give me X-ray technology."

"This technology is worth 300 million." Piggs' answer is also very official.

"X-rays can clear the silicon-based naphtha. This intelligence is worth 300 million, and now is the most critical time in the battle. If you want to win, don’t talk nonsense. I not only want the full set of X-ray technology, you better guarantee my onboard engineering team. Able to modify X-ray weapons through remote assistance." Fang Yuan's request is very welcome.

"Okay, I'll let the ray technology department send you technical information." Piggs agreed quite readily.

In fact, there is nothing to consider about this matter.

The current battle situation has reached this level. If you lose the battle because of this technology, it is not worth the loss.

The human fleet can push the capital of the triple star of the Duke of Arden to such an extent, there is enough confidence to raise the demand.

What's more, the X-ray is only a 2.5-level technology. For higher civilizations, the level of this technology is actually relatively low.

After Pigues agreed to send scientific and technological materials, he asked again: "Is this technology useful for turning the tide of war?"

This technology is used to deal with silicon-based naphtha, but it is obviously not silicon-based naphtha that needs to be dealt with.

"It's useless for the time being, it may be useful after holding it first." Fang Yuan's answer was also very simple.

"If the X-ray can clear the silicon-based naphtha, it will not be long before the Arden Triad can solve the silicon-based naphtha crisis. How do you plan to turn the battle around?" Piggs asked seriously.

"I haven't figured it out yet." Fang Yuan had already obtained the X-ray technology he wanted and cut off the communication directly, leaving Piggs stunned.

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