One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1111: Arnis Earl Fleet

The spiral arm of the constellation of the Milky Way is near the end of the galactic center.

On the hyperspace route to the Shield, a space fleet consisting of 36 triangular warships is flying at 30 times the speed of light.

This fleet is the fleet governed by Count Arnis among the three nobles of the Palestine Civilization Galactic Far Star Empire.

The strength of this Count Arnis is far above that of the deceased Count Antudar.

In fact, he was dissatisfied with the current ranking of the nobility of the galaxy.

From the perspective of overall strength, the strength of the Star Region in the constellation of Ruler under his jurisdiction is already comparable to that of the Duke of Arden.

Therefore, he believes that he deserves the title of Duke.

The flagship of the fleet, the Count Arnis.

The Palese noble named the flagship after his own name, is discussing with his fleet officer about attacking the shield seat γ670.

"According to the information returned by the Proton Observer, part of the carbon-based civilized fleet of Shield γ670 has evacuated from Shield γ670, without whereabouts." The officer in charge of the intelligence report truthfully reported the latest situation.

"Only partly evacuated?" Count Arnis was puzzled by the information.

According to the normal logic, the carbon-based fleet of shield seat γ670 has no way to resist his huge fleet, and the evacuation is normal.

The problem is that if you want to evacuate, it should evacuate the entire fleet together, not just part of it.

"Is it evacuated in batches? Are the remaining warships also preparing for evacuation?" a fleet staff officer asked.

"According to the information returned by the Proton Observer, the remaining part of the fleet does not seem to have any plans to withdraw. They are still actively building a wormhole defense circle." The intelligence team denied the fleet staff's guess.

Count Arnis retrieved the defensive power of Shield Seat γ670, and asked: "Does the evacuated fleet belong to that primary civilization? Or is it a photosynthetic civilization?"

The Palestine civilization and the carbon-based alliance have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, so they know each other very well.

In the impression of Count Arnis, if the part that was evacuated was a photosynthetic civilization, it would be more reasonable.

Because the photosynthetic civilization behaves the same in all battles and conflicts. If you can hide, you can hide, and you can escape.

"No, it seems that the primary civilization called ‘human’ was evacuated. Instead, the photosynthetic civilization stayed and built fortifications." The intelligence team answered the earl commander’s question.

"It seems that this elementary civilization is scared, so it ran away first." A fleet general laughed contemptuously, apparently mocking the timidity of the "primary civilization" in his mouth.

"No, when a higher civilization is about to face a battle, will it let a junior civilization escape?" Count Arnis hit the point with a single sentence.

All the Palese officers present suddenly woke up.

Indeed, this is not in line with common sense.

The law of survival in the universe has always been cruel.

In wars, higher civilizations will only allow primary civilizations to be cannon fodder, and it is impossible for primary civilizations to escape.

"That said, this elementary civilized fleet suddenly left the shield seat γ670. There must be a reason. We should find out the reason." A fleet staff member pondered and summarized his ideas.

"A fleet of elementary civilizations, do you need to care about it? Elementary civilization, something that will break if you touch it." A permanent star General Palese snorted, dismissing the elementary civilization in his mouth.

Due to the strength of this permanent star general, most of the Palestine lives participating in the meeting did not dare to refute him.

The energy image of Count Arnis showed a frowning and thoughtful expression, and said: "No, the support fleet I sent was completely destroyed by this primary civilization. This primary civilization is extraordinary."

"Earl, I think we should trace the reason why this primary civilized fleet left Shield Seat γ670." The fleet officer saw that the Earl was sober, so he immediately agreed.

"Retrieve all the information immediately and find out all the possible reasons why this primary civilized fleet left the shield seat γ670." Count Arnis ordered.

All fleet staff officers, generals, and samurai participating in the meeting immediately began to clue intelligence, information, and analyze the reasons.

"Count, I found a strange situation. The configuration of the warships of the primary civilized fleet is very good." The intelligence team discovered a key point and immediately raised it.

"What configuration?"

"According to the comparison results of the information returned by the previous 13,230 proton observers, the battleships of the photosynthetic civilization fleet have changed from two to four... According to the comparison results, it can be determined that the primary civilization took away 12 destroyers, and all the battleships remained. To the photosynthetic civilization fleet." The intelligence team gave the prepared warship configuration data.

"All that was taken away were destroyers?" Count Arnis narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had seen through the truth.

"Count, the purpose of this should be to increase the speed, and the key should be the speed." The Arnis Fleet Staff immediately called out the first conclusion.

The speed of destroyers is faster than that of battleships, which is common sense for all creatures who know about interstellar warfare.

Therefore, when there are only destroyers in the fleet, then the speed of this fleet is definitely faster than that of the normally configured fleet, and it is twice as fast.

However, using this method to increase the speed of the fleet will also bring other disadvantages.

The biggest disadvantage is the lack of firepower.

It can even be said that the combined firepower of the fleet of all destroyers is not as fierce as the two battleships.

Coupled with the huge armor of the battleship.

Usually a battleship can fight a fleet of 12 destroyers.

"What's the use of fast speed? The fleet of all-destroyers, when encountering my battleships, I can sink them all!" The constant star general was very confident about this.

Count Arnis was still thinking, and asked: "Can you determine the location of this primary civilized fleet?"

"It is currently impossible to track. This primary civilized fleet did not appear in the main channel. Proton observers reserved in the main channel did not return relevant information." The intelligence team replied.

"Not in the main channel?"

Count Arnis immediately ordered: "Open the star map, I want to see what this weak civilization wants to do."

The star map opens and appears in the meeting room.

Palleté's life search for information is very fast, and Count Arnis is a talented person, and soon someone proposed a possibility.

"If it does not appear on the main channel, then there are only two possibilities. It may be that it is sent to the defense circle of other civilizations to participate in the war."

In a space battle, it is normal to send some warships to support other battlefields.

"This is unlikely. The fleet strength and fortifications of the Three Eyes and the Mechanical Empire are much better than the photosynthetic civilization. It is impossible for the photosynthetic civilization to send warships to support them, unless the carbon-based alliance really abandons the photosynthetic civilization. This fleet is now. However, judging from the military expenses paid by the photosynthetic civilization to the three-eyed tribe, it is impossible for the photosynthetic civilization to agree to this decision."

Another Fleet Staff Officer gave a different idea: "I have a worry now..."

As he said, he pointed his finger at an ancient waterway marked with a small gray thin line on the star map.

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