One Punch of Justice

Chapter 298 Explosion in situ

For a weirdo of this level, three A-level heroes sent him on the road together, which can be regarded as a glorious funeral.

But at this moment, KING came.

He came with him, as well as the amusement park and its surroundings... a total of 30,000 fans!

I...know you...know you...

The annoying clown stared at the back of the atomic warrior, and said: S-class heroes, enjoying the cheers and attention of the people, because of your dispatch, the audience has also started to pay attention to me...

What is this guy talking about?

Iai split the clown's body with a knife, but after the balloon in the clown's hand exploded again, the clown's body returned to its original shape again.

A lot of people are watching me...

Oh oh oh... the more everyone looks at me like this, something will burst out of my body with a 'wow' sound!

I really should be standing on the surface stage!

Just after the 30,000 people who flocked with KING paid attention to the clown, the clown's body suddenly began to swell!


The attacks of Juhean, the shemale Kamaitachi, and the drill warrior were all blocked by the clown with one hand!

Then with a big wave of his hand, all three of them were directly overturned! Flying hundreds of meters away, fell to the ground, unconscious!

Thank you, heroes...

The clown sneered, and then laughed maniacally: It's really amazing attention! Thanks to you, the power is pouring out of my body in an endless stream! Even I am starting to be afraid of myself! Hahaha...

Geek: A nasty clown.

Inferred disaster level: Dragon.

The attention of 30,000 people brought his characteristics to the extreme!

The clown jumped up and launched a chase in the direction where the Three Swordsmen were thrown away!

But halfway through the flight, he was blocked by a slash!

It's the Atomic Samurai!

Hey, it suddenly became a lot stronger...

The Atomic Warrior stopped in front of the clown, and slowly raised the knife in his hand: But it doesn't matter if you are a 'tiger' or a 'ghost', even a 'dragon', there is nothing that my knife can cut continuously...

Atomic Warrior...

The clown was not afraid at all, he held the last balloon in his left hand, and walked towards the Atomic Warrior with a hammer in his right hand: The one over there is the King who claims to be the strongest on the surface, right? Hehehe, if you kill him once Two S-level heroes, the news will definitely broadcast it to me, and then... I will become stronger... Stronger!

I won't give you the chance to grow up like that...

The Atomic Warrior's body collapsed, and he was ready to go: Moreover, this kind of growth will never reach the level that I am constantly cutting...

Ah, if there are a million eyes watching at the same time, I will die...

The clown laughed wildly and raised his sledgehammer, slamming it down at the Atomic Warrior: But if the news spreads, I will only get stronger and stronger! Until the world spreads my reputation! Hahaha...

It's really crazy...

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Atomic Warrior: Atomic Slash!!!

In an instant, sword energy cut through the space!

Countless sword marks cut the clown into the tiniest pieces of flesh!


The last balloon to burst!

The clown is back in shape once again.

Hmph, this time you are really dead...

The Atomic Samurai swung his sword again, ready to use the Atomic Slasher to cut this weird guy with a terrifying growth space into pieces and confirm his death!



The blade pierced into the flesh, but it got stuck on the clown's bone, and he couldn't move any further!

This guy……

Got stronger! ?

Atomic Samurai looked back in amazement, only to find that not only were there countless crowds of onlookers, but even many media outlets who had come out of nowhere started to film this side with their cameras!


Atomic Samurai wanted to draw his sword back to its sheath.

But it's too late!

You dare to be distracted while fighting with me...

Overhead shadow coverage!

The clown's sledgehammer has arrived!

Die! Hero!!!


Hit it with a hammer!

Atomic Warrior Tianling Gai was hit hard!

The pupils contracted instantly, and the eyes, ears, and nostrils were sprayed with blood!

Bang Dang.

The atomic warrior's knife fell to the ground, and the clown's arm healed quickly.

he already……

Become a little too strong! thoughts...

The Atomic Warrior fell into a pool of blood, without a trace of resistance, as if he would close his eyes completely in the next second: sword...isn't sharp enough...

Even the 4th S-rank Atomic Samurai was defeated!

The people who gathered around with the mentality of watching the excitement panicked, but immediately, they calmed down again.

Because the strongest man on the surface has already passed!

With the roar of the imperial engine!

Hey, stop it.

KING was scared.

He was terrified!

Not only the heart was beating wildly, but even the legs were shaking.

But he still stood up, because he knew that at this time, if he didn't stand up, the Atomic Warrior and even the 30,000 people present would die.

As for how to defeat this at least dragon level monster...

Please, how do I know!

KING's mind was in a mess.

I'm just an ordinary person who did seven days of simple muscle training!

Even the Atomic Samurai lost, what should we do next?

Saitama's phone couldn't get through.

Although I contacted the Hero Association, I don't know if I can make it in time.

If you're around, Saitama, please come out quickly, I'm about to lose my hold!

Oh, it's KING.

