One Punch of Justice

Chapter 73 Bakula

After saying the last sentence, Otonashi Owl gradually closed his eyes with dilated pupils.

He is playing dead.

But the rating for Saitama is from the bottom of my heart.

It's a pity that with his acting skills, it is obviously impossible to deceive anyone. After a while, Hai Loushi was handcuffed to him and Lu Qi, and locked in the prison cell on the warship.

Lu Qi has a backbone, and he didn't say a word when he was caught.

Otonashi Owl is very powerful, just a few words of intimidation, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, will recruit everything.

CP0, Wulaoxing, and even the capture of Robin and CP9 lurking to capture Pluto's blueprints all told the officer in charge of the interrogation.

Unexpectedly, the officer who heard such explosive news almost fainted from fright.

Quickly reported everything to Saitama and Dashiqi.

It seems that we have found the right person...

Dashiqi felt heavy.

After all, the enemy this time is no longer the pirates, but the supreme power of the world government.

Navies and world governments have always been interdependent.

But I never imagined that one day, we would come to such a point of confrontation.

Why would they do this...

Dashiqi was a little at a loss, and didn't even know what to do next, but he still couldn't believe it: Obviously Mr. Saitama is strong and has a sense of justice. He has eliminated many pirates and protected countless people. Such a person ...Why does the world government have to be put to death!?



The navy is pure, its justice, it only needs to eradicate the pirates.

While cleaning his messy room, Saitama said casually: But the highest point of world power must give priority to politics. Even if the world government and the navy are doing the same thing, their starting point and purpose are also different. It may be the opposite...

Assassinated, hated... I don't care...

Saitama's hands stopped for a moment, and his tone was never firmer than before: But those innocent people in Alabasta who died tragically cannot turn the page lightly... Politicians who hold the pinnacle of power in the world ignore life and do whatever they want. Even if you know the truth, you don’t dare to reprimand’s wrong!

Executing justice is the meaning of a hero's existence!

At this moment, Saitama's back under the light seemed to be standing upright like a mountain.

Da Siqi stood up unconsciously.

In such an age, pirates are rampant and villains are domineering. Even a just navy has to compromise.

But even in such a world, there are still some people who stick to the bottom line of justice!

Never compromise!

It's as pure as a mirror!


That's really good...

outside the warship

some street.

A man and a woman stood there, and under their feet were the scholar and Kalifa who had been knocked unconscious.

The man looked ordinary, but his physique was unexpectedly strong.

If the scholar could see his appearance before being attacked, he would definitely recognize that this man was the Bakula who was said to have been sent to CP9 through his relationship.

Did you know, Nicole Robin...

Bakula folded his hands on his chest, looked at Saitama's warship in front, and said slowly: The five old stars are not in the world government. There are many things, the commander-in-chief of the three armies will have disputes with the five old stars, and There are winners and losers...but there is only one thing, the opinions of both of them are amazingly consistent...

Robin didn't speak, just stood by quietly.

That's the cleansing of O'Hara...

Bakula paused, and continued: As the secret treasure of justice said, many times, the purpose is different, but it can produce the same behavior... The five old stars are afraid that O'Hara's scholars will leave a blank for a hundred years. The history is made public, and the commander-in-chief of the three armies is worried that Pluto will be resurrected by some unruly people, causing the world to fall into a desperate panic...

Finally, Robin couldn't bear it anymore, and gritted his teeth: They are just a group of scholars who want to pursue the truth of history!

Scholars at O'Hara may not have the intention of resurrecting weapons subjectively, but the world government cannot gamble the safety of the world on that possibility...

Bakula sighed, shook his head, and said, Sand crocodile said that he studied Pluto just for fun, and he said that, should I believe him? The Pirate Queen said she didn't rob, should I believe her? The former Navy 16 Division mouse The colonel said that he did not collude with the pirates, should I believe him? Kaido said that he does not kill people, should I believe him? Trust is a beautiful virtue of human beings, but trust alone is absolutely not enough to manage this world.”

Knowing that a group of scholars are studying texts that record weapons capable of destroying the world, but the world government ignores them and treats the lives of countless people as a trifling matter. Is this negligence?

Robin lost his voice: But even so, can we kill all the people in O'Hara!?

Bleeding for a while is for no more bleeding in the future...

Bakula smiled self-deprecatingly: Of course I know that life is priceless, and I can't sacrifice a hundred people because of 100 million people, but can I turn a deaf ear to the safety of 100 million people because of 100 people? It's the same as in the world, there are always times when you have to make a trade-off, there is no perfect way, the lesser of the two, sacrificing a hundred people, is better than the extinction of mankind, this is the bitter choice in the real world, Robin.

Robin asked angrily, What if it is you and your family who need to be sacrificed?

Bakula looked straight into Robin's eyes, without the slightest hesitation in his tone, and said word by word: If it's for world peace, for people not to have to live in the shadow of ancient weapons to spend every day... we have no hesitation !

Every single word is resounding, as if it weighs a thousand catties!

And the courage to sacrifice one's life for righteousness in that tone also shocked Robin's heart.

do not worry……

Robin's tone finally softened, and he bowed his head and said, Even if I die, I won't tell you about the ancient weapons...

If your life can't threaten you, then...

Bakula suddenly took out a golden phone bug from his pocket, and said with serious eyes: You should know this, Nico Robin, as long as I press the golden phone bug now, I will launch a demon-slaying order against the Straw Hats. To save them, you must tell where the ancient weapon is... that's what Spandam is going to do, tell me... will you help Spandam find the ancient weapon?

this moment

The line of defense in Robin's heart finally collapsed, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

So you want me to rest assured, how can I rest assured...

Bakula gave a wry smile, and casually crushed the golden phone bug he stole from Spandam: If even the World Government is not trustworthy, then you, a pirate, are even less credible... …The secret of history is always the past. Do you really believe that the world government will be subverted because of the past history, Nicole Robin? What the government is worried about is the reappearance of ancient weapons and turning this world into hell!

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