One Punch of Justice

Chapter 101 Congratulations Chapter 100

Ah...that's bad!

Saitama turned pale with fright, quickly carried her on his back, and rushed forward as fast as possible: I'll take you to the doctor right away, please hold on!

I believe that if the dreamer was awake at this time, she would burst into tears.

It's a shame to be rescued by the enemy.

But the reality is sometimes so unexpected that it is difficult to explain it logically.

For example, the group of Tianlong people who stood together and clearly saw the bald demon king galloping towards them did not show any fear on their faces. There were five of them standing there, completely unaware of their current situation.

That navy seems to be coming...

Are you kidding me? This is the residence of the gods. A mere scumbag dares to step into the realm of the gods!

What's the matter, isn't this fun?

That's right! No matter how strong he is, he's just one person!

We have at least 5,000 fighting slaves in our hands. Send them all out to fight and see who is stronger! Hahaha...


This conversation continued until Saitama came to the Tianlong people with the dreamer on his back.


Saitama Xianyu waved at a group of Tianlong people and shouted: Do you have a doctor here!? If she doesn't get treated immediately, she seems to be dying soon!

A group of Tianlong people have black lines all over their heads.

This guy……

Isn't the tone of the world's nobles too casual?

Doesn't he know that we are the gods of the world—Dragon people! ?

No one responded verbally.

Instead of appearing in front of Saitama, there were thirty giant warriors!

They are unusually burly, with extra-large explosive collars on their necks, and the weapons in their hands are creepy just by looking at them. Although they have many scars on their bodies, they will definitely not detract from the prestige of their fighters!

Hahaha, watch it!

One of the Tianlong people with a broad forehead and four jaws shouted: This is all my collection for five years! There are not as many giant lieutenant generals in the Navy headquarters as there are as many giant warriors as I have! If I win, this bald man will be mine Slaves! Go! Giant slaves! Knock down this bald man! Or I'll blow you all to death! Hahaha...

Although the giants were somewhat reluctant, the bloody warrior boy had already died.

Those who have been caught and survived until now are all soft bones.

Under the threat, the giants raised their thick iron bars and hammered towards Saitama fiercely!

Howling with wind, you can hear the great power of this stick just by listening to it!

The Tianlong people have experimented a long time ago, and this blow is enough to level a small hill!

And this is exactly what they are confident of!

After all, the ignorant are fearless.

For ants, there is not much difference between a soil dog and a Tyrannosaurus rex.

They know that Saitama is very powerful, but they can't understand at all, that strength has far exceeded the sum of the fighting power of all the people in this world!

A huge iron bar as thick as five people surrounded it fell hard!

With a muffled sound of Boom!, a huge pothole was smashed out of the ground where Saitama was!

Among the Tianlong people, some were laughing, and some were looking down nervously, hoping that such a powerful slave would not be smashed to death by an iron rod.

But obviously, they thought too much.

Under the pothole, Saitama supported the unconscious dreamer with one hand, raised the other hand, and firmly caught the iron rod that was more than ten times thicker than him!

The giant wanted to pick up the iron rod to see if the bald man underneath had been smashed into a pulp.

But he pulled it up hard.

But he found that he couldn't hold the iron rod at this time!

I said……

Saitama stood under the pothole, with a displeased face on his face: Where do doctors use iron rods to treat diseases... The clothes are dirty again, and they were washed yesterday... Saitama exerted a little force with his five fingers, It directly inserted into the top of the iron rod, and then lifted it suddenly, directly hanging the giant warrior holding the iron rod in the air!

Don't make trouble for Da Siqi without authorization!

With a swipe!

Suddenly a typhoon blew up, and the 30 giant warriors were blown hundreds of meters away one by one like kites with broken strings, and their noses and faces were swollen.

And those Tianlong people are even worse, they are flying so fast that they can't see anyone!

Throwing the iron rod casually, Saitama jumped out of the pothole all by himself, just in time to see a Tianlongren who was lucky enough not to be swept in by the typhoon.

He held a bag of food in his hand, his eyes glazed over.

Obviously, he was frightened by the natural disaster and earth change that Saitama just made casually.

Seeing that Saitama found himself, he knelt down with a plop, stretched out his hand and lifted the food high, trembling all over.

Saitama walked over, reached out and took two slices, took a bite and found it was not tasty, and returned the other slice to him.

Do you know where there is a doctor?

Hearing Saitama's question, the Celestial Dragon nodded his head like a fool, not daring to fart, honestly took Saitama to the nearest huge castle, and then pressed a certain button at the entrance of the gate.

Soon, the doorbell rang.

The doctor who has been stationed in the world government all the year round and specially used to protect the health and safety of Tianlong people rushed over.

After entering the door, the doctor first took a careful look at Saitama, wondering what was going on in his mind, and then hurriedly stopped the bleeding and bandaged the wound for the dreamer under Saitama's instructions.

Taking advantage of Saitama's inattention, the Tianlong man carefully pulled the doctor aside, and said grimly: You bastard! What are you doing!? This place has become like this, why didn't your standing troops rush over to give this bald head to him? killed!? St. Listrow...

The doctor replied in a low voice with a bitter face: In fact, the officials of the world government have already discovered that something is wrong here, but because CP0 was dispatched, they did not send troops. Later, CP0 was wiped out, and we realized that something was wrong. But at this time... all the officials who can command the guards have been called to the office by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and they haven't come out yet...


St. Listrow immediately flew into a rage: That bastard commander-in-chief of the armed forces, I have long seen that something is wrong with him, and he actually wants to kill the nobles of the world at this time...

Before he finished speaking, Saitama suddenly walked out of the ward.

St. Listro immediately changed his face, showing a dog-legged look, rubbing his hands and laughing: That... is she okay...

...You should ask the doctor about this.

Saitama ignored him, looked left and right, then walked towards a certain place in the room, squatted down, and knocked on the floor.

The sound echoed.


It seems to be empty!

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