All Might coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood, and then got down to business: But since you are a professional hero, Saitama, did you calm down the disaster that happened just now?


Saitama nodded: It's easy to solve.

Thanks for your hard work.

Olmert breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this guy is really not the kind of person who does anything wrong, and then asked casually: Then did you send that criminal to the police station?


Saitama blinked: No... I just tried to throw a punch, and then it exploded...

Have dual personalities of gigantism and self-destruct at the same time?

Olmert nodded: That would save a lot of trouble. After all, no matter what kind of criminal it is, the hero has no right to kill him. He must send the criminal to the police station and accept the trial of the law... At this point , All Might was a little worried, and asked again: He really blew himself up, Mr. Saitama?


...I think it should be.

Saitama was inexplicably guilty: ...By the way, by the way, what would happen if the hero accidentally beat the criminal to death?

It depends on the situation.

All Might: If the criminal is extremely vicious, it is likely to cause great harm, and the hero is unable to subdue the opponent, emergency treatment is allowed, but once the court finds that the handling is improper, the hero will also face prison... Suddenly Ou Ermite felt something was wrong: Aren't these things that you must know when you become a professional hero?

Saitama (sweat profusely): ...

All Might wondered: ...Did he really blew himself up?

Ha... when... of course...

Saitama's eyes twitched slightly.

I thought that the fact that I punched that guy exploded must not be known by others.


No wonder.

The monitoring of the street store clearly captured the fact that Saitama punched the guy with a hammer.

So when Saitama said goodbye to All Might, and went to the police station with Izuku Midoriya to inquire about the Heroes Association, a dozen policemen rushed out and handcuffed Saitama with a click.


Do you want to be exposed so quickly?

Saitama didn't resist, and let the police take him to the detention room. After watching it, Izuku Midoriya was stunned for a while, and didn't understand what happened at all.






The registered heroes all over the world can't find your name. I advise you to be honest and answer our questions obediently!

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

...I said you don't push yourself too hard. (anger)

The leader of the bald dragoon regiment.

Are you finished!? (slapping the table and getting up)


The interrogation continued into the evening.

After going through the above dialogue, the interrogating police finally wrote the words unemployed vagrant on Saitama's occupation.

Although Saitama killed the criminal without authorization.

But it is also true that crime has been stopped.

So relatively speaking, the interrogation was much gentler.

It's just you self-proclaimed heroes who like to mess around...

Sitting opposite Saitama, the interrogating policeman tore off his tie with a headache, with a dissatisfied expression on his face: That's why the country formulates various regulations and laws to restrain your behavior. In the past many years, the reputation of heroes has been good. That's because everyone is obeying the law, you understand?

Saitama squinted his eyes: Oh.

...Is your attitude too arrogant?

The interrogation policeman suddenly wanted to hit someone: You saved the disaster and you deserve praise for fighting criminals, but apart from the law, no one can decide the life and death of others, even if the other party has committed a heinous crime, please remember this firmly!

That's it.

Saitama blinked and thought for a moment: ...Then can I go now?

How could it be so simple.

The interrogation policeman stood up and was about to go out: The disposal decision hasn't come down yet, so let's stay here honestly for a while. Opening the door of the interrogation room, the policeman turned around and asked, By the way, what do you want to eat? By the way, I can also order one for you.

Saitama was a little surprised: ...Ah, an ordinary box lunch is fine.

I did not mean.

The policeman didn't turn his head back, but only from his words, he could hear his complicated emotions: ...This is my personal thanks. My father lives in that area... Anyway, thank you very much.


Saitama was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled: Please add an extra fried egg to the box lunch, thank you.


The policeman was full of black lines: ...don't push me too hard!


That's what I said, but when the boxed lunch arrived, eggs were indeed added.

Let's eat.

The interrogation police pushed a box of lunch to Saitama, and put a box of lunch in front of him: The result should come down soon, whether to file a prosecution... But then again, you are quite strong, that guy has caused a lot of trouble. destroy……


Saitama lifted the lid of the lunch box and sniffed: ...Actually, it's a bit too strong.

The interrogating policeman was a little speechless: You are not humble at all, you obviously look like no one can beat you...

The words are not finished.

Suddenly there was a gunshot outside!

Immediately afterwards, like rainwater sprinkled on the ground, gunshots rang out one after another!

The interrogation policeman was shocked, and immediately took out his gun and rushed out. Before leaving, he specially greeted Saitama: Don't run around!

Outside the police station, the gunfire had stopped.


Those bullets can't cause any damage to the opponent at all!

It's really an old-fashioned attack method...

A slender man with madness and hatred in his eyes stood in front of him, all the bullets fired stopped one centimeter in front of his body, and then fell: Just think about it, I was once shot by you group of people who have no 'personality' Inferior people arrest, I can't help but want to knead you into powder...

That...that guy is!!!

The interrogating policeman recognized the slender man at first glance: Julian! Shouldn't he be serving his sentence!?

Oh, you still know me.

Julian walked towards the police with a ferocious face: I was defeated by All Might, and then sent to prison by you bastards, which made me completely lose my freedom... I remember it clearly...

In the prison, my hatred and killing intent are increasing rapidly every day...

Julian raised his right index finger, and immediately a huge boulder flew towards him: Finally, a month ago, something exploded in my mind. On the contrary, my personality—the power of thought, also changed because of hatred. Incomparably powerful... What is a prison cage? Even All Might will never be able to defeat me today!

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