One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1141: Scary Silica Naphtha


Fang Yuan smashed the vines extending from the silicon-based naphtha, and said in a deep voice, "Quick! Get the distance."

Eve immediately pushed the engine control lever to the end.

The Shenzhou ship launched a blazing light blue tail flame from the tail and began to accelerate forward.

However, less than ten seconds after the engine sprayed, the tail flame suddenly dimmed quickly, and the slight vibration from the engine's operation disappeared.

The Shenzhou suddenly lost its power and was dragged toward the surface of the red dwarf by the stellar gravity.

"What's the matter?" Fang Yuan condensed his eyes and asked aloud.

"The power engine has not responded. I don't know what to do. It is completely broken. It seems that it is no longer part of the Shenzhou body." Eve's voice also began to become anxious.

Zhao Anya rushed out and rushed outside the power engine to take a look, and saw that black silicon-based vines had begun to spread on the passage wall.

"The engine room is contaminated with silicon naphtha."

She used the word pollution, which sounded a little strange, but it was the most appropriate word after she quickly thought about it in her mind.

"It won't work like this, Shenzhou has stalled. If we don't hurry up and think of a solution, we will be dragged down by the stellar gravity." Lang Xiaonian looked anxious at the decreasing altitude.

"Can it be fixed?" Fang Yuan asked.

If it was before, Eve would usually say enthusiastically: "No problem!"

However, this time she hesitated for a while before answering:

"I don't know, I have never seen this before.

"In the past, engine damage was not the case. Just repair it if it is damaged.

"But... this time, it's like being sick. I don't know what to do."


Eve's description made the fleet executives puzzled.

"Yes, Shenzhou is like being ill. It is not the armor pierced by silicon-based vines, but the hull is infected and sick." Eve explained.

"Then what to do?" Everyone was helpless.

There is no way to reverse this situation.

This is not like a strong opponent, as long as the strength is enough, you can beat the opponent down.

The current situation is completely different. An incomprehensible thing is infecting the Shenzhou hull.


At this moment, a senior engineer on board suddenly exclaimed: "My hand! My hand!"

This senior engineer wanted to obtain a sample of silicon-based naphtha for analysis and research, and wanted to help the fleet tide over the difficulties.

However, under multiple protections, the silicon-based vines still penetrated all the protective layers and spread to the arms of the senior engineer.

Black vines, like tree roots, grew on his arm.

The severe pain made him scream, struggling in pain, and wanted to ask for help.

"Don't get close! Don't get close!" The colleague next to it saw it and didn't know what to do.

He wanted to help, but he didn't dare to step forward, because the protective clothing he was wearing couldn't stop the infection of this black substance.

The silicon-based vines spread all the way up the senior engineer's arms, reaching the torso and piercing into the heart.

Just then.

Fang Yuan appeared across the dimensional membrane, drew a star power blade, and cut off the senior engineer's arm.

After confirming that the fracture was not invaded by the vines of the silicon-based naphtha, he pushed him to the people behind him and said, "Take him to stop the bleeding. Block the A3 laboratory."

The arm that fell on the ground and was contaminated by the silicon-based naphtha began to spread along the steel layer on the ground.

The situation is very serious.

Fang Yuan quickly walked towards the bridge, and while walking, he used the radio to give orders: "Block all areas contaminated by silicon-based naphtha, activate the internal defense system, and activate the alarm system.

"Everyone retreat to a safe area, stay away from invading substances before there is no order, and do not attempt any form of contact!

"All officers above the general level, onboard scientific research personnel, and onboard engineering personnel are gathered on the bridge to prepare for an emergency meeting. All warships must not approach the Shenzhou!"

A series of orders were issued.

The gates of Shenzhou's various regional passages were quickly blocked, and everyone gathered in the core area of ​​the defense system.

Gather officers above grade level, research personnel on board, and engineers on the bridge to prepare for an emergency meeting

Fang Yuan returned to the bridge and continued to give orders to the communication team: "Connect to the earth, photosynthetic civilization communication, and Professor Yang Yuping, we need scientific support."

The efficiency of the human fleet is very high. The communication conference began immediately, and people from all sides joined the conference one after another.

The incident information is passed to all parties at the same time.

"Silicon-based naphtha, this is the special creature we encountered in α61, and it is alive. Piggs, I need all the information about the silicon-based naphtha, and the secret files are also included. The exchange condition is the information. Sharing. If you haven't seen a live silicon-based naphtha, the information I can provide now can definitely be exchanged for your secret files." Fang Yuan went straight to the topic as soon as he opened his mouth.

Piggs heard such a large amount of information all of a sudden, was stunned for a while, and after quickly checking the information of the silicon-based naphtha, he promised: "Yes, I will apply to the parent star now."

No matter what kind of civilization, data and intelligence will be graded.

Therefore, although the human fleet has previously obtained information on silicon-based naphtha from the photosynthetic civilization, it is not necessarily all the information.

In particular, the information recorded in the secret archives cannot be provided to other civilizations casually.

Therefore, Fang Yuan made this request.

Of course, Fang Yuan didn't know whether the photosynthetic civilization really still had classified information, but it is always good to hope for more information.

After Yang Yuping's communication was connected to the meeting, he immediately put forward a strategic request: "Test the consciousness of the silicon-based naphtha and try to communicate."

For Yang Yuping, one millisecond is enough to calculate a problem that humans can't finish for several years.

Therefore, at the moment of access to communication, he has already analyzed the entire incident and made a request, with the goal of obtaining more information.

This task is the responsibility of the Spiritual Awakeners on the Shenzhou.

Zhao Anya personally took the psychic power group to try to communicate on the consciousness level with the silicon-based naphtha.

After ten minutes, she replied helplessly: "Unable to communicate, the silicon-based naphtha did not respond to mental attacks, but it is impossible to determine whether there is no mental attribute or the spiritual attribute is too strong, ignoring all mental attacks."

"Next, test the data requirements I put forward, the quality changes of the silicon-based naphtha invasion battleship, the energy source..." Yang Yuping put forward various data detection requirements, which are very targeted.

"Maybe pollution, or infection is more appropriate. The silicon-based naphtha did not destroy the armor of the Shenzhou, but directly turned the armor into the same substance as it, and it continued to spread. In this way, it is like a virus. After entering the human body, it uses the human body's nutrition to replicate." Zhao Anya tried to give a rigorous answer.

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