One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1088: Bomb the constant star

"He wants to escape!"

In the carbon-based alliance fleet, someone immediately discovered the Earl of Antudar who had escaped in an energy storm.

The Three-Eyed Furnace General Kamarik attacked immediately and wanted to pursue it.

Count Antudar ignored him and rushed straight into the hyperspace wormhole.

Kamarik chased out a distance of 100 light seconds, getting closer and closer to the hyperspace wormhole, and a feeling of danger gradually grew in his heart.

He immediately realized something and stopped slowly.

As a permanent star general who has experienced many battles, he is very calm in certain things.

He knew very well that he could not stop Count Antudar even if he continued to chase.

A Palese Templar with a constant star Lv.5 wants to escape, and there are not many people in the universe that can stop him.

If you just can't stop it, it's nothing.

Kamarik even suspected that if he continued to chase, his life would be in danger.

However, just when he stopped pursuing.

There was a ray of light across the sky chasing Earl Antudar, and he could recognize it with just a glance, it was a "photon jump".

This "photon transition" was naturally issued by the Shenzhou.

After Fang Yuan destroyed the planetary fortress with a punch, he returned to the Shenzhou after absorbing the divine energy.

After discovering that Earl Antudar had fled, he immediately ordered the Shenzhou to pursue it without any hesitation.

Under the guidance of the "Photon Jump", Shenzhou flew at a limit speed of 60 times the speed of light, and in the blink of an eye, it chased near the hyperspace wormhole.

See this scene.

Kamarik fell into doubt again.

Fang Yuan blasted the planetary fortress with a punch before, which really shocked him.

However, this shock has not been exaggerated to an incomprehensible level.

After all, being a constant star has the ability to destroy planets.

Of course, the premise is that the planet does not resist.

Almost all constant stars can destroy the planet and the low-level civilization on the planet when the planet does not resist.

The reason why Kamarik can't take the planetary fortress is because the planetary fortress will resist and there is a fleet to help defend.

In terms of attack power alone, Kamarik was convinced that he was also capable of destroying such a planet.

However, being able to destroy the planet does not mean that he can compete with Earl Antudar.

Kamarik just felt the danger, so he stopped and dared not chase.

He clearly felt that if he continued to chase, he would probably be killed by Count Antudar.

After all, Earl Antudar is a terrifying existence of Lv.5, which is much stronger than the average constant star.

However, the Shenzhou ship caught up in a straight line like this.

At the limit speed of 60 times the speed of light, it only took a few minutes to chase behind the Earl of Antudar.

Everyone in the three major fleets of the Carbon-based Alliance is staring at this scene.

Karaksi, the commander of the Three-Eyed Fleet, was also puzzled, and even gave birth to the idea that "this human being is too bloated."


I saw Shenzhou passing by Count Antudar's side.

Fang Yuan's figure flashed and appeared above Earl Antudar, without saying anything, he directly blew the dark matter dragon fist and blasted it at him.

Count Antudar let out a cold snort, the energy swirled rapidly, forming a tornado storm, and greeted him.


The two energies collided violently, oscillating thousands of miles, lighting up the entire deep space of the universe.


The shock wave spread, and Kamarik was affected by the shock wave and slightly raised his hand to block the shock wave.

After the shock wave dissipated, a dragon roar broke through the sky.

The dragon-shaped fist smashed the tornado storm, and exploded the energy storm with a tyrannical "bang".

The energy rolled away, and the image of Count Antudal's face was distorted and pulled into various exaggerated appearances in the tossing energy.

Fang Yuan exploded the energy body of Count Antudal with a punch, and slammed his right hand fist back, grabbing a dragon-shaped energy, grabbing a mass of energy back, and beginning to replicate its abilities.

It took a minute to copy it to the "suppression force field".

Count Antudar also used this minute to gather his energy body again and wanted to escape.

"Give up. You can't go."

Fang Yuan copied the "inhibition force field" and used it directly, covering the surrounding space, covering all the energy storms in the incarnation of Earl Antudal.

Count Antudar wanted to escape, but found that he was caught in the quagmire of space, and his speed was greatly reduced.

"How is it possible... how can you have my fleet skills?!" Count Antudal was frightened and his tone was full of doubts.

Fang Yuan was not interested in explaining to him, once again blasted out a dark matter dragon, crushed the energy body of Count Antudal, and then began to absorb the divine energy.

Count Antudar roared and roared in the turbulent scattered energy, feeling the divine energy being quickly sucked away, roaring in anger, wanting to struggle, but there was no way to resist.

Wanting to escape, he fell into the "inhibition field" and couldn't escape.

Fang Yuan quickly absorbed the divine energy, and his body became more and more powerful as the divine energy was strengthened.

The Earl of Antudal has a full 1.2 million divine energy, so the surrounding attributes skyrocket.

The strength attribute first broke through the 20,000 mark, reaching 20150 points.

Agility, physique, and spirit all exceeded 17,600 points.

Finally, the star power level broke through the bottleneck and set foot on the constant star Lv.3.

In the carbon-based alliance, all the higher civilizations who saw this scene showed a dazed expression.

In the Three-Eyed Clan's ship-based staff team, someone immediately reported to the commander in command: "This human has been upgraded. It is already a constant star Lv.3. Now we update the information."

"Need you to say it? I can see it!" Karakxi shouted at the ship's staff officer.

Who can not see the process of Fang Yuan killing Earl Antudar and raising the star power level?

Karaksi kept sucking in the air.

The reason for the air-conditioning was not that Fang Yuan's star power level increased, but that he killed Earl Antudar.

"How on earth did he do it?!" Karaxi asked this question again.

Just three hours ago, when the planetary fortress was blown by a punch.

He had asked the same question, and now he asked the same question, but his tone was even more surprised.

"Is there something wrong with the intelligence? Is Earl Antudal really a constant star Lv.5?" Karaxi stared at the ship's staff.

He couldn't believe it.

According to the data recorded on the intelligence, ten minutes ago, Fang Yuan still had a constant star Lv.2, while the level of Earl Antudar on the intelligence was a constant star Lv.5.

In other words, a primary civilization creature with a constant star level of Lv.2 killed Earl Antudar with a constant star level of Lv.5.

This is simply impossible.




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