One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1027: Limit 8 hours

"I haven't seen the third fleet of Pegasus appear at v838 Monoceros. When is the exact arrival time of this fleet?"

This issue may be the only key that can reverse the situation.

The human expeditionary fleet has reached the node of the last hyperspace channel. As long as it crosses over, it can reach V838 Monoceros.

At this time, under the detection of the Proton Observer, the third fleet of Pegasus of the Palestine civilization was not seen appearing on v838 Monoceros.

"The estimated time given by the Carbon-based Alliance is 36 hours, and the error will not exceed 10 minutes. However, this is the arrival time of all the warships of the Pegasus Third Fleet." Zhao Anya replied.

"Thirty-six hours, wouldn't we... we can capture v838 Monocerotis first, and then destroy the star gate. Wouldn't the Third Fleet of Pegasus fail?" Eve's eyes widened immediately, this key point It's not hard to think of.

Han Youwei shook her head and said: "The information that Sister Ya just added is very important. 36 hours is the time for the arrival of the third fleet of Pegasus. If they set off the fast battleship to go ahead, the arrival time will be much earlier."

"How much in advance?" Eve asked.

"According to the warship data of the Pegasus Third Fleet, their flagship triangular battleship has a maximum speed of 30 times the speed of light, which is the fastest speed of the fleet. And their triangular destroyers are faster and can reach 60 times the speed of light." Zhao Anya replied.

"Six...sixty times? Lying in a trough! We only run and break the leg at ten times the speed of light." Niu Dazhi opened his mouth wide and looked surprised.

"No way, our current spacecraft, and Palleté's main battleship, have a technology generation difference of 10,000 years. The difference is six times. In fact, it is the result of the advanced civilization and technology level in the marginal decline stage. Otherwise, there is more than that difference." Zhao Anya helplessly spread her hands.

"If Palerce's Third Pegasus Fleet is divided into high-speed warships, how soon will it be able to reach the V838 Monocerotis star system?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Eight hours and 3 minutes have just received the latest information from the Earth. It was learned from the Carbon-Based Alliance that this morning, the Third Fleet of Pegasus split out four triangular destroyers at 60 times the speed of light. Fly to V838 Monoceros and will arrive in 8 hours." Zhao Anya was helpless.

As soon as the news came out, everyone's hearts were lifted.

Originally only 36 hours, it was enough to make people desperate.

Now, the time is greatly shortened, with only the last 8 hours left.

"8 hours, what's going on? This time it's really over." Niu Dazhi lay flatter.

"Actually, for these 8 hours, or the Palestine civilization misappraised our actions? Only this 8-hour gap appeared."

Zhao Anya continued to add: "In the beginning? Palese civilization didn't think we had the guts to take the initiative to attack V838 Monocerosus, so there was no eager dispatch of the main fleet.

"In fact? We attacked v838 Monoceros this time? To be honest, it was a bit hasty.

"The Palestine civilization did not expect it, so we arrived at V838 Monoceros early."

The behavior of mankind in this expedition to V838 Monocerotis? It really does not conform to normal logic.

If there is no other reason, Fang Yuan will not insist on crossing the distance of 20,000 light years? To attack v838 Monoceros.

The main reason is still the old man lying on the hospital bed? It has exhausted the last trace of life for the sake of mankind.

Fang Yuan wanted him to see the day when mankind really entered the universe, so he demanded the space fleet to set sail.

To be honest, Fang Yuan also admitted that this expedition was very hasty.

However, it was this rush that caused the Palestine civilization to not anticipate this situation, and the 8-hour gap appeared.

"Eight seems to have to work hard. Within 8 hours, we captured the Palese base in V838 Monocerotis and then destroyed the Star Gate." Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

"Eight hours is a bit difficult." Zhao Anya said that it was a bit difficult, but the expression on her face seemed to say: This is simply impossible.

"There is still a chance? Even if we can't capture Monoceros v838 within 8 hours, we still have a chance. After 8 hours? Arriving at Monoceros v838 is not the third fleet of Pegasus, but just four triangular destroyers in the fleet." Fang Yuan calmed everyone's nervousness? Let everyone see the possibility of winning.

"What the **** is he doing? What the **** is he doing!" Niu Dazhi suddenly jumped up and began to yell.

Fang Yuan stretched his finger forward? said: "Go ahead at full speed? Let's go to V838 Unicorn!"

"Captain? Outside the wormhole of V838 Monoceros, there is an ambush, go straight to it, to finish." Eve reminded.

Outside the wormhole of v838 Monoceros, there is indeed an ambush of the Palese civilization, which is similar to the defensive matrix set up by humans in the asteroid belt.

"I'll go first, Youwei followed, and then Counterattack took the fleet through the wormhole and cleared the ambush." ​​Fang Yuan said and walked to the front of the bridge, preparing to pass through the wormhole first.

"Okay, I know."

Han Youwei quickly put on her arms, confirmed that each module was operating normally, and then ran to the fighter launch port of the Counterattack.

The distance is getting closer.

After confirming the distance, Ye Zheyu said: "Enter the attack distance."

"I'll go there first, and after ten seconds, You Wei will follow." Fang Yuan said that as soon as he finished moving, he disappeared from the place, and then rushed into the wormhole in the next instant.

It took a minute and a half to cross the wormhole.

After the process was over, Fang Yuan appeared in the v838 Monoceros star system.

Without any stay, the limit speed broke out and rushed to the wormhole defense circle of V838 Monoceros.

at the same time.

Thousands of laser weapons strafed over.

These are all wormhole defense weapons set up by the Palestine civilization, and only a small part of them are fired.

Because Fang Yuan was alone, the target was too small, and the large weapon had not been activated yet, but was waiting for the battleship behind.

Fang Yuan rushed to the Palese defensive circle. Thousands of lasers fired all around him. Some hits and some passed by.

In rapid flight, the laser swept across the powerful nuclear battle armor, causing very limited damage.

As the distance approaches.

Fang Yuanquan's supernatural powers erupted, dark energy flames burned, and a dark matter mad dragon blew up, whizzing past the defense circle, turning everything into ashes wherever it passed.

Immediately after.

Han Youwei took the Counterattack across the wormhole.

In the defensive circle of the Palestine civilization, all energy weapons poured out, bombarded with large energy weapons and gamma rays.

Han Youwei opened the "vector prism" to reflect energy rays and protect the warship behind him from crossing the wormhole.

Time passed by every minute.

Han Youwei's pressure was increasing, and after two minutes of persistence, she gradually approached her limit.

At this time, Counterattack successfully crossed the wormhole.

Niu Dazhi flew out of the counterattack and raised a huge nuclear shield with a kilometer of strong nuclear power to block her in front.

"Youwei, come back soon, the engine is ignited, and we are going to speed up." As Eve said, he pushed the control lever, and the counterattack accelerated towards the defensive circle, and the gamma spear swept across, quickly destroying the defensive circle.

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