One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1029: Annihilate the Monoceros fleet

"Do you still refuse to come over?"

Fang Yuan stared at the six triangular warships in the screen, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After the V838 Monoceros space base was attacked, the power engine was activated and began to move.

This space base of the Palestine civilization is a base floating in space, orbiting around a planet, which can be regarded as a satellite base.

In fact, the earth’s spaceport also revolves around the earth and can also be regarded as a satellite in nature.

The Monoceros v838 space base has a power engine that can adjust its orbit, but the speed is not fast.

Therefore, even if the power engine of the V838 Monoceros space base is maximized, it cannot avoid the attack of the Gamma Star Destroyer.

Counterattack continued to lock the V838 Monoceros space base and continued to attack.

Under the fierce gamma-ray attack, the outer layer of the V838 Monoceros space base shattered inch by inch, evaporated into ashes, and the damage became more and more serious.

"Captain, are you still fighting?" Eve was also a little nervous, knowing that she could not really destroy the V838 Monoceros base.

"carry on!"

Fang Yuan stared at the six hesitant Palese battleships, clenching his fists hard.

I have to say that sometimes the enemy is too embarrassed and it's hard to fight.

"What if they dare not come over?" Eve asked worriedly.

"Aim at the weapon module of the base first, and they will come over. It is impossible for the Palestine civilization to allow them to watch the base be destroyed. Otherwise, the main force of the Pegasus Third Fleet will come and tear them to pieces." Fang Yuan squeezed. The fist is sure in my heart, but there is still a layer of sweat on the palm.

From the military perspective.

Since the Palestine civilization sent the main fleet of Pegasus Third Fleet, it shows that they still value the Monoceros v838 base.

There are now five hours before the vanguard of Pegasus Third Fleet arrives.

The Monoceros fleet will definitely receive a death order, requiring them to hold on for five hours and wait for the support of the third Pegasus fleet.

Therefore, Fang Yuan was very sure that the six battleships of Monoceros would definitely come.

But the heart is still beating.

Worrying that the Palese living bodies coming from these six warships are really like dogs, and would rather die in the base than come out, that would be troublesome.

Over time.

The Gamma Star Destroyer destroyed all the weapon modules on the side facing the star of the V838 Monoceros space base.

at the same time.

The three warships including the Persistent reported the progress of the recharging: "Gamma Star Destroyer has been recharged, is it fired?"

"Wait!" Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

Time passed by every minute.

Everyone held their breath and waited.

Waited for nearly three minutes.

The six battleships of the Monoceros fleet finally moved, activated the curvature engine, and rushed towards the star.


"Finally! This group of counseling dogs!"

Niu Dazhi cursed, slapped the ham on the table, stood up and ran to the hatch? Ready to fight.

Flying under curvature? Very fast.

In only three minutes, the Monoceros fleet and the human fleet officially met.

The gamma light spears of both sides greet each other? The attack is on the energy shield.

The battle reached its zenith in an instant.

"Hit fire to attack a ship? Break the energy shield." Fang Yuan stood in the bridge, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

"The remaining energy of the enemy energy shield is 73%." Zhao Anya reported the energy shield value of the target warship.

"Estimated time to break? 2 hours and 50 minutes."

"Too slow." Fang Yuan was very dissatisfied with this speed.

In fact.

This speed of breaking the energy shield is fast in a space battle.

If it is a battleship against a bombing? Two or three days of bombing is very common.

"Let me go! Eve, follow our training."

Han Youwei rushed to the hatch, flew out of the counterattack, and rushed into the battlefield.

"Received!" Eve shouted excitedly.

Fang Yuan didn't stop her? Instead, he followed it out? Resist most of the attacks for her and exploded the oncoming anti-matter bomb.

After Han Youwei approached the battlefield, she said in the communication channel: "I'm ready."

"Youwei... be careful, I fired." After Eve said, he fired the gamma starburst.

Gamma rays with a diameter of one kilometer shoot out? Transverse the night sky of the universe.

When the Gamma Star Destroyer was shot out, it was about to pass ten kilometers away from a battleship.

Just then.

Han Youwei opened the "vector prism" to refract the gamma star destroyer to a tiny angle.


The huge gamma rays instantly hit the battleship Monoceros at the forefront.

The energy shield of the Monoceros warship disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The next moment? "Bang" rang.

Fang Yuan punched through the shell of the battleship and hit the bridge.

The planet-star energy warrior sitting on the battleship still wants to resist? Fang Yuan rushed up? Raised his hand to squeeze and exploded? It was as fast as 0.1 seconds, and he didn't even have time to react.

Squeezing this planet-star energy warrior, the divine energy poured into his body.

The strength of the body soared again, the surrounding attributes all exceeded 11,000 points, and the strength reached 13,000 points.

Immediately after.

The energy shield of the second Monoceros battleship was blasted.

Fang Yuan received the signal, turned it into a flash of lightning, and shot it out, punching through the second battleship with a punch.

The second battleship is a three-row destroyer, and there is no planetary energy warrior in charge.

Next, quickly destroy the Monoceros fleet at the speed of a battleship in three minutes.

The whole battle took less than half an hour in total.

Fang Yuan squeezed the second planet-star energy warrior and absorbed 200,000 divine energy. As his surrounding attributes soared, his star power level also broke through, reaching planet-star level Lv.9.

The physical attributes were finally fixed at 13,800 strength, 12100 agility, 12060 physique, and 12050 spirit.

After sinking the Monoceros fleet, the human fleet approached the Monoceros v838 base.

Fang Yuan led a team to rush into the base to obtain the experimental data in the base, and then clean up the Palese living bodies in the base.

After obtaining the experimental data, it will be transmitted back to the earth via quantum communication, allowing the scientists on the earth to confirm whether the experimental data is complete and valid.

Fang Yuan did not stop and waited for Earth's reply, but immediately ordered: "The Counterattack turned around and destroyed the star gate."

The Counterattack returned to the surface of the star, recharged, locked the star gate of V838 Monoceros, and prepared to launch the gamma star destroyer.

Just then.

A powerful torrent of energy gushes out of the star gate.

In the torrent of energy, a Palleté main destroyer rushed out of the star gate.

"What's the matter? How could the Third Pegasus Fleet arrive at this time?" Everyone who saw this scene showed a shocked expression.

The main destroyer of Palerce that flew out in the torrent of energy was the main destroyer sent by the Third Fleet of Pegasus.

"Didn't I say that I arrived in 8 hours? It's only 6 hours now!" Eve's hands were shaking.

"No, something we don't know has happened. According to the information given by the Carbon-based Alliance, the four main Pegasus destroyers should have arrived in 8 hours. There is only one now, and the energy level of the energy torrent is... Constant star!" When Zhao Anya said this, her breathing became difficult.

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