One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1098: Mankind's first battle towards military civilization

the next day.

When Eve appeared in front of a group of military research teammates again, the whole person was very proud.

"Ahem... Sister Ya, check me out."

"Okay, I know that you have been promoted to planetary star, I know that you are amazing, okay?" Zhao Anya couldn't help but poked her forehead.

Eve was happier now. She immediately turned to Niu Dazhi, with her hands on her hips, her head held up and said: "Have you heard? Planet stars, I said yesterday that I would definitely succeed. You dare to question me, now you know you are wrong. Right?"

"Isn't it just a star, what's the big deal?" Niu Dazhi said with an indifferent expression.

After he finished speaking, he turned and left. He walked out of the bridge and saw Fang Yuan. He dragged into a cabin and said with a mysterious face: "Next time there is a Zro Star Source, I must give it to me, and I will also be promoted to planetary star. "

Fang Yuan glanced at him and said, "What do you want? It's not that anyone can be promoted to planetary star."

"I'm sure." Niu Dazhi clenched his fist, his eyes seemed to have a fire, and he looked confident.

"Where are you confident?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

"Eve can do it, I am sure it will do." Niu Dazhi said firmly.

"It seems there is no necessary connection, right?" Fang Yuan rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I don't care. If you capture γ670 Scutum, there will definitely be a Zro Star Source. Remember to assign it to me, you must remember." Niu Dazhi emphasized again.

"Let's talk about it again." Fang Yuan casually perfunctory, pushed the door and left.

Niu Dazhi lowered his voice in the back and repeated: "Be sure to remember and assign it to me."


Fang Yuan walked into the bridge, clapped his hands, and said, "Okay, after the break, I will immediately begin testing the effect of the planetary star's "Mechanical Heart".

"The professor promised to allocate 1% of the computing power to help us test it, Eve, don't let us down."

"It must be." Eve spoke in dialect as soon as he spoke.

The next two days.

The fleet is testing the effect of "Machine Heart" combined with the battleship automation module.

Fang Yuan sat on the bridge of the Shenzhou, watching the fleet sailing in the night sky of the endless universe, testing the "mechanical heart".

Han Youwei walked in, holding a data report with a happy expression on her face, handed the report to Fang Yuan, and said, "Yes, the test results are very good, better than I expected."

Fang Yuan took a look at the data report.

After the "Mechanical Heart" reaches the star level, the effect is indeed better than previously expected.

In fact, before making this decision.

The ship's staff has conducted an analysis, and roughly estimated the success rate of Eve's promotion to planetary star and the effect that "Mechanical Heart" can achieve after promotion.

Seeing the specific test data now, the effect is indeed better than estimated, and it is much better.

"The'Mechanical Heart' can be integrated into the battleship automation module, and it can cover all twelve battleships, with a matching degree of up to 80%, and the effect is surprisingly good." Han Youwei smiled.

"The effect is really good. According to this data, if you continue to run in, can the matching degree be improved?" Fang Yuan asked when looking at the data report.

"It can be improved a bit. Now if we set off to Shield Seat γ670, we still have about a month's time. If we continue to train on the road, we should be able to achieve a 90% match, which is basically the best state of the battle." Han Youwei said. Fu's training effect is estimated by a rough figure.

"In that case, there is no need to wait. After the notification, adjust the course now, target shield γ670." Fang Yuan decisively issued the order.


The first ultralight fleet formed by human civilization has officially embarked on its journey.

Before that, although humans participated in space battles, they only participated in the form of one or two battleships.

Moreover, mankind is not the protagonist in these battles.

This time is different. The Tianqing fleet of human civilization will attack the shield seat γ670 in a separate battle.

This is the first step of human civilization's formal journey towards the universe.

"After taking this step, I don't know what will greet us." Fang Yuan sighed while looking at the dark night sky of the universe.

"It doesn't matter what greets us. We just need to know that every step we take is to give humans a chance to survive." Han Youwei stood beside, gently holding Fang Yuan's arm.

As she said.

In a sense, the way humans have come to today is not the will of human beings themselves.

However, he had to walk all the way through the thorns, and knock down the powerful enemies in front of him one by one, so that mankind has survived tenaciously to the present.

If human beings want to continue to survive, they need to keep going, and they cannot retreat, because there is no way back from the beginning.

In the past few thousand years, humans have been thriving and developing slowly on the blue planet of Orion's spiral arm.

However, he was eventually forced to become a wolf step by step.

Starting from this step, human civilization has finally embarked on the road of "wolves". In order to survive, it needs to continue to attack and eat enemies that are stronger than itself.

Humans are not like photosynthetic civilization, with the talent to focus on farming, nor are they warlike like the three-eyed race.

But in order to survive, they can only fight like the three-eyed clan and use their fists to fight for the resources for survival.

The shield seat γ670 is the first hunting target after the formation of the human civilization fleet.

This goal is not weak, but Fang Yuan is confident.

Especially after Eve's "Mechanical Heart" reached the star level, it showed super strength.

One month later.

The human civilization Tianqing fleet arrived at the Shield γ670, and had a head-on battle with the far-star noble fleet in the constellation of the ruler on the near star battlefield.

With the assistance of the automated combat system of warships, the human fleet has achieved a perfect level of combat coordination with the "mechanical heart".

The battleship Tianqing, supported by Niu Dazhi's bragging "strong nuclear armor that can never be broken", collided with the flagship of the square battleship, and fought so dimly.

At the moment when the energy shields of both sides were exploded at the same time, Fang Yuan squeezed the energy head of the commander of the Far Star Noble Fleet in the square constellation, declaring the victory of the battle.




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