One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1131: Stellar grave

Rectangle seat α61.

This is a very faint star system on the star chart. Among many star systems, it belongs to the part closer to the galactic center.

This star system is the ancient battlefield of the Milky Way in the secret archives of Alnis Star.

Judging from the description in the archives, this so-called "ancient battlefield" does not naturally refer to the battle between the Palestine civilization and the carbon-based alliance 20,000 years ago.

Therefore, the age should be older than the galactic war 20,000 years ago.

During the time close to α61, everyone in the fleet was nervous and curious.

Judging from the few photos in the secret archives, α61 is a relatively faint star system whose stars have been destroyed.

Therefore, cosmic dust is everywhere in the star system, just like the asteroid belt of the solar system, full of meteorites and asteroids.

However, there is much more cosmic dust in α61 in the constellation of square feet than in the solar system. The total mass of cosmic dust is billions of times that of the solar system, to an incalculable extent.

The destroyed stars and the participating masses slowly gathered together to form a red dwarf with a petite mass.

The light of the red dwarf star is relatively dim in the star, coupled with the endless cosmic dust permeating the star system, the light of this red dwarf star is almost invisible in the star system.

After getting closer to α61, Shenzhou, relying on radio telescopes and other equipment, successively observed red dwarfs in α61.

"How are the observations?"

After the astronomical observation team in the Lang Xiaonian zone informed everyone about the observation of the star α61 in the constellation of the square, everyone gathered to ask the result.

"It is indeed an M-type star with a relatively small mass, about 0.2 times that of the sun." Lang Xiaonian replied.

"That's not too small, right?"

Humans were born in the solar system, and the mass of the sun accounts for more than 98% of the total mass of the solar system, so the mass of the sun is very huge for humans.

It's just that the sun is among the stars, but it belongs to the kind of smaller mass.

"If the sun is very small, the mass of the sun belongs to a relatively small star, and the mass of this α61 is even smaller. A red dwarf has been formed, but according to the information in the secret archives, it has been The total mass is not that small..."

Lang Xiaonian began to talk about his own analysis: "So, I think the star of α61 in the constellation of the square ruler was once an A-type star, and its mass should be 2 to 3 times that of the sun.

"As for why a lot of quality was lost later, there is no final conclusion yet.

"I can't wait to go into α61 in the constellation of the constellation of the constellation of Jumeirah, and see what happened to this star system."

Lang Xiaonian is not only curious, in fact everyone in the fleet is curious.

To be a human space army soldier, who hasn't dreamed of the stars and the sea?

Moreover, in the selection system of the Space Army, astronomy and cosmological sociology are required.

"Because there is a lot of cosmic dust in the square seat α61, after entering the square seat α61, the sailing speed should be slowed down, and the vibration should not be less, it is best for the flagship to turn on the energy shield to lead the way." Lang Xiaonian reminded. .

Shenzhou was responsible for piloting, but did not immediately activate the energy shield.

Instead, it continued to fly with curvature, but reduced the engine power a bit.

The meaning of not opening the energy shield is naturally to hit it, which can save a lot of time.

However, in response, you have to withstand the shock of the impact.

In this regard, Eve, as the main pilot and deputy captain of the fleet, drove the Shenzhou all the way without any pressure.

Even the antimatter interceptor dared to hit a few meteorites, which is really nothing.

Occasionally, there is a meteorite in the front, and I don't even hide, because if I dodge, the warship behind will collide.

Therefore, Ye Zheyu was responsible for locking these meteorites and starting to bombard them.

"Do you call this cosmic dust?"

Niu Dazhi lay on the dome of the bridge simulated on the screen, looking at a meteorite that was thicker than the Shenzhou ship drifting by, and made a comment.

"You know a ball, this is the cosmic dust, otherwise do you think the cosmic dust should be like dust?" Eve piloted the battleship, not forgetting to look back at him.

For the universe, meteorites with a diameter of several hundred meters are indeed just "dust".

Moreover, there is a lot of cosmic dust in α61, as if the entire star system is filled with countless asteroid belts.

It even obscures the light of the red dwarf star in the constellation α61, but when entering α61 in the constellation, the distance between the cosmic dust is actually very far away.

Therefore, it will not crash all the way, but occasionally encounter a meteorite ahead, which may hit the fleet. Only then will it choose to destroy it.

As the fleet gets closer and closer to the core area of ​​α61, the density of cosmic dust is gradually increasing.

Moreover, these cosmic dust are clearly divided into layers.

Therefore, what is presented to everyone is that every once in a while, it will enter an asteroid belt.

"Why do these meteorites come and go?" Niu Dazhi asked curiously.

"In fact, even the cosmic dust tends to follow Titius's law. These cosmic dust will be fixed on the orbits of the planets that should exist, and move around..."

Lang Xiaonian explained to him: "Just like the asteroid belt in the solar system, it forms a circle around the sun. This circle was originally the orbit of a planet.

"It's the same here. More than a dozen asteroid belts have formed around the red dwarf star in the constellation α61.

"Even, the difference between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt can no longer be distinguished."

After entering the core distance of the star system, 10 astronomical units from the red dwarf in the middle, the fleet shut down the curvature engine, proceeded with a normal propulsion flight, and continued to fly towards the red dwarf.

At the same time, the fleet uses all the detection methods to observe this star system.

"The stars here are really sparse, there is no complete planet." Lang Xiaonian sighed while observing.

Within the range that the fleet can detect, there really isn't a complete planet.

"How big is the biggest one?"

"The largest planet currently observed is about 3,000 kilometers in diameter, which is about the same size as the moon. This should be the largest planet. It is basically impossible to produce life in a star system like this. Destroyed like this, then this is really a grave." Lang Xiaonian sighed.

In fact, a long time ago, scientists put forward a point of view.

The universe is a big tomb. Countless civilizations were born in the universe, and they perished one after another. They were buried in this icy universe. Under the long river of time, they left no trace.

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