One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1055: Constant star rating, a punch

"The Counterattack is equipped with a new curvature engine. Did you test the ultimate speed?" Fang Yuan had been upgrading the star power level before, so he didn't have any time to deal with the battleship.

"Of course I tested it. I tested it once it was installed. It was 33 times, 33 times the limit state, and 30 times the normal speed." Eve stretched out three fingers, very happy.

After all, after the installation of the new curvature engine on the Counterattack, the speed has already caught up with the speed of the main fleet of the Palestine civilization.

This is simply a qualitative change for human space military power.

In the interstellar battlefield, the first military power attribute is "speed".

It can even be said that speed is everything.

A civilization with a low speed can only be walked by a civilization with a high speed.

Eve is excited, but Zhao Anya's expression is somewhat serious.

Zhao Anya held up a document: "But I received a report. During the 30-times speed test, the Counterattack had a hazard report that the ship was deformed, the inner deck was sunken, and the force on the keel exceeded the limit."

"Oh! Sister Ya, don't care about these details." Eve said with an expression of "It's not important".

"The Counterattack is going to fall apart. Tell me not to care about the details?" Zhao Anya raised her eyebrows.

"I have asked Niu Dazhi to reinforce the hull. The Shenzhou ship used to be the same way. I am the best at transforming the warship. Believe me, that's right." Eve patted Zhao Anya on the shoulder with confidence.

The Shenzhou ship did come in this way, and had been undergoing magic reforms, even during battles.

This is also the effect of "Mechanical Heart" combined with "Metal Master".


Since the limit speed of the Counterattack can only be maintained at 30 times the speed of light, if it wants to reach the minimum requirement of 45 times the speed of light, the remaining gap can only be made up by the "photon transition".

Therefore, Fang Yuan can only bear the pressure of speeding up.

Under the acceleration of the "photon transition", the Counterattack was flying at an average speed of 45 times the speed of light in the spiral arms of the Milky Way Scutum, crossing the hyperspace channels, towards the γ535 star system in the spiral arms of the Centauri.

After more than half a month, the Counterattack finally reached γ535 Centauri at the scheduled time, hiding on the surface of the star, waiting for the appearance of its prey.

It's just that the waiting prey is a constant star, and no one knows who will become the prey in the end.

"How long do you have to wait?"

At the third day of the ambush, someone finally couldn't help but ask this question.

Lang Xiaonian's expression was also very serious, and he replied after serious consideration:

"I'm not entirely sure, according to my analysis? If Ulysses wants to rendezvous with his Pegasus Third Fleet? It should pass by here these days.

"However, this is just an inference? I have no guarantee.

"Speaking? There are many situations.

"If Ulysses is faster than I expected, then he may have passed.

"It's also possible that Ulysses uses the'photon transition' to accelerate at a very low frequency? Then it may take some time for him to pass here.

"Besides, our star map is not the latest star map? There may be hyperspace routes that we don't know.

"If this is the case? Then we will never wait for Ulysses."

After speaking, Lang Xiaonian spread his hands helplessly.

"Then we waited for loneliness?" Niu Dazhi rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, I tried my best. There is no latest star map? There is really no way to guarantee that Ulysses can be intercepted. There is even a possibility? Ulysses has no plans to join his Pegasus Third Fleet at all, then There is no other way." Lang Xiaonian looked helpless.

Fang Yuan sat in his seat with a calm expression: "Ulysses will come. With this kind of dog character, only his Pegasus Third Fleet can make him feel safe."

Zhao Anya also agreed with a smile: "I have the same view as Fang Yuan on this point? Judging from the logic of Ulysses' behavior, this person is very cautious.

"When the Carbon-based Alliance wants to encircle him? His first choice is to leave.

"When Palese's sub-fleet was attacked by the three-eyed Karaksi, the first choice was to siege and escape.

"A creature of this character? He will definitely look for the place where he feels the most secure before stopping, so he will definitely join the Pegasus Third Fleet."

Just when everyone was discussing.

The hyperspace wormhole finally transmitted the violent fluctuations across the wormhole.


A three-row destroyer began to cross the hyperspace wormhole.

"Shoot directly!" Fang Yuan ordered immediately.

The Gamma Star Destroyer immediately ejected a blazing beam of light, which blasted the triangular destroyer across the wormhole.

