One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1162: Invisible Battleship Ghost

Atox's order was passed down, and the capital of the Alton triad of β107 Perseus activated the emergency planetary defense magnetic field.

A planetary magnetic field is generated above the planet, covering the three capital stars.

Hundreds of millions of silicon-based brain bullets were poured into the three capital stars.

After entering the planet's defensive magnetic field, the direction began to deflect, and gradually coincide with the orbit of the satellite, turning into space dust, orbiting the planet.

The planetary defensive magnetic field is different from the general battleship shield.

The defensive power of the battleship shield is very strong, and it can block the attacks of powerful weapons frontally.

The planetary defensive magnetic field cannot reach the level of the energy shield because it is too large.

However, the planetary defensive magnetic field can deflect the flying direction of the flying object, eventually turning the shells and bullets into satellites and orbiting the planet.

Immediately afterwards, the gamma light cannon in the capital of the triple star began to fire, quickly clearing the silicon-based brain bullet in the satellite orbit.


The silica-based brain bullets that were scattered by the Ghost only touched the spaceport of Capital Star 5.

The silicon-based naphtha quickly engulfed the spaceport, but after the appearance of Aatox, the energy storm that blew up pushed the spaceport into the deep space of the universe without spreading to the planetary capital.

Aatox pushed the spaceport engulfed by the silicon-based naphtha away from the capital star No. 5, and then ordered the destroyer formation to pursue the spacecraft that poured the silicon-based brain bullets.

On the Ghost.

After Xie Fengxing poured the silicon-based stone brain bullets, he knew that he would be hunted down soon. He immediately ordered the Ghost to hide and escape from the orbit of the triple star capital.

The high-speed destroyer formation sent by Atox is very fast and has a curvature engine.

If it is speed, the Ghost has no chance of escape.

In order to obtain the best concealment effect, the Ghost sacrificed the armor of the battleship and sacrificed the ability to fly with curvature.

Therefore, there is no possibility of escape from the pursuit if the power is fully driven and escaped.

When the Phantom approached the sixth planet of β107 Perseus.

Xie Fengxing decisively ordered: "Turn off the power engine, turn off all communication equipment, enter the signal silence state, and start the hidden system."

The Phantom’s weak engine tail flame disappeared, like a black spot, in the background of the night sky of the universe.

After turning off the power engine, it means that the Ghost will drift forward at its original speed.

The next thing to see is whether it will be discovered by the destroyer formation sent by Aatox.

In the destroyer formation sent by Atrox, no Phantom could be found in all the detection equipment.

However, the destroyer formation did not give up the pursuit, but flew towards the last missing location of the Ghost.

This destroyer formation is obviously very experienced.

In the universe, it is actually very simple for a spacecraft to disappear.

In the dark cosmic background, at the interstellar scale, it is impossible for optical detection to find a spacecraft.

Not to mention a spacecraft, in a star system, farther planets are not visible.

Therefore, if you want to find a spacecraft, you can only rely on radar and other detection equipment.

The Phantom has given up its defense and long-distance capabilities in order to obtain the ultimate concealment ability. Therefore, the radar detection equipment can only find the Phantom at a very close distance.

"Team leader, we are very likely to be found. The opponent's destroyer is too fast. As long as we chase to the place where our signal disappears and follow our drifting direction, we can easily be spotted." The members of the Ghost are very worried. .

Xie Fengxing also knew this.

Concealment ability, and detection ability, will always be a pair of mortal enemies.

In a sense, the invisible warship Ghost is like a submarine of the Ocean Age.

In order to remain hidden, submarines sometimes need to turn off all power and equipment to avoid being detected by radar.

Now, the Ghost is the same, shutting down all engines and communication equipment, and entering an invisible state.

However, in this state, the Ghost can only rely on inertia to fly forward.

Unable to change direction, it is easy to be overtaken by the enemy destroyer along the inertial direction.

Xie Fengxing looked at the sixth planet β107 Perseus on the left front, took a deep breath, and said: "Then you can only bet they can't find us."

He chose to shut down the power engine close to the sixth planet of β107 Perseus for a reason.

When the power engine is turned off in this position, the ghost will change the direction of its inertial flight due to the gravity of the sixth planet β107 Perseus.

In the ghost group, someone soon understood Xie Fengxing’s intentions and explained: “The leader wants to use the gravity of the sixth planet to form a gravitational slingshot effect and make the ghost change its flight direction, making it difficult for the enemy destroyer to predict. The direction of our movement will greatly increase our chances of escape."

"That's it." The group members gained more confidence.

Xie Fengxing turned his head to look at everyone, and said solemnly: "Since we received this mission, everyone should know how dangerous this mission is.

"I will do my best to take everyone back.

"It's just that it is very difficult for the stealth warship to leave the fleet to perform its mission.

"So, in the next few months, or even a few years, we can only survive on our own."

The Ghost has no curvature engine, which means it has no ability to sail.

If the fighters on the Ghost want to return to Earth, the only way is to join the main fleet.

However, in β107 Perseus, the main human fleet is overwhelmed and it is difficult to pick them up.

Therefore, the Ghost will have to rely on itself to survive for a long time to come.

Xie Fengxing sighed and said, "Moreover, our mission is likely to fail."

This is a bit of shame in his heart.

The silicon-based brain bullets fired by the Ghost were all blocked by the planetary defensive magnetic field of the capital of the triple star, and only destroyed one spaceport.

Did not reach the initial goal, destroy the triple star capital.

The best goal for this mission is to destroy the capital of the triple star of the Duke of Arden.

Of course, it is very difficult to achieve this goal.

The mission also set a minimum goal, that is, to at least create chaos for the triple star capital.

As a result, the minimum goals were not reached.

"Group leader, we didn't do a good job." A group member lowered his head, his face was full of ashamed.

"Don't blame you, everyone tried their best. The three capital stars reacted too fast, and they opened the planetary defensive magnetic field before the bullet entered the atmosphere." Xie Fengxing sighed.

He paused and put on a motivational tone: "Everyone, don't give up, our actions are not useless.

"We destroyed the spaceport of Capital Star 5, which means that there are only two spaceports left in the capital of the beta 107 Perseids triad.

"Without a spaceport, the logistics, support, and offensive efficiency of the triple star capital defense fleet is greatly reduced."

While the group members are talking.

A formation of destroyers sent by Atox approached.

"Team leader, the destroyer chasing us is here."

Everyone quieted down subconsciously, waiting for the death sentence.

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