The clown raised his head and did not make the final cut to the Atomic Warrior. Instead, he stared at KING cautiously: I have heard of your name, but unfortunately, you are still too stupid. If you attacked with the Atomic Warrior just now, maybe I'm dead now...

KING had no expression on his face, and spoke as slowly as possible, delaying time: ...It's the same now.


Although the clown was a little surprised why KING's speaking speed had slowed down, the current situation was just what he wanted.

KING's name is too loud!

Even now, I don't have the absolute confidence to win over the man in front of me who claims to be the strongest on the surface.

Anyway, the TV station is broadcasting live.

There will be more and more people who will see me. For now, you just need to deal with it first. When the number of viewers becomes larger, you can fight against the man in front of you!

Hmph, that's really arrogant, the strongest on the surface...

The clown looked at KING and said slowly, By the is the weekend, do you know what I mean?

...Actually, I've noticed it a long time ago.

KING looked cold and motionless: The air contains 80% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, in addition to carbon dioxide, methane, helium, calcium and Retalon, Pardo blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah…”


Hmph, don't you understand?

KING sneered, as if mocking the clown's lack of knowledge: In addition, last Thursday was a full moon, that is to say, at noon today, the phenomenon of Thulus Kovatization occurred. , and someone has already noticed...

here we go.

Although he didn't understand a word, the clown suddenly felt something was wrong for some reason.

What does KING mean?

Is he stalling for time?

But as the strongest on the surface, what's the point of delaying time?

At this time, the clown suddenly thought of what KING said just now!

...Actually, I've noticed it a long time ago.

Got it! ?

What's the meaning!

Has he noticed that I'm stalling for time! ? Does he already know that the more attention I receive, the stronger I will become! ?


Got caught!

Is he going to act? ?

Wait...why is he still standing there?


Could it be...

He thinks that I am not worthy to fight him now, and deliberately let me delay time and become stronger, so that he can have a little taste of the fun of killing the enemy! ?


I was seen to the extreme by the little one!


The clown roared angrily, and couldn't care less, he rushed towards KING with a hammer in his hand!

KING was taken aback!

He didn't know what happened, why he just said some irrelevant nonsense, the family suddenly seemed to be stimulated!


The support from the Hero Association hasn't arrived yet! ?

no way!

Just bite the bullet and give it a try!

There is nothing I can do if I really exposed my true strength. Fortunately, the Atomic Samurai, who is also an S-rank, also fell, so it is not so difficult to accept that I fell...

In short, before you start, give yourself a shout to strengthen your courage!

KING took a deep breath and shouted: Drink! Then he recalled the fighting posture in the fighting game in his mind, and prepared to fight.

But it's between the lightning and the flint.

Heijing and Pochi, who had just been pushed away by the crowd, finally squeezed to KING's side through the crowd.

As soon as Hei Jing raised his head, he immediately saw the clown rushing towards him.


Boom!!! There was an explosion!

The clown who was still in the air exploded in place! The body was torn apart, and the blood rained all over the ground!

Dead silence.

One minute……

two minutes...

three minutes……

It wasn't until five minutes later that the onlookers reacted!

The clown who killed 4 S-rank atomic warriors with a single blow just now was so frightened by KING's roar that he exploded on the spot!

They are both at the S rank, but the difference in strength is as if they are heaven and earth!

The onlookers exploded at once!

Oh oh oh oh!!!

The strongest! The strongest! The strongest!

Mr. KING! I love you! Please marry me!!!


Crazy cheering, flattery, rowdy!

As for the atomic warrior who fell in a pool of blood, no one paid any attention to him.

KING stood there, staring blankly at the dragon-level monster clown who was blown into blood foam, his heart was overwhelmed.

Was it... did it by yourself?

Really... the first weirdo to win with his fighting power!

The weirdo who couldn't even beat the Atomic Samurai won it himself before he even made a move! ?

Those basic exercises that Saitama said...

It is real and effective! ! !

I will really become stronger! Become super strong! ! !

KING's fighting spirit started to burn, even the soreness in his body from running and exercising for days seemed to be gone!

persist in!

Be sure to stick to it!

One day, I want to truly be worthy of the title of strongest on the surface!

Suppressing his excitement, KING quickly ran to the Atomic Warrior, lying on the ground with concern, and asked, How is it, Atomic Warrior, are you still alive? I have already contacted the association, and they will come soon!

...It's KING.

Atomic Warrior heard a voice in a trance, and slowly opened his eyes: Ahem... that... strange person...

KING gave Atomic Samurai a reassuring look: It has been wiped out by me.

Heh... really worthy of being the strongest on the surface...

Atomic Samurai slowly closed his eyes, and said weakly: I was slapped twice... I said I wanted to test your strength... I'm just a rookie...

It's been a long time... I haven't tasted such a shame...

Thank you anyway... KING.


Soon after, people from the association arrived and sent Atomic Samurai and his three disciples to a nearby hospital for recuperation.

And KING continued to embark on its own path of exercise.


High morale!

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