One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1160: Ninth planet, danger

The ninth fortress planet β107 Perseus.

This is a fortress planet transformed into a resource star after mining to the later stage.

The defensive firepower can be ranked in the forefront of the galaxy's advanced civilization fortress planets, second only to the capital of the Alton triple star.

Coupled with the Ninth Defense Fleet, it can be said that the defense force of Planet Nine is very complete, even if the main force of the Carbon-based Alliance comes to attack, it may not be able to win.


Fang Yuan looked at this planet at a distance of 100 light seconds, but his eyes were so calm.

Not only the human fleet is in a calm state, the ninth planet β107 Perseus and the ninth garrison fleet are equally calm.

The two sides looked at each other 100 light seconds apart.

This quiet breath is like the tranquility before the storm.

"It is estimated that the triple star support fleet will arrive in 30 minutes." Lang Xiaonian notified the time in the communication channel.

Inside the counterattack.

Han Youwei is still doing the final star power test.

Although the "Void Gate" has been successfully absorbed, there are differences in different people with the same superpower.

And now in every battle, no mistakes are allowed. Any mistake will result in the entire army being wiped out.

"Star power fluctuates normally, 10 sets of'Void Gate' data records, calculated the star power consumption, and the function formula of the distance between the'Void Gate'. You Wei, this ability is very strong, it is of the fleet skill level, Thank you for successfully absorbing it." When Zhao Anya saw the test report, she was relieved.

The "thank you" she said came from the heart.

In fact, having been a comrade-in-arms for so many years, many times, the word "thank you" is no longer needed.

However, the ability of "Void Gate" is really too important. It is a key ability that can directly reverse a battle.

Ability like this super S grade, when absorbed, usually the success rate is not too high, and 3% is considered a very high success rate.

If the awakened person itself has many star trough characteristics, the absorption success rate will be lower.

Therefore, according to the success rate, if you get ten nuclei, you may not be able to successfully absorb them.

Even if there is a star core, it is not so easy to find the right person.

After all, when the Awakener reaches the planetary star, their strength has reached a certain level, and the number of star slots they possess is usually a lot.

Awakeners like Han Youwei who try to keep the number of star slots are rare.

Because of the law of survival in the universe, an awakened person is not allowed to slowly wait for a high-level star core.

For the average awakened person, if they have the opportunity to improve their strength, they must increase as much as possible, otherwise there is the possibility of death at any time.

"This is not the credit of me alone. Everyone has helped me, so I can hold on till now."

Han Youwei shook Zhao Anya's hand, and the two smiled, understanding the sigh in each other's heart.

The military scientific research class has indeed been the support of the team all the way, allowing Han Youwei to hold on to the present with a small number of star slots, waiting for the most suitable star core.

"Okay, time is almost up. According to Xie Fengxing's character, he almost should act. We also have to move here and have a grand firework to give him a signal to act." Zhao Anyala and Han Youwei got up.

"it is good!"

Han Youwei nodded solemnly and walked towards the outer deck with Zhao Anya.

Walking all the way behind Fang Yuan, he said: "The'Void Gate' has been tested. With my current total star power, I can send a counterattack over a distance of 100 light seconds, and the star power has surplus."

"Very good, Xiaonian, tell the time." Fang Yuan asked again.

"There is still 25 minutes before the arrival of the triple star support fleet." Lang Xiaonian has been calculating the arrival time of the triple star support fleet and immediately reported the data.

"The counterattack is ready, look for a suitable drop point, and act!"

Fang Yuan uses channel broadcasts to issue combat orders.

All personnel of the Counterattack moved and began to adjust the direction of the battleship.

Inside the bridge.

Lang Xiaonian put the star map to the maximum, enlarged the ninth planet β107 Perseus into a holographic model, and quickly dragged his finger on the holographic model to find the most suitable point.

The ninth planet of β107 Perseus is a fortress planet.

On the surface of the planet, countless defensive structures have been built, and there are many turrets, like a huge war weapon.

However, this planet is 5000 kilometers in diameter, and it is impossible to build dense forts on every inch of land.

Therefore, there are always positions where the defense is relatively weak.

Moreover, the defensive firepower of the fortress planet has a blind spot.

When the distance is 10 light seconds, it is a distance of 3 million kilometers.

At this distance, the linear range of all turrets on the fortress planet facing the target can cover the target.

As the target gets closer, the number of turrets that can cover the target in a straight line will decrease.

When the distance is close to the surface, there are very few that can hit the target directly, and the turrets that are slightly farther away will be blocked by the horizon.

Lang Xiaonian quickly swiped the holographic model of the Ninth Planet and reported after 30 seconds: "The equator of the Ninth Planet β107 Perseus, facing the direction of the star, at an altitude of 10,000 to 30,000 meters, has the weakest defense.

"Facing the direction of the star? Isn't the light bright, shouldn't we descend on the side facing away from the star? That side is night." A member of the military research team asked.

This question is reasonable.

Under normal circumstances, the best time to attack is usually the best time at night.

Because the light is dim at night, the defensive turrets need more time to lock the target.

And the side facing away from the star is night.

The side facing the star is daytime.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the best position is to choose the side facing away from the star.

Lang Xiaonian immediately explained: "The landing position I chose is on the straight line between the ninth planet and the star.

"Beta 107 Perseus is a binary star system. Both stars are more massive than the sun and have very bright light.

"Therefore, if we look at Planet Nine, the position where we descend is exactly the brightest position of the star. It will be very dazzling and even affect the aiming of the laser fire control."

After listening to Lang Xiaonian's explanation, no one had any objections.

Because that advent position is indeed the best.

Fang Yuan glanced sideways at Han Youwei, and said, "Prepare for action."

"it is good!"

Han Youwei took a step forward, released the star power, and used the "Void Gate".

A strange void energy enveloped the Counterattack.

As the counterattack's engine ejected light blue flames, the counterattack accelerated its charge. Under the action of the energy of the void gate, the piercing dimensional membrane disappeared from the spot.

The next moment.

Above the ninth fortress planet of β107 Perseus, a gate of the void appeared directly opposite the star, and the Counterattack appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

In an instant, on the ninth planet of β107 Perseus, all dangerous alarms sounded at the same time.

The hum resounded across the sky.

The defensive firepower network of Planet Ninth reacted quickly, and the gamma light cannon directly below immediately adjusted its barrel, locked the counterattack at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and launched an attack.

The ninth garrison fleet also moved immediately, rushing over from the other side.

It's just too late this time.

Fang Yuan stood on the bow deck of the Counterattack, glanced at the planet below, leaped and jumped down.

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