One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1134: Abominable fleet of junior civilizations

After hearing Han Youwei's supplement, everyone nodded involuntarily.

From the perspective of astrophysics, Lang Xiaonian’s inference is indeed reasonable, but from the perspective of the Palletian civilization’s three characteristic abilities, such as the "photon transition", it is indeed possible that there may be life in α61 of the square.

This human fleet, far away from its homeland, continues to follow the trajectory of the Palestine civilization, slowly approaching the red dwarf star at the center of α61 in the constellation Rectangle.

at the same time.

The battle on the battlefield of the planetary fortress of α217 Scutum is still going on.

The three noble fleets of the Palestine Galaxy Far Star Empire, under the command of the Duke of Arden, besieged the carbon-based alliance three civilization fleets.

The three civilizations of the carbon-based alliance can only rely on the defensive advantages of the planetary fortress to resist the siege of the three noble fleets.

Since the Duke of Arden had traveled to end the Shields campaign with the least cost, he chose to continue the siege and gradually weaken and erode the resistance of the Carbon-based Alliance.

Because the three civilized fleets of the Carbon-based Alliance are all trapped in the defensive circle of the planetary fortress at #217 of the Shield, there is basically no spray.

The only thing that worries the three nobles such as the Duke of Arden is the primary civilized fleet that has disappeared for a long time and is called "humanity."

In the wartime meeting of the three nobles of the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire, there is usually a half of the time discussing the human fleet.

This unseen fleet of primary civilizations is like a thorn. Before being pierced, one never knows where the thorn will pierce.

"Arnis, haven't you found a trace of the human fleet?" The Duke of Arden didn't know how many times he asked this question.

Almost every wartime meeting, after discussing other matters, the Duke of Arden would use this sentence to open the next discussion about the human fleet.

"No, I haven't found them in the information network of the square seat for almost a month." Count Arnis shook his head helplessly.

He is in a very strange mood now.

Because after the disappearance of the human fleet, although it made him feel flustered, he didn't know that the next news came was that the resource star was attacked.

But at the same time, I was a little bit lucky. Missing for a month, it is very likely that this hateful primary civilization fleet has already left the star field under his control.

If this **** junior civilized fleet really leaves the square arm of his control, then the territories of the other two nobles may suffer.

As for who was unlucky, he didn't care at all, as long as he didn't fight his own territory.

However, even so, he was still very uncomfortable.

In the past few months, his lair was almost smashed by this **** junior civilized fleet, and countless strategic materials were taken away.

He even knew clearly that if it hadn't been for the relatively small scale of this elementary civilized fleet and not many strategic resources that could be transported away, even the resource star might be stripped.

"Where was the last time the human fleet appeared?" Duke Arden felt a little uneasy.

"Rectangle seat α82." Count Arnis gave a simple answer.

As soon as the voice fell, a red dot was marked on the holographic star map ahead.

The position of the red dot is surprisingly the constellation α82 of the constellation of the Milky Way.

"This position... draw a straight line to the square seat κ153." Duke Arden ordered.

Soon, a straight line was drawn between the square base κ153 and the square base α82.

"The direction of the straight line points to the center of silver?" Count Tallinndal said uncertainly.

Although the straight line has an oblique angle, it does seem to be heading towards the center of silver.

"It doesn't have to be a silver heart, but it may also be across the spiral arm to the opposite spiral arm." Duke Arden's eyes fell low.

In fact, Earl Arnis had already thought about this guess of the Duke of Arden.

The detection network of the spiral arm of the square rod finally found that the position of the human fleet was indeed at the square rod α82, and the viewing direction was inclined at an angle, pointing to the center of the silver.

But the center of the Milky Way is a huge black hole. There are no stars in the region tens of thousands of light-years away from the center of the galaxy, because they are all swallowed by the black hole.

Therefore, it doesn't make any sense to be close to the galactic black hole. If it is swallowed by the black hole, it will be a dead end.

Therefore, according to normal thinking, the most likely direction of the human fleet is along one side of the spiral arm, across the galactic center, to the spiral arm at the other end.

The spiral arm at the other end is the Perseus spiral arm of the Duke of Arden and the Sagittarius spiral arm of the Earl of Tallinndal.

No matter which of the two goals of the human fleet is, Count Arnis is very fortunate, as long as that **** fleet of primary civilizations leave his nest.

Count Arnis took a look at the two nobles in front of him, and he didn't see any panic from their energy fluctuations.

"Don't you worry about that **** junior civilized fleet attacking your capital star?"

The Duke of Arden and the Earl of Tallinndal control the Perseus and Sagittarius respectively. Like Earl Arnis, they have capital stars in their respective star regions.

"Arnis, do you think we are the same as you, even the capital star will fall?" Count Tallinndal let out a sneer, his tone obviously contemptuous.

This makes Count Arnis look very ugly.

The fall of Alnis Star has already made him extremely angry, but the guy opposite, who is also the earl, used this incident to mock him.

Count Arnis took this account in his heart, but it is not suitable for turning his face.

"Then Count Tallinndale, be careful. Maybe the human fleet is going to your Sagittarius spiral arm."




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