Chapter 206 Chapter 202【Warrior of Heaven】

At the moment.

On the side of the street, behind a low wall, two people were hiding quietly.

The blond Angel Amman and Franniel leaned against the wall, and Franniel whispered: “Will they be aware of the power of Hellfire so close?”

“It should be okay. Neither us nor the piece of Lucifer in front of us have fully possessed the power of our kingdom. They probably haven’t Ability to perceive us.”

Aymanel said.

“But what about him?” Frankie looked at Ghost Rider.

“Uh…I don’t know about that.”


“It’s your turn now, devil.” Ghost Rider burst into flames and walked towards the remaining Lucifer.

“Wait, shall we talk for a while?”

“You and I, to a certain extent, basically want the same things, right! So, I suggest that we cooperate.” Lucifer said.

“Well, I know it sounds crazy.” Lucifer continued: “But, in order for you to have the slightest chance to defeat “me”, you will need someone to help.”

“I already have someone to help.” Ghost Rider rushed towards Lucifer with a single stride and flew Lucifer with a punch.

“Now there are only a small amount of us, a small amount of me, anyway, there is only this, you know, Johnny, right.” Lucifer stood up from the ground.

“And I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been in this body for too long, or because all of this is so novel and exciting to me, you know I’ve never been in this world before, right, I’m being thrown into Before hell was an Angel, this is our first time in a mortal world.”

“Anyway, I had a great time, and I don’t want this to end.”

“You’re finished, devil.” Ghost Rider continued to rush towards Lucifer.

“Yeah, yeah, and then “revenge will be executed” right?” Lucifer laughed, and he had heard enough of Ghost Rider’s lines.

“Listen, I want to do business with you,” Lucifer said.

“No way.” Ghost Rider kicked Lucifer away, “No more deals.”

“Idiot, I offered to help you.” Lucifer was furious. “I can tell you where “he” hid the children.”

“Where?” Ghost Rider came to Lucifer and looked down at Lucifer.

“I will tell you, but what I want in return is that you leave me alone. At the end of all this, I hope I am the last Lucifer to stay!”

Lucifer got up from the ground and looked at Ghost Rider cunningly.

“We can’t listen to it.” Zatanos’ voice sounded in his mind.

“I think we should listen to him.” Johnny Blazer said.

“Can’t you learn your lesson? You can’t trust the devil.” Zatanos said.

“You are wrong, he can be trusted in one thing, that is, he is a bitch who hurts people, but this time, he will do it to himself to prove that what he said is true.”

Johnny said.

“If we let this fragment of Lucifer leave, when we come back, we will have to face a much stronger opponent.”

Zatanos said.

“But no matter what, there will always be a winner among them, and we will always fight one of them decisively.” Johnny said.


“I have to save those children, time is running out, I have made up my mind.”

The flame on the Ghost Rider skeleton disappeared, revealing the real body of Johnny Blazer.

“Tell me where to find those children.” Johnny looked at Lucifer.

“Johnny, I know you won’t let me down.” Lucifer looked at Johnny with a sly smile, “but remember, whatever you call it, the soul is connected, or what? ”

“The fragments I separated are fragile. I can only say that. I understand the situation of the hostages because the other two fragments of “me” know the situation, so I can also know the situation through them.”

“It’s kind of like a “triangular” connection or something.”

“So you may not understand…”

“My patience is coming to an end!” Hellfire burned in Johnny’s eyes!

“Okay, okay, in a barn, there is a big sign that says a little girl is smiling and eating.” Lucifer said.

“Where is this barn?”

“A dirt road, a wheat field…well, in Colville.” Seeing the flames in Johnny’s eyes growing stronger, Lucifer said truthfully.

After getting the information he wanted, Ghost Rider tied the Lucifer fragment with a chain and tied it to a large truck.

“Johnny, what are you doing, we have a contract.” Lucifer roared.

“Our contract is to let you go, and it didn’t say that you are not allowed to be tied up.” After that, Johnny got on the motorcycle and galloped away.


Aside, Ayman and Franiel also heard the news.

“Let’s go,” Flanier said.

“Where to go?” Aymanel asked.

“On our way here, I saw a Colville sign, about half an hour away.” Frankie said.

“Half an hour away, how can we get there in time?” Aiman ​​asked.

Franniel looked at Emman with a foolish look, and he spread out his back wings.


The two blond Angels, Amman and Franniel, didn’t know that they were not only observing the Ghost Rider battle, similarly, on a building in the distance, two figures were also observing them.

Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange, and Levy.

“As recorded in ancient magic books, with wings on his back, a tall and handsome figure, and the whole body shrouded in radiance, he is the real Angel.” Doctor Strange said. “It’s just, what is the purpose of Angel coming to the world?”

“If you guess here, you might as well just ask.” Li Wei said.

“Oh…it seems to be.” The voice fell, and two blond angels flew towards them.

Doctor Strange and Li Weifei went up and appeared in front of the two blonde Angels.

“Angel of heaven, what is your purpose in coming to this dimension?” Doctor Strange asked.

“Mortal necromancer?” Emmanel looked at Doctor Strange.

“Mortals, what is your purpose?” Franniel asked.

“I am the Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension, monitoring the possible crises of this dimension, and protecting this dimension.”

Doctor Strange said.

He has inherited the title of Ancient One Sorcerer Supreme some time ago and has become the new defender of Visanti. The magic of this dimension is the highest and the Asgardian of this dimension.

“Mortals, you cannot understand our mission.”

“In short, we are helping you humans.” Frannier said.

“Go ahead. If you help us, I will investigate.” After Doctor Strange said, the two blond angels flapped their wings and flew towards the distance.

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