One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1020: Message to Intrepid

"Negotiate, we have to negotiate!"

When there were only two three-row cruisers left in the Monoceros fleet, the Palese lifeforms on the two three-row cruisers finally couldn't hold them, and they asked for negotiation.

"Negotiating? Negotiation is fine, first turn off the energy shield."

Fang Yuan looked at the Palerce Energy Warrior on the screen with a very strong tone.

"Turn off the energy shield, you have rushed in, how do you negotiate? Now negotiate, as long as you let us go, return the battleship. The Palestine civilization can sign a peace agreement with you." The planetary-star Palese energy The samurai refused to turn off the energy shield.

"If you want to negotiate, turn off the energy shield, or just wait for death."

Fang Yuan didn't give any room for maneuver, only one requirement was to let them turn off the energy shield.

However, the Palese officers on the two three-row cruisers refused to turn off the energy shield.

After all, the energy shield is now their only guarantee.

They have seen the fate of several other warships with their energy shields turned off, and they have no resistance.

The Palese officers on the remaining two three-row cruisers felt incredible.

As long as their warship loses its energy shield, it will be sunk instantly, so fast that there is no time to react.

They don't understand why there are such terrifying capable people in a low-level civilization.

Seeing that they still refused to turn off the energy shield, Fang Yuan glanced sideways at Eve on the other side.

Eve raised her hand and made an OK gesture, and said, "I'm sniping."

As she spoke, she repeated the old trick again, and the gamma star-killing guns fired together.

boom! boom!

Two consecutive blazing gamma rays burst out.

The energy shields on the two triangular cruisers disappeared instantly under the irradiation of gamma rays.

Almost at the same time.


With a bang, two three-row cruisers were blasted out of a hole at the same time.

Fang Yuan punched through the two warships and exploded the planetary energy warriors of the two warships into the bridge of the second three-row warship, slowly absorbing the divine energy.

Two planetary-star energy warriors, with a total of 420,000 divine energy points.

With the strengthening of the divine energy, the strength of the body becomes more and more powerful.

The attributes broke through the 10,000 mark across the board, and the basic strength reached 12,500 points.

The star power level leapt again, reaching the planet Lv.8.

The upgrade of the star power level is second. According to the Awakened Model of the Academy of Military Sciences, the physical attributes have completely exceeded the data range of the model.


Two three-row cruisers were pierced, and the human super soldiers immediately attacked and rushed into the battleship? Quickly harvest the lives of the Palese soldiers.

After losing the support of high-tech battleships, the remaining energy warriors of the Monoceros fleet can't stand the attack of the human awakeners at all.

Less than ten minutes? The two three-row cruisers were cleaned up.

So far? All six battleships of the Monoceros fleet have been sunk.

The human space fleet immediately began to salvage? The six warships of the Monoceros fleet were towed back to the moon base.

Human scientists began to study the battleships of the Monoceros fleet of Palese civilization day and night.

On these three-sided warships? There are too many technologies that humans cannot understand.

Even the top scientists among mankind? It takes a lot of energy to dismantle and research these warships.


The first interstellar battle in the solar system is over, and humanity has won.

Moreover, the process is relatively smooth.

Everyone is high-fiving to celebrate.

Fang Yuan returned to the Space Fleet headquarters? After disarming? Directly asked the communication team: "Is there any news from Intrepid?"

Two months ago, Intrepid went to V838 Monoceros for a raid mission.

Successfully let the Monoceros fleet allocate half of the battleships back to the Monoceros v838, reducing the number of battleships facing humans in frontal battlefields by half.

This is also an important reason why mankind can win this interstellar battle.

"There has been no news for three days." The communication group answered truthfully.

"Continue to monitor the signal and notify me as soon as there is news." Fang Yuan ordered.

"Yes! General." The communication team immediately stood at attention and saluted and took orders.

Fang Yuan knew about the loss of Intrepid.

But? This loss of contact was not because the Dreadnought was sunk.

It was the Intrepid, under the guidance of Lang Xiaonian? It began to guerrilla in the hyperspace channel.

The most important point of this interstellar guerrilla tactic is to hide the location of the battleship.

The universe is too big.

A 2,000-meter-long warship flying in the deep space of the universe is difficult to detect with optical detection.

However, besides optical detection, there are other ways to expose the location.

So? Two months ago, Intrepid went into a signal silence state in order to prevent the communication signal from being Palestine civilization.

Every few days thereafter, Intrepid will send out a communication signal to contact the earth and report the battle.

Three days have passed since the last communication today.

In the past three days, the Intrepid has kept its signal silent.

This silent signal is like dead silence in the endless deep sky.

It makes people feel hollow, which creates an indescribable anxiety.

No one knows whether Intrepid will disappear completely in this signal silence, and there will never be a signal to send back.

Fang Yuan thought about it for a while, and said, "Use the signal to broadcast and tell Intrepid that we have won the solar system battle. Great victory! Tell them that their mission has been completed, as long as their lives are saved."

"If the signal is broadcast, the Palestine civilization will know..." The communication team hesitated.

"Just let them know." Fang Yuan's tone was firm.

"Yes! General." The communication team took the order and began to broadcast the quantum signal.

The information was broadcast and echoed in the galaxy.

Fang Yuan wondered if the Intrepid could be heard.

"If they could hear it, they would cheer." Han Youwei walked in, and the two smiled at each other.

This time human beings are very lucky to win this interstellar battle in the solar system.

Fang Yuan was very fortunate that there was no energy warrior in the Monoceros fleet that could match him.

If there is a Monoceros fleet, there is an energy warrior who can fight against himself.

Then this battle will inevitably lead to the opposite ending.

If there is a powerful enough energy warrior, the flagship of the Monoceros fleet will not be destroyed.

Yudal should still be clamoring wildly.

Super combat power.

For mankind now, science and technology are the manifestation of comprehensive strength, and super combat power is equally important, and it has the effect of finalizing.

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