One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1107: Warning from the Three Eyes

The three-eyed tribe always insisted on fighting separately, which gave the photosynthetic civilization a very strong sense of crisis.

Piggs proposed to evacuate the shield seat γ670, but the three-eyed tribe commander Karaxi strongly demanded that the photosynthetic civilization fleet be at the shield seat γ670 hyperspace node to block the Earl of Arnis fleet before retreating.

In fact, this requirement is a normal requirement in a military war.

The purpose is to cause a certain obstacle to the Earl of Arnis, if it can cause damage to the Earl of Arnis, it would be even better.

Moreover, if the Earl of Arniss fleet is going to pass through the Shield γ670 hyperspace node, it is indeed the best time to attack when passing through the wormhole.

The photosynthetic civilization does not agree with the strategic plan of separate operations.

After all, the point of photosynthetic civilization is the development of science and technology. There is no military technology, and fighting alone is very detrimental to them.

"Karakxi, you have collected military expenses. This combat plan does not conform to the basic principles of civilized cooperation." Piggs's tone became a little harsh.

The photosynthetic civilization and the three-eye civilization are the closest cooperation within the carbon-based alliance.

Because the two civilizations can complement each other, one is good at farming and the other is good at military warfare.

The photosynthetic civilization pays a large amount of military expenditure to the three-eyed civilization every year, so there is a principle of military support between the two sides.

"The current war situation does not apply the principle of military support, and don't you have a cosmic mercenary to help you? Do you still need me?" Karaksi's tone was slightly mocking.

Piggs was choked with nothing to say, and he knew why the Three-Eyed Clan had such an attitude.


After the meeting.

Velian, the commander of the mechanical empire, had a private conversation with the commander of the three-eyed tribe, Karaxi.

"From the perspective of the simulated combat plan, the results of joint operations are not worse than separate operations, or even better. Why do you refuse to agree to the requirements of the photosynthetic civilization?" Weilian asked.

"Then why did you agree to fight separately?" Karaxi asked back.

"The results of the two plans are not very different to the mechanical empire. Therefore, according to the optimal solution strategy, agreeing to your three-eyed tribe’s plan can reduce disputes. However, fighting separately, for the photosynthetic civilization, is The worst solution." Villian's answer was a bit cold.

"Pigs did something that shouldn't be done. He needs someone to wake him up." Karaxiy finished speaking and snorted softly.

Upon hearing this answer, Varian did not continue to delve into this question.

Because the answer is already clear.

What did Piggs do not to do?

Of course, it is cooperating with the primary civilization of mankind, capturing the star area around γ670 Scutum, cooperating in the development of resource stars, and giving 30% of the benefits of resource stars to mankind.

In this matter, human beings, as a primary civilization, have not been recognized by the Carbon-based Alliance.

In the rules formulated by the Carbon-based Alliance, human civilization is not qualified to mine resource stars.

Therefore, the cooperation between photosynthetic civilization and mankind to develop resource stars violates the regulations of the carbon-based alliance.

However, the human Tianqing fleet is employed by the photosynthetic civilization in the form of space mercenaries, and receives 30% of the resource star income in the form of remuneration, which bypasses the regulations of the carbon-based alliance.

Therefore, the photosynthetic civilization did not violate the regulations of the carbon-based alliance, but it still more or less offended the Three Eyes.

It's just that human beings have only two resource stars, and the number is relatively small, so there is no need for the three-eyed tribe to formally negotiate with the photosynthetic civilization because of the two resource stars.

There was no seizure, and Karaxi was still dissatisfied.

Because it touched his cake, even if the two resource stars were not many, it was like a complete cake with two fingerprints dug out with his fingers, which still made him very upset.

Therefore, taking this opportunity to give Piggs a warning.

In addition, after the Arnis Count Fleet in Palerce re-occupied the shield seat γ670, he only had to send another three-eyed fleet to retake the shield seat γ670.

Then the two resource stars that were licked by humans will return to the hands of the three-eyed race.

Low-level civilizations are not worthy of encroaching on resource stars. This is the law of the universe.


After the meeting, Piggs and other high-level photosynthetic civilization Perseus fell into anxiety.

The high-level human fleet also immediately began internal meetings.

Zhao Anya’s first sentence pointed to the core: “The Three Eyes deliberately punish the photosynthetic civilization. To force the photosynthetic civilization to soften, we must find a way to stabilize the photosynthetic civilization as soon as possible. Otherwise, after the photosynthetic civilization is softened, the next step is for us to suffer three. The combination of the eye tribe and the photosynthetic civilization put pressure on it."

At the level of cosmic civilization, every civilization has a think tank.

Therefore, everyone knows what the purpose of the Three Eyes is.

This is warning the photosynthetic civilization, and more accurately, warning Piggs.

"According to the sociology of the universe and the analysis of the personality of the photosynthetic vegetatives, Piggs is likely to be softened to the three-eyed tribe, by conveying benefits, so that the three-eyed tribe will change its strategy. Then, we will be the unfortunate one." The staff on board also gave a similar conclusion.

"Captain, you hurry to stabilize Piggs, and you can't let him apologize to the three-eyed clan, otherwise the previous efforts will be wasted." Eve urged anxiously.

In the past few months.

Fang Yuan has been promoting the cooperation between mankind and photosynthetic civilization, hoping to use the channels of photosynthetic civilization to join the cosmic trade of higher civilizations, and to quickly raise the level of civilization with the help of the technology of higher civilizations.

This plan, before this, was successful.

Although the photosynthetic civilization loan of 3 billion was put on the back, the human civilization took a big step forward.

It is absolutely worth it to stand on the height of civilization.

However, if Piggs now softens Karaksi and asks Karaksi for military support, then the photosynthetic civilization will have to agree to what the three-eyed clan asks.

Two higher civilizations, it is simply not too easy to grasp the primary civilization of mankind.

"Before I go to see Piggs, I need to solve a problem. How can the photosynthetic civilization think that we are capable of dealing with the war?" Fang Yuan put his hands on the table, his thumbs circled, and he spoke while thinking.

This is indeed a problem.

Especially after seeing the strength of the Earl of Arniss fleet, this problem is even more difficult.

Count Arnis dispatched 36 space warships this time, and the three fleets were combined to attack, a total of three permanent-star Templars.

Judging from the current 24 warships of the combined fleet of humans and photosynthetic civilization, there is no way to compete head-on with the combat power on paper.

With the racial character of the photosynthetic tribe, seeing the huge fleet of Count Arnis rushing over, it is estimated that he will turn around and flee.

At that time, it will be a one-sided massacre.

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