One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1007: Repair battleship

"The main control computer and important ship equipment are gone. No wonder there is no salvage value. The original valuable parts have long been taken away."

Eve patted Ash on her hands, with a sad tone.

Because in her opinion, this is a poor little boat that has been buried for 20,000 years.

Of course, the parts that can be dismantled and are relatively small, such as the main control computer, precision detectors, etc.

For example, damaged kinetic energy thrusters and super-light engines, because they have been damaged and large in size, are basically of no value to advanced civilizations.

"This warship should not be the top super warship in the carbon-based civilization. Certain structures and technologies on the hull are still understandable to us."

Han Youwei reached out and knocked on something that looked like a giant gas tank, and then said: "This should be an antimatter energy reactor, which is a bit like the one being researched in a human laboratory."

When human beings won the war of star beast civilization, they had already mastered anti-matter weapons.

Over the years, I have been working hard to turn anti-matter weapons into energy.

She then pointed to the rooms that she had walked through before, and said, "The ones we passed by just now are cold fusion reactors.

"So, this warship should be a hybrid energy source for nuclear fusion and antimatter, and it has not fully developed to the stage of all antimatter energy."

Antimatter energy is an energy revolution for nuclear fusion energy.

However, the gap is not as great as chemical energy when controllable nuclear fusion comes out.


According to the speculation of scientists, in the development process of scientific and technological civilization, there will be a long period of mixed use of nuclear fusion energy and antimatter energy.

The wreckage of this warship just confirms this view.

Eve lit his chin and discussed with interest: "So, the technology of the Carbon-based Alliance is not very developed."

"To be precise, the carbon-based alliance 20,000 years ago has not reached the peak of science and technology, and it should be in a growth period..."

Han Youwei nodded and added: "So, in the battle of V838 Monoceros 20,000 years ago, the Carbon-based Alliance should be in a passive situation where the technology is not yet developed enough, so it is normal to not defeat the Palestine civilization. "

Before that.

Everyone knows that the Carbon-based Alliance lost the battle of Monoceros v838 20,000 years ago, but they don't know how.

I guessed some reasons now.

The carbon-based alliance 20,000 years ago has not yet reached the peak of technology, and it should be at the stage of being chased by the Palestine civilization.

Fang Yuan interrupted, "I only saw the wreckage of a battleship? I can't see the whole picture of the battle.

"V838 Monocerotis is not the main battlefield of the Palestine civilization and the carbon-based alliance? It is a conflict in the fringe zone.

"So, the battleships participating in the battle? They should not be the main battleships."

Han Youwei nodded and pursed her lips: "That's true, but the wreckage of this warship? Is too valuable to us. If it can be repaired? It would be great."

Since the task of salvaging the wreckage of the warship was clear from the beginning, many aerospace researchers and engineers were brought in.

Eve is a senior engineer in various departments of the Academy of Military Sciences, initially at the Weapons Research Institute, and later joined the Aerospace Laboratory.

Anyway? Her current position in the Academy of Military Sciences should be listed? Can write a page.

The Academy of Military Sciences often talks to her, hoping that she will completely transfer to scientific research.

After all, the BUG ability of "Machine Heart" is a bit too much in terms of scientific research.

Coupled with the "metal master", one person is an engineering team.

"Let's save it." Eve clapped her palms? She looked very motivated.

"Try it first. It crashed here for 20,000 years, I don't know if it can be repaired." Fang Yuan was not sure about this.

After all, this warship has been damaged for too long? Even most of the metal frame has been weathered, and it will become soil at the first touch.

However, the frame made of strong nuclear materials is rather well preserved.

This is also a characteristic of materials with strong nuclear power. Because of the stable microstructure, even for tens of thousands of years, the materials will not decay.

"Where to start?" Han Youwei patted the gray of her palms? She was ready to help.

"First align the fractures of the battleship and stitch up the wound." Eve began to direct the repair work.

"Suturing? Can you not say it like an operation."

Niu Dazhi murmured, then jumped off the spaceship, held the tail of the battleship, and said, "I will carry this side, who will carry the other side?"

Fang Yuan ignored him, raised his hand to face the two sections of the battleship in the air, and moved back forcefully.

The wreckage of the battleship moved, slowly approaching, the fracture was closed, there was a bang, and large tracts of mud and rocks shook off.

Eve put his hand on the keel of the battleship and said: "It's almost a bit, the bow is a few tenths to the right, a little bit... and a little bit... OK! That's it, splicing the keel."

"I'll come, I'll come!"

Niu Dazhi originally wanted to move the warship, but he didn't help. At this moment, he jumped up and started repairing the strong nuclear keel with his abilities.

It only took ten minutes to complete the repair of the main keel.

Immediately after that, it took another two hours to basically restore the hull structure of the battleship.

It seemed that it had returned to the form of a battleship. Although it was still in tatters, it looked like a complete one.

However, this is only the beginning, and the subsequent repair work is more difficult.

Eve has been using the "mechanical heart" to communicate with the entire warship.

In her ability, the entire battleship has become a whole, but the internal organs are basically broken, and none of them are intact.

"Behind is a big project, I guess it will take time." She sighed.




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