At the moment when the Gamma Star Destroyer was about to hit? The Triangular Destroyer turned on the triangular matrix shield for the first time to resist the Gamma Star Destroyer and began to move to avoid shelling.

"Full power engine, rush up!" Fang Yuan ordered the release of "Photon Leap" at the same time, leading the Counterattack to speed up towards the triangular destroyer.

at this time.

The communication channel was invaded by the triangular destroyer, and Ulysses’ voice echoed in the counterattack bridge: "You are actually here, aren’t you ambushing me?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Yuan had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and the light of "Photon Jump" became more intense, and he ran into the Triangular Destroyer with the Counterattack.

"Just your fishing boat, I can smash it with one shot, you are dying, you know?" Ulysses snorted coldly.

"Then you try it!" Fang Yuan's face was grim, staring at the three-row destroyer that was getting closer and closer.

Ulysses’ triangular destroyer is driving a triangular matrix shield, unable to turn on the curvature engine, this battle cannot be avoided.

Seeing that the two battleships are getting closer.

Eve turned around and asked, "Do you want to hit it?"

"Bump!" Fang Yuan didn't care too much. The technological gap between the two warships was too great to fight slowly. Once the battle lengthened, the Counterattack would definitely be sunk.

"The countdown counts down to 10 seconds, 9 seconds..." Eve began to announce the time of the collision.

Niu Dazhi hurried to the top corner of the counterattack and was ready for the collision. This was the position assigned to him after the counterattack was modified.

According to Eve's statement, a strong nuclear force must be used to hit the corners and penetrate the belly of the enemy ship.

When the countdown reaches 8 seconds.

The triangular destroyer adjusted its posture from the wormhole, turned the gamma light spear launcher, aimed at the counterattack, and seven thick gamma spears shot out, like seven pillars of light, poured into the counterattack shield.

"Han Youwei!" Fang Yuan shouted.

"I'm here!" Han Youwei responded, already releasing a "vector prism" reflecting seven gamma spears.

The gamma spear reflected back, bombarding the triangular matrix shield of the triangular destroyer, spurring a circle of energy ripples.


When the countdown reaches 1, the collision occurs.

The shields of the two warships collided, blasting out energy shock waves in circles.

"Lower creatures, weak to this level, dare to stop me and die!" Ulysses was furious.

The reason for his anger is that this small broken ship of mankind wasted his time and may allow him to be overtaken by other fleets of the Carbon-based Alliance.

He rushed out into a storm of energy, condensed into hundreds of Ulysses light spears, aimed at the counterattack, and shot directly.


"Ah!" Han Youwei could not stop such a powerful constant star attack. The energy exceeded the limit. The "vector prism" shattered, exclaimed, and flew out.

A Ulysses light spear penetrated the hull of the Counterattack and plunged into the bridge.

Fang Yuan moved out, and the dark matter dragon fist blasted out, like a magic dragon descending into the world, smashing all Ulysses' light spears, and the remaining power hit the shield of the triangular destroyer.


The shield of the triangular destroyer burst into pieces, and the Counterattack slammed forward, hitting the side of the triangular destroyer with a collision angle, rubbing layers of sparks.

Fang Yuan moved again, pounced on the triangular destroyer, and blasted out a punch.

Seeing that it was about to penetrate the ship's body, at this moment, a storm of energy surged, condensed into the energy body of Ulysses, and forcibly blocked the punch.

"Why are you such a weak and low-level creature to intercept me?" Ulysses sneered.

The two sides looked at each other at close range, Fang Yuan's eyes revealed a dangerous smile, and he slowly raised his right fist: "With this, see clearly, this is the last time you see this world!"


With a punch, Ulysses was blasted fiercely, and through the triangular destroyer, the punch shook thousands of miles, and the power was terrifying.

With just one punch, Ulysses was not given any chance to react. He only heard the "last glance" of a few people and was blown up.

Even the energy defense of a constant star is like paper, bursting cleanly.

Next second.

Fang Yuan was already standing on the bridge of the triangular destroyer, squeezing all the Palese lifeforms in his eyes, and began to absorb the divine energy.

Ulysses's 1.2 million divine energy, surging like a tide, strengthens the body at a speed visible to the naked eye.


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