One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1071: Three-Eyed Super Warrior

The flagship of the photosynthetic civilization Perseus fleet.

In the elegant circular arch-shaped conference room, the photosynthetic civilization, the three-eye civilization, and the mechanical empire are divided into three camps, sitting in circular seats, distributed in triangles.

There were only 16 members of human beings participating in the meeting, and there were no separate seats. They sat in the corner of the photosynthetic civilization camp.

Next to it is the vegetative people of photosynthetic civilization.

Speaking of which, photosynthetic civilization is relatively short, with an average body of only one meter.

According to human standards, the vegetative "children" of photosynthetic civilization are quite cute.

Piggs is the regional manager of the Perseus spiral arm of the photosynthetic civilization and the main representative of this meeting, but he is not the commander of the fleet.

"Hello, human super soldier." Piggs stretched out his hand and shook Fang Yuan.

"Hello." Fang Yuan bent down slightly, lowered the center, and shook hands with him in a very friendly manner.

Piggs took Fang Yuan to sit in the first row, and then started whispering in a low voice: "I am very optimistic about the joint fleet. The effect of simulating the'photon transition' is perfect, and it is not lost to Palese's'ghost fleet' .Oh... there is no Ghost Fleet in Palerce."

You can hear from his voice that the photosynthetic civilization ambassador is very happy.

This meeting was mainly for the three advanced civilizations of the Carbon-based Alliance to conduct pre-war discussions and arrange their respective strategic tasks.

During the meeting, the human side did not participate in the strategic discussion, but listened quietly.

Fang Yuan and Zhao Anya silently observe three carbon-based civilizations, trying to obtain more information.

Among the three carbon-based civilizations, Fang Yuan can see the attributes of most people.

The only exception is the mechanical empire. More than 80% of the participants in the mechanical empire cannot see the attribute panel.

"In the Mechanical Empire, 80% of the units are robots." Zhao Anya whispered.

"I see it."

Fang Yuan nodded, confirming his own thoughts. In the mechanical empire, there are no attribute panels, but robots.

The remaining 20% ​​of the properties that can be seen are basically carbon-based life that has been mechanized in part of the body.

The degree of mechanization of this civilization is indeed very high.

"However, according to the information we have obtained, most of these robots in the mechanical empire have the consciousness of carbon-based life uploading. It should be regarded as a combination of life consciousness and mechanical body." Zhao Anya added.

Regarding the mechanical empire, there is another person who has a better say.

Fang Yuan turned his head, looked at Eve on the other side, and asked, "How is it? I feel like someone from the Mechanical Empire."

"It's okay, it should be possible to communicate. After the meeting is over, I will try it." Eve was eager to try and wanted to communicate with the members of the Mechanical Empire immediately.

There were no more discoveries on the mechanical empire, and Fang Yuan turned his attention to the three-eyed civilization.

So far, there has been very little contact with the mechanical empire. This is the first time, but I have had contact with the Three-Eyed Civilization before, and it is not pleasant.

Because of the interception of Ulysses and the acquisition of the three star core containers of the "photon transition", he almost fought with the three-eyed civilization before.

Fang Yuan even considered becoming a "carbon-based avenger" once he had a fierce battle with Three Eyes civilization.

Fortunately, the photosynthetic civilization is relatively friendly, and the photosynthetic civilization is reconciled in the middle, and finally did not fight.

Fang Yuan glanced across the Three-Eyed Civilization and found that there were two three-eyed clan attribute panels that could not be seen clearly.

One is the commander of the Three-Eyed Carinae Fleet, Karaxi, who can only see part of the data, the level is not high, and the planetary star level is Lv.10.

Of course, this is not a high evaluation, Fang Yuan used himself for comparison, if compared with the entire awakened human civilization.

Among all human beings, apart from Fang Yuan, no one's star power level can compare with Karaxi.

In the phalanx of the Three-Eyed Race, in addition to Karaxi, there is also a Three-Eyed Race, who can't see the star power level.

This situation has not been seen for a long time.

When this happens, usually the other party's mental attributes are very high.

Moreover, after reaching a constant star, it is impossible to hide the attributes so perfectly with purely high spiritual attributes.

This three-eyed tribe not only has high spiritual attributes, but also uses other means of hiding attributes.

In any case, one thing is certain, the strength of this three-eyed clan is absolutely very strong.

Fang Yuan motioned to the three-eyed super soldier with his eyes, and asked, "Can you see the strength of the three-eyed race?"

Zhao Anya shook her head and replied: "There are shielding measures, but from the slight energy fluctuations he leaked, it is very strong, definitely above the constant star rating."

"Last time I didn't see this three-eyed tribe in the three-eyed tribe fleet, right? I seem to have face blindness with the three-eyed tribe, not sure." Fang Yuan frowned.

"It shouldn't have appeared. If it did, I should be able to remember." Zhao Anya affirmed.

When the two were discussing the three-eyed super fighter, the other party suddenly turned their heads, Fang Yuan and him made eye contact and stared at each other for three seconds.

Just a simple glance at each other, Fang Yuan could feel the surging war intent in the opponent's eyes, surging like flames, as if it was about to burst out.

This situation is not exceptional.

The warlikeness of the three-eyed tribe is rooted in genes, and every three-eyed warrior is warlike.

And the fighting spirit of this three-eyed super soldier is extremely high, like a beast of war ready to eat people.

The appearance of the three-eyed tribe does not conform to human aesthetics.

Because the three-eyed tribe has a shell, just like insect people, with three eyes on the head, and the shell is purple-gold.

This purple-gold color, even a bit like the color of a cockroach.

After the meeting.

The core members of the tripartite civilization have to change places to meet and discuss some less formal topics.

Fang Yuan and Zhao Anya, as human representatives, also participated in this meeting.

"Hello, General Karaksi."

Fang Yuan stretched out his hand, intending to shook hands with Karakxi, the Carina Commander of the Three-Eyed Race, but he got a cold look.

Piggs explained to the side: "The three-eyed tribe does not have the etiquette for shaking hands. In fact, we do not have the photosynthetic civilization, but I think the etiquette of human handshake is very interesting."

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised.

When they met with Piggs just now, they shook hands.

This made Fang Yuan subconsciously think that a handshake is a gesture that conforms to the etiquette of the Carbon-based Alliance.

It is only now that it turns out that a handshake is not the meeting etiquette recognized by the Carbon-based Alliance, but the photosynthetic civilization likes this etiquette to ask questions, so they shake hands.

The three-eyed tribe does not have this kind of etiquette, and as the commander of the high-level civilized fleet, Karakxi has no plans to accommodate a low-level civilized etiquette.

Piggs changed the subject and began to help Fang Yuan introduce other important members of the Carbon-based Alliance.

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