One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1048: Gamma ray burst

The Supreme Council of Human Civilization is discussing whether to follow the temptation of the Three-Eyed Civilization to raid the Palisades advanced mining ship on the β235 shield.

Although Fang Yuan prefers to take the initiative, his specific actions require careful analysis.

Due to Fang Yuan's insistence on taking the initiative, most members of the Supreme Council also agreed.

However, there are still different voices in the Supreme Council.

The existence of different voices is a benign phenomenon.

Fang Yuan is willing to listen to these different voices, provided that he can convince himself.

"Will the raid on the mining ships of the Palestine civilization lead to more violent revenge from the Palestine civilization? We are lucky to block the route of the Pegasus Third Fleet, but there is one thing to admit that humans are still unable to Contending with the main force of Palestine like the Third Fleet of Pegasus. It is obviously not a good phenomenon to anger Palestine civilization."

In the Supreme Council, there were different voices.

This objection actually made a lot of sense. A surprise attack on the mining ship of the Palestine civilization would indeed anger the opponent, but if you want to accelerate the leap of civilization and technology, you really need to take this risk.

"In fact, we have already angered the Palestine civilization. It is impossible to hide and develop slowly. We are not born wolves, but in a universe surrounded by powerful enemies, even rabbits, You have to learn to bite. It’s about time. You can’t get the forgiveness of Palestine civilization by kneeling.” Another different voice began to argue with the former.

Just as the Supreme Council of Mankind is arguing whether to continue to anger the Palestine civilization.

An upheaval in a star system 49 light-years away.

If it is under normal circumstances, human beings would not know this upheaval at all.

Because, if you want to observe the dramatic changes of stars 49 light-years away, you need to wait until 49 years later, when the star's light reaches the earth.

However, by that time, there is no need to watch.

Humans cannot observe it, but the Carbon-based Alliance can observe it.

Lang Xiaonian was called out, and three minutes later he hurried back to the venue, and said nervously, "Three minutes ago, we received a crisis reminder from the photosynthetic civilization.

"The 61 Virgo star system 49 light-years away was destroyed, and a gamma-ray burst erupted, heading towards the solar system."


Hearing this news, the scene was in an uproar.

However, not everyone knows what this news means.

"Is the news certain? How is this possible? Why is a star system suddenly destroyed?" A professor of astrophysics asked with a pale face.

The more physics scholars know, the more terrifying the consequences of the destruction of stars 49 light-years away will cause.

"The danger reminder comes from the photosynthetic civilization and has high credibility."

"But 49 light-years away, how much threat does it pose to mankind?" Not all of the participants are proficient in physics? So some people are puzzled by the threat posed by this news.

"According to scientific research? The earth was hit by a high-energy "gamma-ray burst" 500 million years ago? But it caused the mass extinction of invertebrates..."

A professor of astrophysics? Explaining the terrifying power of gamma-ray bursts with a solemn expression: "A gamma-ray burst is equivalent to the sum of the energy emitted by 7 or 8 suns from life to death.

"In other words, the power released by the death of 7 or 8 suns at the same time is not as powerful as the previous gamma-ray burst.

"It is not yet possible to determine the intensity of this gamma-ray burst, but at a distance of 49 light-years? If it is hit head-on at both ends of the gamma-ray burst? I estimate that humans will become the same endangered species as the current giant panda. ."

After listening to this astrophysics professor's explanation, the people at the venue understood how dangerous this red flag was.

"How could this be? Why is the star destruction suddenly happening so close to us?" Someone finally felt the heavy pressure? There was a little despair in the voice.

Lang Xiaonian stopped talking? After thinking about it for a while, he said, "As far as I know, Virgo 61 is a three-body world with three stars, namely Virgo 61b, Virgo 61c, and Virgo 61d.

"I haven't got an accurate process of star destruction yet? But I think it's possible that three stars swallowed each other? That caused this explosion.

"As for the cause of this disaster, it is difficult to guess? Because the three-star system is unstable, there is indeed the possibility of star fusion."

Fang Yuan's expression was a bit solemn? Unexpectedly, such a sudden change would happen.

When Fang Yuan was thinking about it? Three-eyed Civilized Carinae Fleet General Karaxisi's communication was directly connected to Fang Yuan's battle armor communication system.

"The destruction of the star of Virgo 61? You should know it? Don't ask, I will tell you the answer directly, Ulysses did it..."

Karaksi’s tone was dull, and it seemed that he had already taken care of this kind of thing: "I am mainly responsible for the action surrounding Ulysses. Half a month ago, he appeared in the star field near Virgo 61.

"According to where Ulysses appeared, his initial goal should be your home planet.

"However, he should have discovered the encirclement, so he chose to do it directly 49 light-years away.

"Even if I didn't see his movements with my own eyes, I can be sure that he did it, because Ulysses couldn't let a bug that irritated him live safely."

Fang Yuan's expression fell cold when he heard this answer, and his eyes showed a terrible look with anger.

The venue was very noisy, because mankind was once again facing a crisis of destruction, and this time it seemed to be a mortal solution.

After a while, Fang Yuan stood up and said in a shocking voice: "Quiet! Since it is a gamma-ray burst 49 light years away, we still have 49 years to go.

"Now, people who think they shouldn't continue to anger Palestine civilization can shut up.

"The cruelty of the laws of existence in the universe is far beyond our imagination.

"The only cowardly end is death!

"There is no need to discuss whether or not the hunting operation of the Shield β235 Palese mining ship will be carried out.

"We need technology, the strongest technology in the universe. Since there is no way to develop steadily, we can obtain it through war.

"I will personally participate in the action of β235 Scutum!"

The Supreme Council made a resolution on the same day to start the hunting operation of β235 Scutum.

The focus of discussions among various departments immediately changed from whether to raid β235 Scutum to how to perform this hunting mission.

At the same time, we must also consider what role the General Karaxiy of the Three-Eyed Civilization plays in this matter.


(A picture of a gamma-ray burst will be shown later in this chapter.)

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