One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1036: Hard shake

The energy storm enveloped a 100-kilometer radius, raging like a tornado knife, cutting on Fang Yuan's Azure Dragon armor, cutting out a knife mark.

Fang Yuan exploded at speed, the electric shot went out, trying to break out of the coverage of the energy storm.

However, the energy storm moves faster, always covering a 100-kilometer range around it, unable to rush out at all.

"Don't waste your energy. You can't escape. The strong nuclear armor can't protect you in front of me."

Ulysses' voice came from all directions.

His body is an energy storm, filling every corner of the surrounding space.

Fang Yuan raised his hand to burn the dark energy flames and punched out, dispelling the energy storm ahead.

But Ulysses' energy body was not strong at all, and he closed back in the blink of an eye.

"One thing makes me very puzzled. From the information, your home planet civilization is just a planetary civilization, but your carbon-based body has reached a constant star strength, which does not conform to the laws of the universe." Ulysses said. There is doubt in it.

"Wait later, something you are more confused about will happen."

Fang Yuan continued to burn dark energy, and a deep flame burned on the battle armor, while resisting the energy storm, he repaired the battle armor that had been cut with knife marks.

"In a low-level civilization, if it is a civilization of biological evolution, it is indeed possible to have super individuals. I will treat your home planet civilization as not a pure technological civilization. Kill you and your civilization will follow. Perish."

Ulysses was not delaying the time, the energy storm revolved, forming a tornado, and the Ulysses light spear began to condense at the tip.

This ability was given the name of Ulysses, which shows that this is a powerful attack ability created by him.

Fang Yuan had already experienced the power of this trick not long ago.

The body was directly pierced by the light spear? That terrible penetrating power? Even the battle armor with strong nuclear power could not defend.

Fang Yuan squinted his eyes, thinking quickly in his mind? Should he use fast movement? Try to dodge, or throw his fist to face the light spear.

Didn't consider how long? Fang Yuan chose the latter.

Because the use of speed cannot be avoided.

I have tried to fight speed just now, but Ulysses, as an energy life? Fast? It seems to be challenging the speed of light.

Energy life forms have a characteristic, that is, they are light in weight, and they are like a beam of energy particles that can be emitted at a very fast speed.

Therefore, Ulysses, as a powerful existence of a constant star, is so fast that carbon-based life cannot easily challenge it.

Fang Yuan knew this very well, so he decisively broke out all his combat power? The dark energy of his whole body burned, and he shouted? He blasted the dark matter dragon fist at the light spear.



The dark matter dragon fist blasted on the Ulysses light spear, and the energy burst? Shocked circles of energy shock waves, as if a star burst? The energy stirred thousands of miles.

The dragon-shaped fist strength and the light spear energy offset? Finally, the remaining light spear energy was offset, and it hit Fang Yuan, but was blocked by the Azure Dragon armor.

After a head-to-head, Fang Yuan laughed: "You are not very strong either."

It can be seen from the expression on his face that Fang Yuan was a little surprised by this head-on.

However, Ulysses was even more surprised.

It wasn't because he was not strong enough, but because he found that the carbon-based life in front of him had very wrong strength. This should not be the strength that a planetary life body should have.

That punch actually smashed his light spear.

That is the powerful energy light spear named after him, which can penetrate all matter, and the strong nuclear power material can also penetrate in front of the Ulysses light spear.

However, the punch just now exploded the light spear.

Ulysses began to suspect that the home planet civilization where the carbon-based life was located might be hiding a secret.

The universe is so vast, it is not surprising that there are any secrets.

Some civilizations may appear to be low-level civilizations on the surface, but they are likely to be fires left over from a higher civilization.

This kind of fire from a declining empire has lost its technology and culture, and needs to be re-developed from a low-level civilization.

However, this special civilization usually has some heritage of higher civilizations.

If someone can obtain the heritage of these higher civilizations, it is possible to produce super individuals.

Ulysses immediately sent the information back to the Palestine home planet and asked the home planet to investigate the possible identity of the human civilization in the solar system.


at the same time.

Fang Yuan also received a communication from the counterattack.

"Fang Yuan, just received a message from the Earth. The Carbon-based Alliance requires us to hold Ulysses, and they will send a team to siege..."

Zhao Anya said quickly: "However, I suggest not to follow the requirements of the Carbon-based Alliance, and everything is based on your own safety.

"In addition, it was mentioned in the information given by the Carbon-Based Alliance that Ulysses's "Photon Jump" is a fleet skill that can accelerate warships and even speed up fleets.

"This is the first one we have encountered with the ability to classify fleet skills correctly. The headquarters hopes that it can be replicated for research.

"My suggestion is that if you can do it, you can try, if it's too dangerous, take your own safety first."

Fang Yuan heard the content of the communication and did not respond.

In fact.

When I saw Ulysses’ property panel before, I had already tried it and wanted to replicate that "photon transition".

Because this "photon transition" capability can speed up a space warship that has a curvature speed of 60 times the speed of light.

This ability, if used well, is very scary.

Therefore, Fang Yuan wanted to try to copy from the beginning, but the copy failed.

The reason is also very simple.

Ulysses was not dead, and it was impossible for external energy to invade his energy body.

Therefore, if you want to copy, you must either kill him or mutilate it, otherwise it is impossible to copy.

at the very beginning.

Fang Yuan felt that it was impossible to defeat Ulysses.

However, after the fight with that punch just now, it turned out that the energy warrior with a constant star was not as strong as expected.

I originally thought that the existence of this kind of constant star must be the power to destroy the world.

However, it is interesting to be able to smash positively.

Fang Yuan continues to burn dark energy and incorporates "super energy feature evolution" into it.

The energy level of dark energy is getting higher and higher, and the flame that burns out is getting more and more intense.

Ulysses also felt the power contained in the dark energy flame, and began to hesitate whether he should kill this carbon-based life first before leaving.

He was worried that it was not the carbon-based life in front of him, but that he wasted too much time, once he was targeted by the carbon-based alliance, it would be dangerous.

After Ulysses thought for a while, he immediately made a decision. The energy storm raged again, quickly condensing hundreds of Ulysses light spears.

If one cannot kill the target, then one hundred.

In an instant, Fang Yuan found the dazzling Ulysses light spear appeared in all directions, and his heart was shocked.

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