One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1066: Friendly vegetative piggs

This morning.

The military scientific research class is responsible for taking photosynthetic civilization ambassador Piggs to visit the human space fleet base.

However, the vegetative Piggs did not come to the earth in person, but connected a robot with consciousness to visit.

For higher civilizations, this way of visiting is actually more formal.

Because inter-galactic civilization visits often span tens of thousands of light years, it is very difficult to arrive in person.

Therefore, even if Piggs does not personally appear, but connects the robot with consciousness, it is also a formal civilization visit method.

Moreover, for Piggs, it is possible to be immersive.

The purpose of this visit is also very clear, that is, to establish a human civilization-photosynthetic civilization joint fleet.

"How many superlight warships do you have?" Piggs asked as he walked forward.

"Adding the salvaged a few days ago, there are a total of twelve superlight warships." Zhao Anya was responsible for answering questions.

"What about the speed of 30 times the speed of light?" Piggs continued to ask.

"Then there are only... two ships left." Zhao Anya hesitated.

There are indeed two spaceships with a speed of 30 times the speed of light.

However, one of them was a counterattack made by dismantling the curvature engine of the Palisades advanced mining ship.

"Two are too few, but it is actually a miracle that you can have two 30 times the speed of light. The combined fleet can only be incorporated into these two 30 times the speed of light. The others don't." Directly kicked the other ten superluminal spacecraft out of the group.

In fact, this is understandable.

Because the speed of a fleet is determined by the slowest one.

The main fleets of Palerce and the Carbon-based Alliance both travel at 30 times the speed of light.

Even if a warship with a slower speed than this is incorporated into a fleet, it will only drag down the entire fleet.

Therefore, among the warships owned by human civilization, only two can meet this standard.

One is the Counterattack and the other is the destroyer Ulysses.

"However, your warships need to be modified accordingly to meet the requirements of the joint fleet." Piggs said again.

"Reconstruction can be done, and related technology needs to be provided by the photosynthetic civilization." Fang Yuan did not make a mistake, and all the methods to obtain advanced technology should not be missed.

"I will give you a technical standard. It is not difficult to transform, especially since you can already produce strong nuclear materials. This is actually not a technology that planetary civilization should have." Piggs continued to move forward.

In fact, he is not very interested in visiting the human space fleet base.

After all, in his eyes, the level of human technology is too backward, and there is nothing to see.

After being quiet for a while, Fang Yuan started another topic, asking: "Since humans have participated in the Zro Star Source Mining Campaign in the constellation Scutella, will they have the right to mine Zro Star Source after the war?"

"No." Piggs's answer was simple, and not at all euphemistic.

"The battle requires us to participate, and there is no mining right at all. Isn't that justified?" Fang Yuan frowned.

"This matter was not decided by me alone, or even by the photosynthetic civilization. It was decided by the carbon-based alliance, so tell me this is useless. Other members of the carbon-based alliance have not mentioned that they will give you the mining of the Zro star source. Right, that is no. And according to my experience, it is impossible for a formal stellar civilization to have the right to mine the Zro star source." Piggs shrugged his shoulders, his expression a bit like a human being.

In fact, this situation had long been expected by Fang Yuan.

In the eyes of the Carbon-based Alliance, human beings have always been a primary civilization.

They cannot actively allocate high-value resources to human beings.

Just like humans cannot share food with cockroaches.

Maybe the photosynthetic civilization is a little better, but the three-eye civilization is even more difficult to deal with.

"This is unfair. We are required to participate in the war, but no benefit is distributed. Isn't this inappropriate?" Fang Yuan expressed dissatisfaction, but in fact things were already expected.

If you were angry because of this, you would be full.

Therefore, Fang Yuan did not have any anger at this matter, because anger had no meaning.

Of course, dissatisfaction still has to be expressed. Even if you cannot obtain the Zro Star Source mining rights, you can still try to get benefits from other places.

"What do you want?" Piggs also felt a little embarrassed.

In fact.

Last time Fang Yuan said that he would give him the Third Fleet of Pegasus as a gift.

As a result, the Pegasus Third Fleet took the initiative to come to death.

It seems that the process of annihilating the Third Fleet of Pegasus seems to be going well.

But in fact, the Pegasus Third Fleet is Palese's "Ghost Fleet" and the absolute main force.

On the frontal battlefield, it is a great feat to annihilate a main fleet of hostile civilizations.

Therefore, Piggs verbally promised at the time that he would exchange equal resources.

And Fang Yuan said at the time that he wanted the latest star map.

In accordance with his promise, Piggs submitted an application to the Council of Photosynthetic Civilization to present the latest star map to mankind, but was rejected.

There are two reasons. The first latest star map is a military secret, and it cannot be given to other civilizations at will.

Second, the Carbon-based Alliance does not agree.

Therefore, this matter can only be dismissed.

"Still a star chart."

This time, Fang Yuan made the same request.

Piggs was a little helpless, explaining: "I applied to the Council of Civilization for the latest star map, and it was rejected by the Carbon-based Alliance. So, I tried to fulfill my previous promise, but there are some things that I can't decide by myself. "

"I understand, but I still want a star map." Fang Yuan said.

"The latest star map may be difficult, but within my authority, I can give you a star map made 3000 years ago. This part is a tradable content in exchange for annihilating the third fleet of Pegasus."

Piggs had achieved great feats in destroying the Third Fleet of Pegasus, so he decided to fulfill his previous promise first.

The latest star map can't be given, so I have to give the second new star map.

After a pause, he went on to say: "As for the benefits of participating in the Zro Scutum Star Source Mines campaign, I can give you a suggestion to exchange for the best technology.

"Actually, for the carbon-based alliance, stellar civilization level technology can be used for trading.

"After all, for higher civilizations, providing technology does not require any resources, and it can be said to be zero cost.

"So, when you choose to exchange technology, you can ask for more.

"Using one of your words to describe it, it's called the lion's big mouth. You can open it as big as possible.

"Science at the level of stellar civilization is really of little value to higher civilizations."

Fang Yuan was already happy when he heard this answer.

From this passage, you can hear that this vegetable man Piggs is indeed helping humans.

Next, it is the turn of the Supreme Council, the Academy of Military Sciences, and the General Staff to discuss how to maximize the benefits.

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