One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1139: What's in the stone egg

"This kind of thing is mainly composed of silicon, which is similar to stone. It is not the macromolecular structure of a star beast. How can it be called a living thing." Niu Dazhi gave a serious thinking expression.

"There is no obvious limit to the definition of living things. There are too many life forms in the universe that you can't understand. Not to mention silicon-based, to say that the virus we know has no cell structure, even consciousness, but the virus is Belongs to living things, replicated by division..."

Eve Yu had a nice expression, turned his fingers, and then said, "So, if you see a stone with structural self-replication ability that day, it might be a living thing, but it's just something we can't understand. That’s all."

"It's as if you have seen it before." Niu Dazhi said grotesquely, and then ran out of the bridge quickly.

Eve looked back and wanted to beat him, but when he turned around he found that the fat man was running faster than the rabbit.


Inside the red dwarf.

Fang Yuan walked through the thick gaseous plasma layer: "How far is it from the core area?"

"About sixty kilometers." Ye Zheyu gave a visual data.

For Fang Yuan, the distance of sixty kilometers was just a blink of an eye.

However, in the gaseous plasma layer of red dwarfs, one must be careful.

After half a minute, Fang Yuan reached the core of the torso of the silicon-based naphtha.

As Ye Zheyu said, the core of the torso of the silicon-based naphtha is like a huge sepak takraw. The black and red roots gather here to form a huge hollow sepak takraw.

This sepak takraw ball can't be seen at a glance, and its diameter is at least six thousand kilometers.

Inside the sepak takraw, there are some medium sepak takraw, and inside the medium sepak takraw there are smaller takraw.

The internal structure of the silicon-based naphtha is the structure of a large sepak takraw and a small sepak takraw, like an infinite matryoshka.

In the end, when the sepak takraw was as small as a room, these structures were densely arranged inside the silicon naphtha.

Gaseous plasma flows inside the sepak takraw of silicon-based naphtha.

Fang Yuan passed through the sepak takraw structure of the silicon-based naphtha, observing the takraw structure like a cage, there was a faint feeling of strangeness.

Observed all the way, not long.

Fang Yuan discovered a strange sepak takraw structure.

This sepak takraw structure is completely enclosed from one side.

Seen from the other side, a hole was broken.

The use of "sepak takraw" to describe the internal structure of the silicon-based naphtha means that these "sepak takraw" structures are hollow.

However, the one I see now does not look hollow, it should have been closed, like a stone egg.

The closed stone egg is thirty meters in diameter and very wide.

Fang Yuan increased his vigilance and said in the communication channel: "Did you see the stone egg in front of me? This structure is different from other sepak takraw."

"I see, the structure is indeed different, but I have confirmed the internal just now, there is no danger." Ye Zheyu replied.

"Help me see if there are other similar stone egg structures around." Fang Yuan said.


Ye Zheyu agreed, and three minutes later, he replied: "Sweeping a radius of 3,000 kilometers, sixteen similar stone egg structures were found, but without exception, a hole was broken."

This discovery immediately attracted the attention of everyone on board the Shenzhou.

The picture of the stone egg is presented on the large screen of the bridge.

Everyone stared at the screen: "This is not a biological egg, right? It also broke a hole, meaning that the hatched thing ran out?"

This idea is the first feeling of most people.

According to the normal thinking of human beings, when you encounter something like an egg, your first thought is something hatched in it.

And the egg has a hole, which means that the inside has grown and ran out.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately made people feel creepy.

"Captain, you have to be careful. If something really runs out of it." Eve said so, but his eyes were shining, and he clearly wanted to see what was coming out of the stone egg.

Han Youwei said with a serious expression: "According to the description, the silicon-based naphtha is a conscious creature and is classified as a civilization by the Carbon-based Alliance.

"The main body of the silicon-based naphtha civilization is the silicon-based naphtha, which is a self-replicating or growth-type creature.

"From the data point of view, there should be no hatching of other creatures.

"Our first reaction to stone eggs is the reason for hatching organisms, because hatching larvae is a common way of reproduction for carbon-based organisms on earth.

"However, in the universe, this method of reproduction is not necessarily the most common."

After listening to Han Youwei's analysis, everyone felt reasonable again.

Human beings were born on the earth, and the creatures they see next to them are all silicon-based life forms, all of which are similar life forms.

Therefore, when you see other creatures, you will subconsciously connect with earth creatures.

Therefore, when you see something in the shape of an egg, you will subconsciously think that it is an organ that hatches a larva.

However, this is just a common way of reproduction of carbon-based organisms on the earth, not necessarily the way of reproduction of other cosmic organisms.

Inside the silicon-based naphtha.

Fang Yuan reached out and touched the hole in the stone egg, his eyes narrowed and thought: "The hole looks sharp and angular, it looks like it's new.

"Lao Ye, help me look for it and see if there are broken pieces around."


Before Ye Zheyu's words fell, he had already found what he was looking for: "I found it, at three o'clock in front of you, about ten kilometers away, there is something the size of a millstone. The color looks like a fragment of a silicon-based naphtha. But I’m not sure if it’s a broken stone egg."

Fang Yuan immediately went to find the fragment, and then put it on the stone egg breach for a comparison: "It's the stone egg fragment."

Although the stone egg corresponding to this fragment was not found, judging from the cracked texture and texture, it is the stone egg fragment.

Moreover, the water chestnuts of the fragments are still sharp, which is not intended to be something broken for tens of millions of years.

"According to data records, the silica-based naphtha was active 60 million years ago. If these stone eggs were broken at that time, then the broken fragments would have been pushed elsewhere by the plasma layer..."

Fang Yuan quickly made a judgment: "Therefore, these stone eggs should have been broken recently, so that the fragments will stay here."

"What? Isn't that what's inside, not long after it came out?" Eve's eyes widened and became more excited.

"Don't be too happy, if this is the case, then these stone eggs should be broken by the Palestine civilization. Don't forget that the Palestine civilization left traces of activity on the seat α61." Zhao Anya reminded.

"That's right. Isn't the'photon transition' obtained from the stuff in the stone egg? The stuff hatched from the silicon-based naphtha was taken away by the Palestine civilization!" Eve thought of another possibility.

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