One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1038: Carbon-based biological specimens

After Ulysses fled with the Pegasus destroyer, the Human Expeditionary Fleet re-landed at the Palese Space Base at V838 Monoceros.

I have entered this space base before and have obtained experimental data on the energy conversion of carbon-based life souls.

However, after obtaining the data, Ulysses arrived at v838 Monoceros, so there was no time to check the base carefully.

Re-landed at the Palacee base at Monoceros v838, and scientific researchers from the fleet entered the base to collect data.

"This space base should be used by the Palestine civilization to study carbon-based life."

The scientist leading the team made an objective judgment.

In fact, this is not difficult to see.

In the laboratory, a variety of carbon-based life is immersed in an unknown liquid.

Fang Yuan walked all the way down the biological specimen laboratory. Two rows of cylindrical containers were placed on both sides. The containers were filled with carbon-based biological specimens.

There are ordinary beasts, there are primates, and some alien creatures that have never been seen before.

"What does Palese do with so many carbon-based biological specimens? They are not carbon-based life." Niu Dazhi complained as he walked.

"Isn't that nonsense! To defeat the enemy, you must understand the enemy. How can you understand the enemy without experimenting?" Eve squinted at him and said with a lip.

"Look at the star coordinates marked on these containers. They are basically stars in the Milky Way. These star coordinates should be the parent galaxies of these organisms." Lang Xiaonian paid more attention to the coordinate data marked on the containers.

"Are they all from the Milky Way?" Zhao Anya asked.

"Yes, looking all the way, the coordinates of the marked stars are all from the Milky Way." Lang Xiaonian affirmed.

"It seems that this space base is dedicated to the study of carbon-based life in the Milky Way. In other words, all the carbon-based biological specimens here are creatures of the Milky Way." Zhao Anya recorded the data and sent it back to Earth.

"Not only that, the civilization in which these creatures are located should have been extinct." Han Youwei pointed to the alien specimen in a container.

"How sure?" Eve leaned over and asked while looking at the text on the specimen container.

The text on the specimen container is the text of the Palestine civilization.

Naturally, human beings can’t understand, but human beings are imprisoning two Palestine lifeforms. It is not difficult for humans to use machine translation to obtain textual information.

Therefore, as long as you scan the text on the specimen container, the auxiliary system of the suit will translate the text.

"I remember this coordinate is Carina K113. This star erupted once. It is estimated that this civilization was destroyed? It happened four thousand years ago." Han Youwei remembered such a news.

Lang Xiaonian added: "Right? I remember this astronomical phenomenon. It was indeed a star erupting at the base of the carina. Astronomical circles thought it was a star that swallowed a planet? An explosion occurred. As for whether civilization is destroyed? I don't know. .

"However, if this specimen is really caught from the K113 Carina star system? Then there is a high probability that this civilization is gone.

"Because that stellar explosion was so large? If this level of stellar explosion occurred in the solar system, then the earth would basically regress back to the Cretaceous."

Fang Yuan inspected the entire space base, and after removing the danger, put the captured Palese lifeforms into the energy prison? Then he issued the order:

"Put the items that have research value? Easy to disassemble on the battleship, and the research team is responsible for the overall research value. We can only stay for three days, and set sail to return to the earth in three days. You guys have to work harder and speed up the work progress."

"No hard work, no hard work, we are not participating in the battle? Doing research is where we reflect our value." The scientific research team immediately began to work to evaluate the scientific research value of the items in the space base? Coordinating work.

The middle-aged professor leading the team ran over and said, "General? I want to discuss something, do you have time?"

"You said." Fang Yuan stopped? Waiting for him to speak.

"In fact? The entire space base? Even a floor tile has scientific research value. Is it possible to move the entire space base back to Earth?" The middle-aged professor put forward an unrealistic idea.

In fact, he knew in his heart that this requirement was basically impossible to achieve.

As he expected, Fang Yuan shook his head and said: "V838 Monoceros is 20,000 light-years away from the earth. It is impossible to bring a space base back. The only thing that can be done is to seal up this space base. If there is a chance in the future, he can still come and do it. further research."

It is indeed impossible to drag this space base back to Earth.

The reason why the human expeditionary fleet can reach here is by taking the hyperspace channel.

Secondly, with super-light speed warships, the curvature speed can reach 10 times the speed of light.

Only then can he reach v838 Monoceros within four months.

If this space base is to be dragged back to the earth, there is no curvature engine that can drive the space base, and it can only travel at normal propulsion speed.

That is not a matter of four months. Even if it takes a hyperspace channel, it will take thousands of years to return to Earth.

The middle-aged professor just asked, in fact, as a scientific researcher, he knew very well that this is basically impossible.

"Try to bring back the most valuable things. This space base cannot belong to us." Fang Yuan reached out and patted his shoulder.

There is actually another meaning in the words.

As long as the human expeditionary fleet leaves V838 Monoceros, this space base will no longer belong to humans.

It may be taken back by the Palestine civilization, or it may be occupied by the Carbon-based Alliance and then destroyed.

Three days later.

The human expeditionary fleet emptied all the things that could be moved in the Palese base, and then set sail to return to Earth.

On the way back.

The fleet is always vigilant.

Because Ulysses is still in the galaxy and may appear at any time.

The Counterattack is always in communication with the earth.

"It will take another four months to go back. It's so boring, no instant noodles, no ham, no fat boy happy water." Niu Dazhi laid his seat flat and sighed as he lay down and rolled around.

"Can you go back to your own cabin and yell?" Eve couldn't help but yell at him as soon as he heard the sound of this cargo.

"No instant noodles, no ham sausage, no fat boy happy water for four months..." Niu Dazhi ignored her and continued to sigh.

"Maybe it won't take four months. Captain, the headquarters has agreed to the'photon transition' test, and it will temporarily appoint scientific researchers from the fleet to form a test team, which can begin today." Zhao Anya announced news from the earth.

Fang Yuan stood up, moved his arms, and said, "Finally something is done."

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