One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1144: Something similar to silicon-based naphtha

After the silica-based naphtha was wrapped in a protective layer of calcium, the Shenzhou was temporarily out of the crisis.

However, the engine system of the Shenzhou has been destroyed, and traction technology is needed to take the Shenzhou away from the gravitational orbit of the α61 red dwarf star.

The follow-up also needs to find a way to remove the silicon-based naphtha.

Under the traction of the three warships, the Shenzhou flew away from the orbit of the α61 red dwarf star in the constellation of Momentum, and approached the first asteroid belt, which was basically safe.

Although the silica-based naphtha has not been removed, it is temporarily out of danger.

You can slowly find a way to solve the latter problem.

"What kind of ghost are these things? Doesn't it mean that they have no spiritual attributes? Can they really be called creatures?" When Niu Dazhi rescued his comrades, he had been in close contact with this kind of things and felt very sick.

"From the perspective of human spiritual attributes, the silicon-based naphtha is indeed not affected by our mental power, but this does not mean that the silicon-based naphtha has no consciousness. It may just be that our ideology is different, like two different signal bands. Receive messages from each other." Zhao Anya explained a little bit.

"But is this kind of thing really a living thing? It's like a stone." Niu Dazhi doubted.

"A major feature of living things is reproduction, and the silicon-based naphtha has this feature." Eve added.

"What the hell? Do you call that reproduction?" Niu Dazhi raised his voice.

"This question... is really difficult to define. After all, there is no fixed standard for the form of reproduction. In fact, a similar thing can be found on the earth, and the scientific community has disputes over whether it is a living thing." Han Youwei checked the information. , Said.

"What? There is such a terrible thing on the earth?" In the military scientific research class, several people made surprise sounds at the same time.

"In terms of self-replication, there is indeed something similar. Of course it is not as scary as silicon-based naphtha." Han Youwei nodded affirmatively.

"What? It's impossible, right? If there is such a terrible thing on the earth, wouldn't it be fried soon?" Niu Dazhi became more and more curious.

"Are you trying to talk about prions?" Fang Yuan heard her say this, and quickly guessed what she was trying to say.

"Yes, don't you think that the replication method of silicon-based naphtha is a bit like a prion?" Han Youwei nodded back.

Fang Yuan nodded thoughtfully, "It is indeed a bit like, but whether prions are viruses or not is also a question."

"So, whether or not a silicon-based naphtha is a living thing is not easy to define. But judging from the behavior of a silicon-based naphtha, it is conscious. For example, launching stone eggs on the Shenzhou is not a random event, it is purposeful." Han Youwei answered.

"It may also be a stress response, such as a pitcher plant catching insects. It is not an active consciousness, but a passive ability." Fang Yuan thought and discussed with Han Youwei.

"Hey hey hey...what are you talking about? What the **** is that soft virus? Soft virus?" Niu Dazhi said with an expression of "Can you speak human words".

"If you don't understand, don't mix things up. It's not something you can understand."

Eve squinted at him, then moved to Han Youwei's side and said with a smile: "Youwei, what is that virus?"

"It's actually the kind of thing that causes mad cow disease..."

Seeing that she had never heard of it, Han Youwei explained a little bit: "Actually, whether prions are viruses or not, there is really no conclusion in the scientific community.

"Because prions do not contain nucleic acids, they are an infectious factor consisting only of proteins.

"Generally speaking, there is RNA in viruses, which is the genetic material of viruses.

"Another important feature of living things is that they have genetic material, which can transmit biological genes.

"DNA and RNA are genetic material, both of which are nucleic acids.

"If there is no genetic material, then this thing cannot pass on its own characteristics.

"A prion is a very strange thing. It does not have the RNA that a virus should have, it is just a protein.

"However, this protein is very scary, even more scary than a virus.

"The general virus, the human immune system, can produce immune cells to kill the virus.

"However, the human immune system has nothing to do with prions, because this thing does not have RNA, nor does it have many characteristics of the virus, and the immune system cannot recognize it.

"A prion is a kind of protein. This protein has a characteristic. After it comes into contact with the proteins of the biological brain, it will assimilate these proteins into its structure, forming a sponge-like protein structure.

"After the biological brain has spongiform encephalopathy, the diseased brain loses its original function.

"Moreover, this spongiform encephalopathy is contagious, just like silica-based naphtha, constantly changing the surrounding proteins into their shapes.

"The result is that prions can cause degenerative diseases of the human central nervous system and eventually die.

"Therefore, the World Health Organization recognizes prion disease as one of the biggest chronic diseases that endanger human health.

"To some extent, we can think of silicon-based naphtha as a silicon-based prion, and it is at the nuclear level.

"The similarity between them is that prions can change the proteins they come into contact with into the same structure as them.

"The silicon-based naphtha can turn all the elements it touches into silicon.

"Similarly, prions do not have genetic material such as RNA, but have the ability to replicate themselves, so the scientific community cannot recognize them as organisms.

"The situation of silicon-based naphtha is somewhat similar. From a mental level, it cannot have an impact, but silicon-based naphtha does have the ability to replicate itself.

"Moreover, from a behavioral point of view, there is a certain purpose."




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