One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1083: Cooperation

"Is it possible to directly attack the planetary fortress?"

Fang Yuan borrowed the meeting channel of photosynthetic civilization and put forward this proposal.

This proposal was quickly rejected.

"This is impossible. Based on the combat speed of our fleet, it is impossible to break through the interception of the Count Antudar fleet and attack the planetary fortress."

And gave a reasonable reason.

"In order to attack the planetary fortress, our fleet needs to travel a total distance of 10 light seconds. In this process, it will continue to be suppressed by the firepower of the planetary fortress and attacked by the Count Antudar fleet. With our fleet It will take at least half an hour..."

"This half-hour time means that we can only be beaten the whole time, and it is with all the firepower of the planetary fortress and the Earl of Antudar fleet."

"In this process, the battleship was damaged by at least one-third of the battle. With such a large loss, even if you touch the planetary fortress, it doesn't make any sense."

Karaksi once again expressed his attitude: "Our only chance is to break into the fighting range of the Earl of Antudar's fleet and directly invalidate the firepower of the planetary fortress."

When the Carbon-based Alliance first launched an offensive.

The Three-Eyed Fleet once approached the fighting distance of the Count Antudar fleet.

As long as the positions of the two fleets coincide, the fire suppression of the planetary fortress cannot take effect.

At that time it will become a fleet melee.

And the three-eyed race is best at space melee, as long as in the melee, the Earl of Antudar's fleet is solved.

The remaining planetary fortress became a fixed target without fleet support, and the solution was much simpler.

The tripartite combat meeting continued, and an effective plan was never debated.

Piggs suggested: "Is it possible to use the Star Destroyer to destroy the planetary fortress? That is actually a fully armed planet."

Karaksi denied: "This plan is not feasible. The premise of using the Star Destroyer to destroy the planetary fortress is to destroy the Antudar fleet first.

"Once our warship uses the gamma star destroyer, the movable range of the warship itself is also very small, and it can be regarded as a semi-fixed target.

"As long as the Count of Antudar's fleet approaches to attack, the warship that fires the Gamma Star Destroyer will soon be sunk.

"So, the problem is back to its original point.

"The planetary fortress and the fleet of Count Antudar are two firepower points that support each other.

"If you want to use ultra-range strikes to destroy the planetary fortress, you must first destroy the Count Antudar's fleet.

"If you want to destroy Earl Antudar's fleet, you have to draw it out of the range of the planetary fortress.

"Earl Antudar is too cunning, and he always refuses to come out. The battle will only be deadlocked."

Seeing that they could not reach a result of the argument, Fang Yuan once again made a suggestion: "What is the possibility of attacking the planetary fortress with constant star power?"

"That's even more impossible, Earl Antudar is a constant star Lv.5, it is impossible to approach the planetary fortress in front of him, and destroy the planetary fortress, this is more difficult than the fleet breakthrough." Karaksi vetoed again. .

"Then what to do? If you can't fight it, do you want to retreat?" The photosynthetic civilization began to retreat.

After all, as far as the photosynthetic civilization is concerned, it is enough to survive and develop slowly. They are not good at fighting.

At this time, the three-eyed clan's general Kamarik said: "It can't be withdrawn, and it's already reached this level. If this battle fails again, it means that the Carbon-based Alliance will completely abandon the galaxy. "

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the three parties were very solemn.

The look on the human side is more solemn.

This battle has been prepared by the Carbon-based Alliance for a long time. Once a battle fails.

It will cause the carbon-based alliance's power in the galaxy to shrink again.

The Carbon-based Alliance may indeed withdraw from the competition for the Milky Way, at least most of the star regions will be controlled by the Palestine civilization.

This is nothing for the three higher civilizations in the carbon-based alliance.

After all, after they abandon the Milky Way, they can retreat to their Triangulum galaxy, return to their home galaxy, and continue this long-running cosmic civilization war.

For the Carbon-based Alliance, the defeat in this battle is just one defeat.

However, for mankind, the failure of this battle means that there is no future.

The human parent planet Earth, in the Orion spiral arm, was originally next to the Perseus spiral arm controlled by the Carbon-based Alliance.

Therefore, mankind can barely develop to the present.

Once the Carbon-based Alliance abandons the galaxy, it means that the entire galaxy will fall under the control of the Palese civilization.

At that time, human beings will be in the control star field of the Palestine civilization, and there is no room for struggle at all.


On the Shenzhou.

Zhao Anya said solemnly: "The situation is not so good, if the Carbon-based Alliance really abandons the galaxy because of the defeat in this battle.

"The unfortunate thing in the end is actually us. Without the Milky Way star field controlled by the Carbon-based Alliance, humans have become fish on the chopping board."

Fang Yuan fell silent and did not speak.

Lang Xiaonian said: "If this is the case, we can only communicate with the photosynthetic civilization, let some humans leave the galaxy with the photosynthetic civilization, find an earth-like planet near the parent galaxy of the photosynthetic civilization, and re-development."

Han Youwei shook her head and said, "This method won't work. Even if the photosynthetic civilization agrees to our request, it is willing to let some humans follow them back to the home galaxy.

"But in that case, humans will become pets raised by the photosynthetic civilization.

"I think that the final result of human beings may be similar to the pet cats raised by humans now. There can be no future."


The tripartite meeting of the Carbon-based Alliance continues.

The Three-Eyed Furnace General Kamarik said with a strong attitude: "Our only chance to win is to enter the close combat area of ​​the Antudar fleet and win through fighting.

"We have one last chance. This time we must listen to us. This is our only chance.

"From the very beginning we said, giving us the'photon transition'.

"Now, it's not too late to hand over the'Photon Leap' to our Three Eyes fleet.

"As long as there is the acceleration of the'Photon Leap', our Three-Eyed Fleet can definitely rush into the fighting range of the Earl of Antudar's fleet in the shortest possible time."

"This..." Piggs was not sure, and threw this question directly to humans.

In fact, his idea is to listen to the three-eyed tribe, and the photosynthetic civilization has always been in this habit.

Fang Yuan thought for a moment, and said: "Yes, Shenzhou can cooperate with the Three-Eyes fleet, but it is not handed over to the pilot of the'Photon Jump', but our Shenzhou ship will lead the team to implement the rush tactics."

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