One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1129: Different routes

The ancient battlefield recorded in the secret archives of the Arniss star is located at α61 in the constellation of the square ruler, which is a star field closer to the galactic center.

The Shenzhou was piloted, and sixteen space battleships flew in the dark night sky of the spiral arm of the square ruler.

In the universe, in the space far away from the stars, it is always dark night, so dark as to see endlessly, so dark as to make people lonely.

On the outer deck of the Shenzhou, Han Youwei sat alone on the edge of the deck, holding a mechanical shell in her hand, slowly polishing it with star power.

The polished mechanical shell was put aside, but it did not fall on the deck, but floated.

Because there is no gravity on the outer deck of a battleship, any object just moves in one direction according to inertia and remains relatively stationary.


The Shenzhou shook slightly, and the mechanical shell floated out.

Han Youwei quickly popped out a star force and grabbed the shell back.

吭哧, 吭哧...

Eve wore an exoskeleton and walked up from the hull below, relying on the suction of the exoskeleton's soles to walk as if walking on flat ground.

"Youwei, what are you doing?" Eve came up and looked at Han Youwei's work curiously.

"It's nothing, polish a few drive housings." Han Youwei answered casually, and the work at hand continued.

"Just leave it to the engineering team. If you don't let the beef **** do it, the fat guy will do nothing except eat and sleep all day," Eve said.

"What I can do, the curvature drive is damaged, but it was also caused by my mistake." Han Youwei blamed herself.

"How can I blame you? At that time, the entire Alnis star's laser cannon was focused on you, and only you could hold it. If it was me, it would be gray if I couldn't hold it for a millisecond." Eve sat down. , Stretch both legs out of the battleship.

"At that time... I did make a mistake at the time. During training, it was my responsibility to be able to make no mistakes. That would cause the curvature driver to be damaged." Han Youwei put the polished shell into the pocket of the jersey.

"If it's bad, it's bad. Who can't make any mistakes? Just like me, it's not a big deal to break one or two battleships." Eve had an indifferent expression, hoping to be infected with her carefree attitude. Han Youwei.

In fact, it is nothing to damage one or two weapons and equipment in battle.

It's just that the thought of the price of this piece of equipment makes your scalp numb.

The price of this single-soldier curvature drive can directly buy several earths, which is too exaggerated.

"Besides, isn't it already fixed?" Eve comforted.

"The volume of the replaced module is too large, which makes the housing not fit. The additional housing that has a protruding piece will affect the output power of the curvature driver, so I want to try and see if I can optimize it slightly," Han Youwei said.

"That's it... let me do it. I'll talk to the drive, maybe there is a way." Eve said with a smile.

"Thank you……"

"Thank you? By the way, Youwei is in Alnis, why don't you try to absorb a few star cores? I have absorbed one. After I am familiar with the'ship control', I will upgrade MEKA to the size of a battleship. "Eve looked at the sky, and found that the sky was dark, no matter what, anyway, she showed a look of longing.

"I want to absorb some skills that can help the fleet. Absorbing too many characteristics will lead to a lower and lower success rate of absorbing characteristics in the future." Han Youwei explained.

In fact, almost all the high-value three-sided star cores of the Arniss star were found in the fleet.

In these star cores, there is no lack of S-level capabilities.

There are also some suitable for Han Youwei, but she did not choose to absorb them.

The reason for this is that in addition to being a little bit of choice phobia, I still want to maximize the characteristic ability.

After entering the era of interstellar war, for most people, the offensive ability is really becoming more and more useless.

Because the current Dragon Team, even the entire fleet, is a whole.

As long as Fang Yuan's attack power is enough.

Judging from the previous several battles, as long as Fang Yuan can touch the target, he will win.

However, the problem is how to reach the target.

Under this circumstance, it is meaningless for other members of the Dragon Team to absorb attack ability.

Therefore, Han Youwei has been considering what kind of ability should be chosen to help the team.

The number of characteristic abilities that each awakened person can absorb is different, but one thing is certain, the more characteristic abilities that the same person absorbs, the more difficult it will be to absorb characteristic abilities in the future.

Now, Niu Dazhi has become the person with the most special abilities in the team, the reason is that even if the absorption success rate is only 1%, he hit hard.

This kind of promotion route cannot be said to be wrong.

This method may guarantee an absolute number of abilities, and the hard power is strong, but in the future, if you encounter stronger and more suitable abilities, it will be more difficult to absorb success.

Han Youwei chose a route that is more expensive and less expensive, trying to ensure that her characteristic energy is maintained at a reasonable amount. When encountering high-value abilities, absorption can ensure a higher success rate.

Eve depends on her mood. Anyway, she is interested in machinery-related abilities, and can basically link with the "Mechanical Heart". The route is clear, and the ability to continuously stack machinery is fine.

"That's right, your total star power is the most in the team, and only you can afford the'Photon Jump'. We are the best partner. You are responsible for driving the fleet and you are responsible for accelerating, which is a perfect match." He hugged Han Youwei's shoulders and smiled danglingly.


This time is March 70 of the Earth Crisis Era.

The battle of the Scutellum mining area continues. The three noble fleets of the Pallas Galactic Far Star Empire, under the command of the Duke of Arden, besieged the planetary fortress of α217 Scutum.

The three major civilized fleets of the Carbon-based Alliance rely on planetary fortresses to resist, and the battle continues.

After the human fleet smashed the old lair of Count Arnis, it was ready to take a look at an ancient battlefield at seat α61.

And this time.

The second homeland plan for mankind also quietly entered the second phase.

This secret plan does not know more than two palms.

Among them, fewer people know all the content.

In fact, the general content of the plan is that humans send colonial ships to find a second home suitable for human development.

In the plan file, the default is a colonial ship.

However, after the success of the powerful nuclear robot studied by Yang Yuping, it can replicate itself, and can rely on computers to automate the process of colonizing ships to develop planets.

Therefore, the number of colonial ships actually sent has reached five.

Among them, the first powerful nuclear robot automated colonization ship has landed on a cold planet and started planetary development.

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