One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1103: A virtuous circle of civilization development

"Professor, I have a question to confirm."

When Fang Yuan saw this list of 130,000 practical technologies, he thought of another key issue.

The answer to this question can actually be found in this list.

It's just that 130,000 are too many to read them all.

"You want to ask whether humans can form a virtuous circle after obtaining the technologies on this list, right?" Yang Yuping seems to have thought of what Fang Yuan wants to ask.

Communicating with people of the same level of thinking is sometimes that simple.

There is no need to ask at all, sometimes only an emoji is needed, and the other party knows what it means.

Fang Yuan nodded and said: "Yes, the parent star and the expeditionary fleet should be mutually reinforcing, but at the same time, we must also consider what to do if we lose each other? Therefore, this list should best enable humans to enter a virtuous circle.

"In that case, even if we die in a distant planet, at least humanity will reach the level of a virtuous circle. Without us, humanity can develop rapidly."

"Fang Yuan, you are more and more like a commander in command."

Yang Yuping smiled and gave a very high support before explaining: "As a commander in command, you should really consider what you can leave to the home planet civilization once the fleet you lead is destroyed.

"No one wants to see this situation, and no one even wants to think about it. But as a leader, you must think about it.

"You don't need to worry about this.

"In this list of 130,000 practical technologies, a complete chain of virtuous circles is included.

"The most complete solution is to standardize antimatter manufacturing technology.

"Mankind can make anti-matter missiles a long time ago, but the anti-matter missiles we make do not meet the standards set by the Carbon-based Alliance.

"I have seen the standards formulated by the Carbon-based Alliance, which listed more than 1,300 technical solutions.

"As long as we get these more than 1,300 technical solutions, humans can produce antimatter materials that meet the standards of the Carbon-based Alliance in a very short time.

"Antimatter materials are the most basic energy source for higher civilizations, and they consume a lot of energy.

"However, in higher civilizations, manufacturing antimatter materials is a relatively low-end industry.

"If it can be imported, higher civilizations are more willing to import.

"Therefore, human beings can manufacture and export anti-matter materials and achieve a virtuous circle."

After Fang Yuan listened, he resolved the doubt in his heart.

If these 130,000 practical technologies are all just to improve the overall level of human civilization, then the actual significance is not great.

Now, there is a completed virtuous circle chain that allows human beings in the carbon-based alliance to obtain resources for civilization and progress through transactions. The meaning is completely different.

"In addition to the production of antimatter materials, the manufacturing of strong nuclear materials can also be added to the recycling chain. After the industrial chain matures, more high-end products can be considered." Yang Yuping briefly introduced the planned development route. .

It is easy to see from Yang Yuping's introduction.

Almost all commodities selected for export to higher civilizations are raw materials.

This is also impossible.

The higher the high-end products, the more advanced the technology required.

The level of human science and technology cannot be compared with the three major civilizations in the carbon-based alliance.

In this case, the complete products manufactured by mankind are all tattered in the eyes of the Carbon-based Alliance.

Just like modern humans, seeing the wooden sticks and stone axes used by primitive people for hunting has no other use value except putting them in the museum.

However, the raw materials are different.

Antimatter raw materials are pure antimatter.

Human beings have been able to produce antimatter early on. As long as the standards for the produced antimatter raw materials are optimized, they are the raw materials needed by higher civilizations.

Then you can sell prices, sell raw materials, and then buy advanced resources and new technologies to form a virtuous circle.

Therefore, it is the right choice to start with low-end raw material production.

"In this case, this list of practical technologies can be handed over to the photosynthetic civilization and the mechanical empire, and the three-eyed tribe is not needed. This civilization is too difficult to deal with, and we have captured the shield seat γ670, which has made them very unhappy. ." Fang Yuan made a decision and asked the staff on board to take the list and start discussions with the photosynthetic civilization and the mechanical empire.


Because of the 130,000 practical technologies on this list, each one taken out separately is actually a very small technical solution.

Some are production machinery that needs to be purchased, such as anti-matter container production equipment.

This is the production equipment required to achieve the standardization of antimatter materials in the Carbon-based Alliance, but if you develop it yourself and then manufacture it, it will take a lot of time and research team effort.

Moreover, these production equipment are just very ordinary machines in higher civilizations.

Therefore, purchase is the simplest and most convenient solution.

Because these 130,000 practical technologies are all very common technologies in higher civilizations, they hardly involve military technology or super technology.

Therefore, almost all are tradable technologies.

The computer thinking of the mechanical empire makes their work efficiency very fast.

According to this list, use a computer to analyze it again, and the results can be obtained on the same day.

The list passed, less than an hour.

Fang Yuan saw the quotations of 80,000 technologies on this list.

The reason why it is not an offer for 130,000 technologies is that there are some technologies. The mechanical empire does not have specialized technologies. It may be bypassed by other technologies, or technologies that are obviously not suitable for humans.

After all, the mechanical empire is a civilization with highly automated machines. A lot of work is done by robots. There are some exclusive carbon-based biological technologies. The mechanical empire has long been eliminated and there is no mature solution.

Of course, the 80,000 quotations of practical technologies given by the Mechanical Empire are not for every one of them.

After getting the information of 80,000 kinds of technology, it will be sent back to the earth, and Yang Yuping will use computing power to analyze and finally determine the part that needs to be purchased.

Before deciding to buy, you have to wait for the list price of the photosynthetic civilization.

Because of the competition of the mechanical empire, the efficiency of the photosynthetic civilization is not low.

Piggs personally sent back the list and technical information the next day, and opened the correspondence discussion.

"Our practical technology is actually more suitable for you. After all, they are all carbon-based life, not robots. We can sell 90,000 kinds of technology, more than the mechanical empire. Also, anti-matter container production equipment, I have helped you After asking, you can sell it. As long as you agree, you can first dismantle the idle production line of the Perseus star field and give you the whole set." Piggs showed great sincerity.

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